Guess our national leaders didn't expect this, hmm? On Thursday, Darrell Scott,
the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in
Littleton , Colorado , was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's
What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress
was painfully truthful.
They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It
needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every
sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous
words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal.
There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness.
The following is a portion of the transcript:
"Since the dawn of creation there has been both good %26amp; evil in the hearts of men
and women. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The
death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic
teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood
cries out for answers.
"The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in
the field. The villain was not the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the
National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the
murder could only be found in Cain's heart.
"In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly
fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the
NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or
defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my
daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I
believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest
I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a
spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies!
Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the
pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago
that expresses my feelings best. This was written way before I knew I would be
speaking here today:
Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
Your words are empty air.
You've stripped away our heritage,
You've outlawed simple prayer.
Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
And precious children die.
You seek for answers everywhere,
And ask the question "Why?"
You regulate restrictive laws,
Through legislative creed.
And yet you fail to understand,
That God is what we need!
"Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit
When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up, we create a void that
allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual
presences were present within our educational
systems for most of our nation's history. Many of our major colleges began as
theological seminaries. This is a historical fact. What has happened to us as a
nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to
hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy
occurs -- politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They
immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our
personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and
Dylan would not h ave been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can
stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain
lies within our own hearts.
"As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two
friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I
defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young
person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at
Columbine High S chool prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the
many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new
millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given
right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at
the NRA -- I give to you a sincere challenge. Dare to examine your
own heart before casting the first stone!
My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will
not allow that to happen!"
Do what the media did not - - let the nation hear this man's speech..
Please send this out to everyone you can.
God Bless!
What do you think of Darrell Scotts speach to House Judiciary Committee's ? daughter was a Columbine victim.
I truly think it was God inspired....and the committee pretty much ignored everything that man had to say....
Reply:That was powerful. Thank you for sharing.
Reply:Guns don't kill people, people WITH guns kill people. That's the fact, Jack.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Why isn't my Columbine blooming?
I have two big, beautiful, bushy plants. The foliage is wonderful, but they have not bloomed and don't show any signs of it. I bought them as small plants from a local vendor, and they are 10x the size they were originally but have no blooms.
Why isn't my Columbine blooming?
old lady is right, Columbines love shade. And they don't like a whole lot of water. They are the state flower of my home Colorado. They like cooler temperature, semi-moist soil and lots of shade.
They transplant well. You can certainly take some of the plant with you when you move and transplant it in you new abode.
Reply:Some kids brought guns to your house and shot up the columbine?
Reply:Where do you have them in your garden? Columbines are shade lovers. If they are getting direct/bright sun, they won't bloom for you.
Reply:mine took a couple years to bloom. Now I have them popping up all around the yard.
rain roots
Why isn't my Columbine blooming?
old lady is right, Columbines love shade. And they don't like a whole lot of water. They are the state flower of my home Colorado. They like cooler temperature, semi-moist soil and lots of shade.
They transplant well. You can certainly take some of the plant with you when you move and transplant it in you new abode.
Reply:Some kids brought guns to your house and shot up the columbine?
Reply:Where do you have them in your garden? Columbines are shade lovers. If they are getting direct/bright sun, they won't bloom for you.
Reply:mine took a couple years to bloom. Now I have them popping up all around the yard.
rain roots
Columbine highschool- a perfect case for gun ownership?
True or false?
If every student were properly trained to use/respect weapons and were armed at school, incidents like the Columbine massacre would be over in two seconds.
Columbine highschool- a perfect case for gun ownership?
Absolutely true. In areas where concealed carry has been permitted, crime invariably goes DOWN.
About ten years ago a middle school principal disarmed two boys who had killed a teacher and a couple of classmates. The principal had retrieved his legally owned pistol from his car and promptly ended the bloodshed without further violence.
I teach, and I am a military trained firearms expert. California law does not permit me the option to defend myself and my students should we ever be attacked.
Reply:Yes I agree, let's sell guns to everybody in school so they will all have an equal chance.
Bill and Dave's Excellent Guns and Sex Toys
1234 Never Never Land
Wipenout, Texas
Reply:Yup, three maybe four fatalities max. They walk in, shoot a student in class, and are turned into swiss cheese where they stand.
The downside is that everytime someone got pissed off about the stupid things that teenagers get pissed off about, there would be another shooting.
Reply:let natural selection run it's course i guess.
Reply:I don't know but it is a prefect case where parents need to be parents and not the kids buddy.
To build bombs in thier bedrooms and do nothing.
I do like the saying "an arm society is a polite society"
Reply:there would be a columbine every two seconds...would you trust kids with earn respect you have to get it....
Reply:No, I disagree.
Students in the public school system are not all alike--they all handle aggression differently.
What Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did at Columbine was an incident that should not for any reason be given the chance to occur kids mandatory lessons on gun control and GIVING them guns is not only absurd, but downright dangerous.
You know what it's like to take sex ed. You know what sex is already, you don't care about the exact mechanics of it--and most kids will have no benefit from the class that they don't already know the basics of even if their prior knowledge is just locker room talk. The only product is a generation that is desensitized to the subject.
Kids who are forced to take a gun class will not only feel cornered and pushed, but they might feel the need to resist against something they don't want to do. Granted, there are some kids who are responsible enough to handle owning a gun, but taking 4000 kids and putting a gun into each of their grasping, angst-ridden hands, then pushing them into a building of hormones, puberty, stress, and rejection...that's simply stupid.
Kids are that: kids. They vary just like adults do, and just because you're teaching someone about the dangers of something doesn't mean they'll listen.
Don't you remember D.A.R.E.? And look the statistics for the number of average high school students that do drugs anyway.
It won't help enough to have a major impact--and under no circumstances should every teenager in school be given a firearm. It's not responsible.
An optional class, yes. Teachers, faculty, etc armed, yes but again optional (some people against owning a gun might not want to carry one).
But most definitely NOT the students.
Reply:False. While I support gun ownership, the last thing I want to see is a bunch of teenagers running around with firearms. They can barely handle a vehicle, let alone a gun. I think that armed security at a school is necessary. Our schools have a city police officer stationed at the school whenever classes are in session.
Reply:You have got to be joking.
Reply:The teachers, not the students.
Reply:you are kidding right? so instead of kids beating each other up on the playground they bust a cap in their a**. GREAT PLAN
Reply:That is one example. There are others.
Reply:well not students because there will probably be a higher risk of accidental death then columbine and also consider if someone is mad they will go home plan and this and that steal or buy a gun and will proabably think its a bad idea, BUT if they were provided a gun already i think they would shoot right there. i believe security and faculty should be armed and teach the class what to do if something happens like that
Reply:Teachers, administrators etc. yes. Not the students. The columbine massacre could have been avoided any number of ways. If parents had better relationships with their kids, it the parents had properly secured their firearms and ammunition, if the faculty was better at noticing the problem behavior, if someone had interceded etc.
We shouldn't focus so much on the means they used but on why they felt it necessary to do.
In the 1980's a disgruntled ex-boyfriend used a half gallon of gasoline to set fire to a social club in New York. 86 people died in that fire without any guns being involved at all. I doubt he could have killed that many people if he had ten guns. You don't see us outlawing gasoline do you?
If every student were properly trained to use/respect weapons and were armed at school, incidents like the Columbine massacre would be over in two seconds.
Columbine highschool- a perfect case for gun ownership?
Absolutely true. In areas where concealed carry has been permitted, crime invariably goes DOWN.
About ten years ago a middle school principal disarmed two boys who had killed a teacher and a couple of classmates. The principal had retrieved his legally owned pistol from his car and promptly ended the bloodshed without further violence.
I teach, and I am a military trained firearms expert. California law does not permit me the option to defend myself and my students should we ever be attacked.
Reply:Yes I agree, let's sell guns to everybody in school so they will all have an equal chance.
Bill and Dave's Excellent Guns and Sex Toys
1234 Never Never Land
Wipenout, Texas
Reply:Yup, three maybe four fatalities max. They walk in, shoot a student in class, and are turned into swiss cheese where they stand.
The downside is that everytime someone got pissed off about the stupid things that teenagers get pissed off about, there would be another shooting.
Reply:let natural selection run it's course i guess.
Reply:I don't know but it is a prefect case where parents need to be parents and not the kids buddy.
To build bombs in thier bedrooms and do nothing.
I do like the saying "an arm society is a polite society"
Reply:there would be a columbine every two seconds...would you trust kids with earn respect you have to get it....
Reply:No, I disagree.
Students in the public school system are not all alike--they all handle aggression differently.
What Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did at Columbine was an incident that should not for any reason be given the chance to occur kids mandatory lessons on gun control and GIVING them guns is not only absurd, but downright dangerous.
You know what it's like to take sex ed. You know what sex is already, you don't care about the exact mechanics of it--and most kids will have no benefit from the class that they don't already know the basics of even if their prior knowledge is just locker room talk. The only product is a generation that is desensitized to the subject.
Kids who are forced to take a gun class will not only feel cornered and pushed, but they might feel the need to resist against something they don't want to do. Granted, there are some kids who are responsible enough to handle owning a gun, but taking 4000 kids and putting a gun into each of their grasping, angst-ridden hands, then pushing them into a building of hormones, puberty, stress, and rejection...that's simply stupid.
Kids are that: kids. They vary just like adults do, and just because you're teaching someone about the dangers of something doesn't mean they'll listen.
Don't you remember D.A.R.E.? And look the statistics for the number of average high school students that do drugs anyway.
It won't help enough to have a major impact--and under no circumstances should every teenager in school be given a firearm. It's not responsible.
An optional class, yes. Teachers, faculty, etc armed, yes but again optional (some people against owning a gun might not want to carry one).
But most definitely NOT the students.
Reply:False. While I support gun ownership, the last thing I want to see is a bunch of teenagers running around with firearms. They can barely handle a vehicle, let alone a gun. I think that armed security at a school is necessary. Our schools have a city police officer stationed at the school whenever classes are in session.
Reply:You have got to be joking.
Reply:The teachers, not the students.
Reply:you are kidding right? so instead of kids beating each other up on the playground they bust a cap in their a**. GREAT PLAN
Reply:That is one example. There are others.
Reply:well not students because there will probably be a higher risk of accidental death then columbine and also consider if someone is mad they will go home plan and this and that steal or buy a gun and will proabably think its a bad idea, BUT if they were provided a gun already i think they would shoot right there. i believe security and faculty should be armed and teach the class what to do if something happens like that
Reply:Teachers, administrators etc. yes. Not the students. The columbine massacre could have been avoided any number of ways. If parents had better relationships with their kids, it the parents had properly secured their firearms and ammunition, if the faculty was better at noticing the problem behavior, if someone had interceded etc.
We shouldn't focus so much on the means they used but on why they felt it necessary to do.
In the 1980's a disgruntled ex-boyfriend used a half gallon of gasoline to set fire to a social club in New York. 86 people died in that fire without any guns being involved at all. I doubt he could have killed that many people if he had ten guns. You don't see us outlawing gasoline do you?
Is there anyone that went to Columbine or Virginia Tech?
Or do you know anybody that did or does. If you have i wanna talk to you. Maybe leave your e-mail. I would fidn it very interesting.
Is there anyone that went to Columbine or Virginia Tech?
my best friend went to tech. she graduated last year. the RA that was killed was her RA when she went. the guy that killed everyone went to my highschool for a year before transfering to the newer school that was built, but i graduated with his older sister who i've known since '95 (7th grade).
Is there anyone that went to Columbine or Virginia Tech?
my best friend went to tech. she graduated last year. the RA that was killed was her RA when she went. the guy that killed everyone went to my highschool for a year before transfering to the newer school that was built, but i graduated with his older sister who i've known since '95 (7th grade).
My obsession with the columbine massacre?
for some strange reason i have an obsession with the columbine shooters.i dont no why.i have always been deppressed and facinated with dark stuff but why am i so obessed with the columbine tragedy.and no i would never hurt any one.i hate myself and feell powerless all the time for being ugly.but were do you think the facination comes from.and if you havent heard of the columbine was when two teenagers shot up there school on hitlers birthday which took place on april 20th.
My obsession with the columbine massacre?
The weird thing about life is that we are our greatest critic... you most likely view yourself more harshly than others.
I agree with Ade, try to focus on the positive and not the might affect you more stronly that you believe.
Reply:Something about the event just stands out. Maybe its the whole story behind it. But eh, someone else will take their place in popularity with a much better backstory Report It
Reply:Why not focus on getting a makeover and not being ugly anymore? Nothing like new clothes and hair to make you feel better.
Reply:If you read your question, you will see you answered it yourself: "i hate myself and feel powerless all the time for being ugly" says a lot about you. that is a very dark way to think, and thoughts like that are insidiously destructive. you are fascinated because you see a little of you IN them. They too felt dark and powerless -- the difference being they over-sensitized it to the point of killing.
Now if you are a teenager -- as most people at YA are -- i can tell you life DOES get easier as you get older. For one thing, the kids that tease you for your looks, are the bullies that end up either in jail, or dead from doing something illegal. Also, having dark thoughts is normal -- 75% of ALL teens, ages 13-17 get depressed. That's a LOT of people. Also, when kids pick on you to the point where you don't want to go to class, just stop reacting.... end of story. As long as you react by crying or something, you are their favorite play toy. Stop reacting, they will eventually get bored, and stop. If they tease you for your geeky friends, DON'T ditch them. Because even if you do, you won't be cool... the bullies will still see you as their favorite toy. Not to mention you betray good friends.
Anyway -- like i said -- bullies always end up in jail, or dead. Why? Because they are used to totally getting their own way... and sooner or later real life comes along and kicks their butt royal. At school, they can throw stuff and beat kids up -- in REAL life, the cops call that assult and battery... it lands you in jail everytime, and goes on the kids record. So just be patient, ignore the damn bullies, and things will get better. I went through the same thing as you, when i was in school.
Reply:You'd be surprised how many people do. They're are web sites dedicated to Eric and Dylan.
Reply:Wow that first answer is so superficial.. go to a therapist. you need someone to talk to and work your problems out with. looks are not everything, and the older you get, the more you realize that. Try yoga and exercise, i know it sounds dumb but physical activity will get your mind off of dark thoughts and release endorphins, with makes you feel happy. Also start a journal and write what you're feeling, it will take away some of the stress. Even if you look like a model, you will still feel ugly on the inside if you try to hide what you are feeling.
My obsession with the columbine massacre?
The weird thing about life is that we are our greatest critic... you most likely view yourself more harshly than others.
I agree with Ade, try to focus on the positive and not the might affect you more stronly that you believe.
Reply:Something about the event just stands out. Maybe its the whole story behind it. But eh, someone else will take their place in popularity with a much better backstory Report It
Reply:Why not focus on getting a makeover and not being ugly anymore? Nothing like new clothes and hair to make you feel better.
Reply:If you read your question, you will see you answered it yourself: "i hate myself and feel powerless all the time for being ugly" says a lot about you. that is a very dark way to think, and thoughts like that are insidiously destructive. you are fascinated because you see a little of you IN them. They too felt dark and powerless -- the difference being they over-sensitized it to the point of killing.
Now if you are a teenager -- as most people at YA are -- i can tell you life DOES get easier as you get older. For one thing, the kids that tease you for your looks, are the bullies that end up either in jail, or dead from doing something illegal. Also, having dark thoughts is normal -- 75% of ALL teens, ages 13-17 get depressed. That's a LOT of people. Also, when kids pick on you to the point where you don't want to go to class, just stop reacting.... end of story. As long as you react by crying or something, you are their favorite play toy. Stop reacting, they will eventually get bored, and stop. If they tease you for your geeky friends, DON'T ditch them. Because even if you do, you won't be cool... the bullies will still see you as their favorite toy. Not to mention you betray good friends.
Anyway -- like i said -- bullies always end up in jail, or dead. Why? Because they are used to totally getting their own way... and sooner or later real life comes along and kicks their butt royal. At school, they can throw stuff and beat kids up -- in REAL life, the cops call that assult and battery... it lands you in jail everytime, and goes on the kids record. So just be patient, ignore the damn bullies, and things will get better. I went through the same thing as you, when i was in school.
Reply:You'd be surprised how many people do. They're are web sites dedicated to Eric and Dylan.
Reply:Wow that first answer is so superficial.. go to a therapist. you need someone to talk to and work your problems out with. looks are not everything, and the older you get, the more you realize that. Try yoga and exercise, i know it sounds dumb but physical activity will get your mind off of dark thoughts and release endorphins, with makes you feel happy. Also start a journal and write what you're feeling, it will take away some of the stress. Even if you look like a model, you will still feel ugly on the inside if you try to hide what you are feeling.
Does anyone know the webpage of Eric Harris from the Columbine shootings?
I'm asking because I want to see where he posted KMFDM lyrics
Does anyone know the webpage of Eric Harris from the Columbine shootings?
Here you go:
Reply:sorry no idea - what if you tried googling it ?? or yahooing
Does anyone know the webpage of Eric Harris from the Columbine shootings?
Here you go:
Reply:sorry no idea - what if you tried googling it ?? or yahooing
What could have prevented the Columbine High School shootings in 1999?
I am a college student majoring in education and wonder what I could do to help students to overcome anger or any classroom managment problems.
What could have prevented the Columbine High School shootings in 1999?
The key to preventing the Columbine shootings would have been if the parents of Klebold and Harris had paid attention to the boys. There were numerous clues as to what they were planning, and the parents ignored and/or minimized those clues. People were telling them that the boys were making threats, and the parents didn't seem to care.
The journal from the father of one of the murderers was released this week. In that journal, the father tells of the people that came to him with concerns over his son. He refused to believe that the people were telling the truth, and refused to look further into the issue.
The boys were at their homes making bombs, and the parents didn't notice? Unbelievable. The parents just didn't want to admit that the boys had mental problems and needed help.
Reply:in New York we have and use metal detectors. Report It
Reply:I don't think anything could have as far as I know, they sound really psycho, if they parents knew cuz I guess they didn't. It was anger maybe, but they were really really psycho and into that kinda thing. Maybe stay away from that, violence?
Reply:Good parenting
Reply:The bad kids could have got hit by a car on the way to school. I think that's the only thing that would have stopped that from happening.
What could have prevented the Columbine High School shootings in 1999?
The key to preventing the Columbine shootings would have been if the parents of Klebold and Harris had paid attention to the boys. There were numerous clues as to what they were planning, and the parents ignored and/or minimized those clues. People were telling them that the boys were making threats, and the parents didn't seem to care.
The journal from the father of one of the murderers was released this week. In that journal, the father tells of the people that came to him with concerns over his son. He refused to believe that the people were telling the truth, and refused to look further into the issue.
The boys were at their homes making bombs, and the parents didn't notice? Unbelievable. The parents just didn't want to admit that the boys had mental problems and needed help.
Reply:in New York we have and use metal detectors. Report It
Reply:I don't think anything could have as far as I know, they sound really psycho, if they parents knew cuz I guess they didn't. It was anger maybe, but they were really really psycho and into that kinda thing. Maybe stay away from that, violence?
Reply:Good parenting
Reply:The bad kids could have got hit by a car on the way to school. I think that's the only thing that would have stopped that from happening.
What is the rap song about Columbine that says "would you die for the Christ for the price of the cause"?
One song is 'Cassie' by Flyleaf.
How many RN ships or shore establishments have been known as HMS Columbine between 1919 and 1928?
Only 1 as far as I can tell - it was a destroyer base at Port Edgar, Firth of Forth, Scotland. (Also fyi, RN shore establisments are also called ships - going off camp is shore-leave etc - in case you were'nt aware). HTH x
massage shoes
massage shoes
Who was the girl who said She believed in god at Columbine school shooting?
Cassie Bernall
I did a project on her freshmen year. Her mom, Misty, published a book "She Said Yes" with her whole life story (it's an extremely fascinating book, which I recommend (though sad, of course)) and with eye-witness accounts of the day.
Who was the girl who said She believed in god at Columbine school shooting?
Her name was Cassie Bernall.
Reply:im not quite sure, but if you want to learn more i hear that there is a really good book abouit it called she said yes
Reply:Cassie Bernall.
I did a project on her freshmen year. Her mom, Misty, published a book "She Said Yes" with her whole life story (it's an extremely fascinating book, which I recommend (though sad, of course)) and with eye-witness accounts of the day.
Who was the girl who said She believed in god at Columbine school shooting?
Her name was Cassie Bernall.
Reply:im not quite sure, but if you want to learn more i hear that there is a really good book abouit it called she said yes
Reply:Cassie Bernall.
Did the NRA really have a rally in Denver right after the Columbine Massacre?
Do they really oppose legislation to keep suspected terrorists from buying weapons?
Did the NRA really have a rally in Denver right after the Columbine Massacre?
Apparently, in the name of fair play and freedom the NRA would like to better arm the terrorists we are fighting
Sit down...pick up a weighted object, baseball bat, tire iron....hit yourself in the head 40 to 50 times...swing as hard as you possibly can
Now you are ready to think like a Republican
....see now how the NRA seems like a perfectly normal organization for freedom loving, warm fuzzy patriotic Americans....
now that your brain has suffered severe damage
See, that's the secret to being a good Republican
...nice of the fellow posting below to provide such a wonderful example...Thank you but you really didn't have to
Reply:they did have their convention in Denver and 8000 people protested......
Reply:Yes, they oppose legislation to keep suspected terrorists from buying weapons. John Ashcroft said that doing so violates their right to privacy.
Reply:The rally was already scheduled.
No, they don't oppose legislation to keep suspected "terrorists" from buying weapons. They are just all Americans should be...that if these laws are passed it will restrict law abiding Americans, which have the RIGHT to own guns, from getting them
If you don't like the fact that we have the right to own guns in this country, as granted by our Bill of Rights and CANNOT be really should move to a country that does not allow private citizens to own firearms.
See, if you disagree with the bill of aren't being an American who's speaking his are literally an enemy to all the free people in this country. You cannot negotiate, change or alter those rights.
That was the sole purpose of the Bill of keep our government..and the wimps that beg the government to protect them...from taking away our freedom. If the fact that the right to bears arms was the SECOND most important right our founding fathers wanted the people of this country to have doesn't tell you something....i really cannot help you.
Now I'm not some dimwit idiot who tells everyone that thinks something is wrong with this country to leave. But if you really don't like our bill of honestly should leave...and a find a country that suits you. Because you cannot take that right from us...and wouldn't want to try.
Reply:The NRA had their annual national convention in Denver, yes. Not a "rally".
No, they do NOT oppose legislation to keep suspected terrorists from buying weapons, as long as it doesn't also infringe upon the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.
Reply:The constitution made it clear that the founding fathers thought that anyone should be free to keep and bear arms-- not just those whom you or some selfrighteous fraud deem worthy or safe enough to handle a weapon.. It is still America and all her citizens have rights.
Reply:Get informed.
A middle school principal ended a killing spree by a pair of kids in Missouri a few years ago. He retrieved his legal and registered pistol from his car and disarmed the two punks who killed a teacher and a couple of classmates.
If trained and armed adults had been at Columbine or Virginia Tech, the whack-jobs who preyed on unarmed people could have been stopped like the two in Missouri.
The NRA has the best firearm safety program outside the military, and they have trained millions. They are advocates for LEGAL and RESPONSIBLE gun ownership.
Wait for the cops, and you'll likely be waiting for the coroner. The government and its minions aren't mommy or daddy, and they can't kiss it and make it better. This country was built by self-reliant people.
Reply:Did they really had security guards?
Reply:Yes they did, and they would sell weapons to Bin Ladin even if he was draped in the Saudi flag, singing death to America, strapped with suiside bombs.
Reply:They went ahead with a previously scheduled conference, yes. It wasn't a rally.
As for the security guards, I would like to see the evidence that supports your claim. I hadn't heard that before.
Reply:YES - but that's their right.......
Reply:Probably... they do love their guns. I think every time some crazy goes on a rampage and kills a bunch of people.. some NRA people should be picked up and thrown in jail too.. after all it is because of them that there are guns on the street.
Did the NRA really have a rally in Denver right after the Columbine Massacre?
Apparently, in the name of fair play and freedom the NRA would like to better arm the terrorists we are fighting
Sit down...pick up a weighted object, baseball bat, tire iron....hit yourself in the head 40 to 50 times...swing as hard as you possibly can
Now you are ready to think like a Republican
....see now how the NRA seems like a perfectly normal organization for freedom loving, warm fuzzy patriotic Americans....
now that your brain has suffered severe damage
See, that's the secret to being a good Republican
...nice of the fellow posting below to provide such a wonderful example...Thank you but you really didn't have to
Reply:they did have their convention in Denver and 8000 people protested......
Reply:Yes, they oppose legislation to keep suspected terrorists from buying weapons. John Ashcroft said that doing so violates their right to privacy.
Reply:The rally was already scheduled.
No, they don't oppose legislation to keep suspected "terrorists" from buying weapons. They are just all Americans should be...that if these laws are passed it will restrict law abiding Americans, which have the RIGHT to own guns, from getting them
If you don't like the fact that we have the right to own guns in this country, as granted by our Bill of Rights and CANNOT be really should move to a country that does not allow private citizens to own firearms.
See, if you disagree with the bill of aren't being an American who's speaking his are literally an enemy to all the free people in this country. You cannot negotiate, change or alter those rights.
That was the sole purpose of the Bill of keep our government..and the wimps that beg the government to protect them...from taking away our freedom. If the fact that the right to bears arms was the SECOND most important right our founding fathers wanted the people of this country to have doesn't tell you something....i really cannot help you.
Now I'm not some dimwit idiot who tells everyone that thinks something is wrong with this country to leave. But if you really don't like our bill of honestly should leave...and a find a country that suits you. Because you cannot take that right from us...and wouldn't want to try.
Reply:The NRA had their annual national convention in Denver, yes. Not a "rally".
No, they do NOT oppose legislation to keep suspected terrorists from buying weapons, as long as it doesn't also infringe upon the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.
Reply:The constitution made it clear that the founding fathers thought that anyone should be free to keep and bear arms-- not just those whom you or some selfrighteous fraud deem worthy or safe enough to handle a weapon.. It is still America and all her citizens have rights.
Reply:Get informed.
A middle school principal ended a killing spree by a pair of kids in Missouri a few years ago. He retrieved his legal and registered pistol from his car and disarmed the two punks who killed a teacher and a couple of classmates.
If trained and armed adults had been at Columbine or Virginia Tech, the whack-jobs who preyed on unarmed people could have been stopped like the two in Missouri.
The NRA has the best firearm safety program outside the military, and they have trained millions. They are advocates for LEGAL and RESPONSIBLE gun ownership.
Wait for the cops, and you'll likely be waiting for the coroner. The government and its minions aren't mommy or daddy, and they can't kiss it and make it better. This country was built by self-reliant people.
Reply:Did they really had security guards?
Reply:Yes they did, and they would sell weapons to Bin Ladin even if he was draped in the Saudi flag, singing death to America, strapped with suiside bombs.
Reply:They went ahead with a previously scheduled conference, yes. It wasn't a rally.
As for the security guards, I would like to see the evidence that supports your claim. I hadn't heard that before.
Reply:YES - but that's their right.......
Reply:Probably... they do love their guns. I think every time some crazy goes on a rampage and kills a bunch of people.. some NRA people should be picked up and thrown in jail too.. after all it is because of them that there are guns on the street.
Movie question for Bowling for columbine?
1)why does the NRA defend the 2nd Amendment so stridently?
2)How responsible is the NRA for gun violence in this country, or is the violence simply random?
3)Does American culture promote a society of fear and violence? Explain.
4)What parts of the film left an impression on you? Do you agree or disagree with Michael Moore in Bowling for Columbine?
Movie question for Bowling for columbine?
1. The NRA defends gun rights for the same reason that oil companies defend the invasion of Iraq. Because there is money in it.
2. The NRA is not responsible for the violence in our country. Many things contribute. The 'war on drugs' is a fine example of how a policy that creates violence is instituted on the basis of 'moral high ground' and ends up creating more problems than it solves.
3. Yes. I don't really need to explain. Look all around you. The aftermath of 9-11 is a perfect example. Our country quaked in fear and went to war with a country that had NOTHING to do with the terrorist attack. We were, and still are, a country where fear and violence go hand in hand.
4. I agree with many of his points. His trip to Canada was a great example of how America is a paranoid country. He walks right into a house. It's wonderful. Can you imagine doing that in America?
Reply:Is this for a class?
If it is, I'd like to know what school you go to and what teacher you have.
Reply:1) Because its a right that are founding fathers gave use.
2) They are very responsible and are not these psycho gun activists like Michael Moore tries to view them as.
3) Some do some don't. America is mixed with different people with different views.
4) I disagreed with alot of the views in the movie.
Reply:1) A lot of people (including me) believe citizens has the right to bear arms. NRA has the right to defend their belief (and their business)
2) NRA has nothing to do with gun violence. These are bad people who made a decision to pick up a gun and use it for violence. General Motors would not be responsible if a person decides to get a Corvette and drive it 100mph over a crowded street.
3)Yes. American culture promote fear and violence and at the same time we look for an excuse why we have such a high crime in our country.
Reply:"After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military." - William S. Burroughs
Reply:Too many ?'s, but I'll say this:
America IS a culture of promoting fear. Fear and spending, you have to have this, this, this, and why is that man looking at me like that? Fright fright fright...
Secondly, parents aren't adults anymore. They lost their sense of responsibility for their children when the gov't stepped in and told them how they ought to be disciplined. Violence begins at home,; it begins with what you're taught. It's not any more random than knowing those who swim often, may get caught in a current.
2)How responsible is the NRA for gun violence in this country, or is the violence simply random?
3)Does American culture promote a society of fear and violence? Explain.
4)What parts of the film left an impression on you? Do you agree or disagree with Michael Moore in Bowling for Columbine?
Movie question for Bowling for columbine?
1. The NRA defends gun rights for the same reason that oil companies defend the invasion of Iraq. Because there is money in it.
2. The NRA is not responsible for the violence in our country. Many things contribute. The 'war on drugs' is a fine example of how a policy that creates violence is instituted on the basis of 'moral high ground' and ends up creating more problems than it solves.
3. Yes. I don't really need to explain. Look all around you. The aftermath of 9-11 is a perfect example. Our country quaked in fear and went to war with a country that had NOTHING to do with the terrorist attack. We were, and still are, a country where fear and violence go hand in hand.
4. I agree with many of his points. His trip to Canada was a great example of how America is a paranoid country. He walks right into a house. It's wonderful. Can you imagine doing that in America?
Reply:Is this for a class?
If it is, I'd like to know what school you go to and what teacher you have.
Reply:1) Because its a right that are founding fathers gave use.
2) They are very responsible and are not these psycho gun activists like Michael Moore tries to view them as.
3) Some do some don't. America is mixed with different people with different views.
4) I disagreed with alot of the views in the movie.
Reply:1) A lot of people (including me) believe citizens has the right to bear arms. NRA has the right to defend their belief (and their business)
2) NRA has nothing to do with gun violence. These are bad people who made a decision to pick up a gun and use it for violence. General Motors would not be responsible if a person decides to get a Corvette and drive it 100mph over a crowded street.
3)Yes. American culture promote fear and violence and at the same time we look for an excuse why we have such a high crime in our country.
Reply:"After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military." - William S. Burroughs
Reply:Too many ?'s, but I'll say this:
America IS a culture of promoting fear. Fear and spending, you have to have this, this, this, and why is that man looking at me like that? Fright fright fright...
Secondly, parents aren't adults anymore. They lost their sense of responsibility for their children when the gov't stepped in and told them how they ought to be disciplined. Violence begins at home,; it begins with what you're taught. It's not any more random than knowing those who swim often, may get caught in a current.
Give me your opinions on school shootings? How can we prevent another columbine?
These are some extremely graphic scenes from the columbine school shooting.
Please share your opinions with me.
Give me your opinions on school shootings? How can we prevent another columbine?
You Cant Prevent It....Just Like Terrrorism....If They Really Want To Do It They Are Going To....And Take Away All The Guns And They'll Just Use Something Else So.....Just They Way The World Works....These People Wouldn't Do It If They Didn't Put This Crap On The News For Weeks And Weeks....You Ever Notice That There Are Usually Rashes(Two Or Three)Of The Shooting. Cuz People See It On Tv And Say Hey LOOK aT aLL tHE aTTENTION tHERE pAYING tO tHIS nUT.lOOKS lIKE a gOOD iDEA.....
Reply:i think that they did what needed to be done,i dont support it but i can relate to why they did it,we will never prevent another shooting when theres jocks,wanna-be christians,and bulliies in the question. Report It
Reply:That video isn't Columbine. Read the comments. If you want to know what happened at Columbine, read this:
It was one sick individual controlling another. We can't keep people from going over the edge, we can't predict who will go over and when, and we can't live in constant fear of something that threatens us far, far less than irresponsible driving.
Reply:I don't know I grieve everyday about this. I live in Moses Lake Washington where it all started. The town still mourns. My niece was killed in the shooting at Pearl, Ms.
Reply:ban the use of weapons
Reply:that was an intense video... holy crap... but anyways... theres nothing you can do to stop school shootings... its a way of life... its not that the people are crazy or feel alone... coloumbine happened on 4-20 it could all be just that they were not thinking clearly... no one knows... but future ones are unpridictable... becuase the person they tell are usually involved in it... and if they arn't they get threatned and when that happens the person in the spotlight is too afraid to do anything about it!
Reply:Are you kidding me?!?
The guns are not the only issue here...
Most of these kids that go shooting at their school have been bullied, picked on, and made to feel "inferior" to the "beautiful" people for most of their lives!!
We need to ENFORCE a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for bullying in ALL grades, in ALL schools.
Reply:Negligent parenting is the biggest problem. Children and teens need to have their exposure to television,video games and the internet to be monitored by their parents. They also need to get to know the people that they associate with to determine whether or not they're a bad influence.
Reply:Ok, I don't want to see the video.
To prevent school shootings we need to control the GUNS. What would have been a fist fight where and when I grew up is often a shooting these days. Even in Cambridge. Less guns, less shootings. Makes sense to me anyway. Just by chance we will get a school shooting or two every year someplace think.
Reply:Although guns are obvious problem, I vote for better health care system such that there should be more research on how to detect crazy people and either help them or put them away.
Reply:Really all we can do is pray that God will keep us safe. By your screen name I assume you will agree with me. People can be nice to other people and be alert to things around them. Guns have nothing to do with it, although I do agree that parents should lock up guns when not in used and keep them unloaded. Please, I know that it does not be swept under the rug, but please do not spread that video. Do the families of those killed need to see that?
height increasing shoes
Please share your opinions with me.
Give me your opinions on school shootings? How can we prevent another columbine?
You Cant Prevent It....Just Like Terrrorism....If They Really Want To Do It They Are Going To....And Take Away All The Guns And They'll Just Use Something Else So.....Just They Way The World Works....These People Wouldn't Do It If They Didn't Put This Crap On The News For Weeks And Weeks....You Ever Notice That There Are Usually Rashes(Two Or Three)Of The Shooting. Cuz People See It On Tv And Say Hey LOOK aT aLL tHE aTTENTION tHERE pAYING tO tHIS nUT.lOOKS lIKE a gOOD iDEA.....
Reply:i think that they did what needed to be done,i dont support it but i can relate to why they did it,we will never prevent another shooting when theres jocks,wanna-be christians,and bulliies in the question. Report It
Reply:That video isn't Columbine. Read the comments. If you want to know what happened at Columbine, read this:
It was one sick individual controlling another. We can't keep people from going over the edge, we can't predict who will go over and when, and we can't live in constant fear of something that threatens us far, far less than irresponsible driving.
Reply:I don't know I grieve everyday about this. I live in Moses Lake Washington where it all started. The town still mourns. My niece was killed in the shooting at Pearl, Ms.
Reply:ban the use of weapons
Reply:that was an intense video... holy crap... but anyways... theres nothing you can do to stop school shootings... its a way of life... its not that the people are crazy or feel alone... coloumbine happened on 4-20 it could all be just that they were not thinking clearly... no one knows... but future ones are unpridictable... becuase the person they tell are usually involved in it... and if they arn't they get threatned and when that happens the person in the spotlight is too afraid to do anything about it!
Reply:Are you kidding me?!?
The guns are not the only issue here...
Most of these kids that go shooting at their school have been bullied, picked on, and made to feel "inferior" to the "beautiful" people for most of their lives!!
We need to ENFORCE a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for bullying in ALL grades, in ALL schools.
Reply:Negligent parenting is the biggest problem. Children and teens need to have their exposure to television,video games and the internet to be monitored by their parents. They also need to get to know the people that they associate with to determine whether or not they're a bad influence.
Reply:Ok, I don't want to see the video.
To prevent school shootings we need to control the GUNS. What would have been a fist fight where and when I grew up is often a shooting these days. Even in Cambridge. Less guns, less shootings. Makes sense to me anyway. Just by chance we will get a school shooting or two every year someplace think.
Reply:Although guns are obvious problem, I vote for better health care system such that there should be more research on how to detect crazy people and either help them or put them away.
Reply:Really all we can do is pray that God will keep us safe. By your screen name I assume you will agree with me. People can be nice to other people and be alert to things around them. Guns have nothing to do with it, although I do agree that parents should lock up guns when not in used and keep them unloaded. Please, I know that it does not be swept under the rug, but please do not spread that video. Do the families of those killed need to see that?
height increasing shoes
Does the incident in Montreal prove that Bowling for columbine was full of crap?
Michael Moore tried to prove that Canada was much safer because of their gun policy. Years ago a similar accident happened in Montreal. 14 women died then. This is what Michael Moore didn't show.
Does the incident in Montreal prove that Bowling for columbine was full of crap?
What Michael Moore showed was no more or less what statistics tell. In the US are more people killed by firearms in a week time than in a whole year in Canada.
Simply plain facts.
Reply:Michael Moore is full of phat crap!
If you see that phat phuck you can tell him I said so!
Have fun but be safe!
Reply:Less is Moore!
Reply:Ummmm, you are a sad individual if you buy into any of Michael Moore's rhetoric. It's all fabricated %26amp; lies. Get a life %26amp; the facts!
Reply:What!!! A Michael Moore film that's full of crap? I'm shocked.
Does the incident in Montreal prove that Bowling for columbine was full of crap?
What Michael Moore showed was no more or less what statistics tell. In the US are more people killed by firearms in a week time than in a whole year in Canada.
Simply plain facts.
Reply:Michael Moore is full of phat crap!
If you see that phat phuck you can tell him I said so!
Have fun but be safe!
Reply:Less is Moore!
Reply:Ummmm, you are a sad individual if you buy into any of Michael Moore's rhetoric. It's all fabricated %26amp; lies. Get a life %26amp; the facts!
Reply:What!!! A Michael Moore film that's full of crap? I'm shocked.
Why Is a Mom Buying Assault Rifles for 14 Year Old Who Plan Columbine-Type Massacres?
"The mother of a 14-year-old boy who confessed to planning an armed assault on a Pennsylvania high school was arrested on Friday on suspicion of buying a rifle for her son, police said."
Why Is a Mom Buying Assault Rifles for 14 Year Old Who Plan Columbine-Type Massacres?
it was a conservative mom. God,guns and homeschooling.
adde. mezmarel. the boys father was placed on house arrest a few years back for trying to buy a gun(for his son),something a convicted felon can't do.
Reply:She's doing her duty as a member of the NRA.
Reply:I knew she bought the gun I didn't know she was in the planning, person with the first answer "she an American" dont include most Americans in this wack jobs motive I know I wouldnt buy my 14 year old a gun let alone an assault rife and im pretty sure Im an American.
Reply:Being a mother doesn't automatically make you a good one, that's for sure. I hope they throw the book at her. I'm tired of parents who either pay no attention to what their children are doing, or indulge them like she may have by actually buying him weapons. That's just insanity if that's the case.
Reply:Child abuse comes in many shapes and colors, but isn't this just incredible? What could that women possibly have been thinking of? And any news of the boy's father?
Reply:Isnt that crazy... Scary to think these people are out there..
Reply:if you live in this country it is you duty to own a gun and at least think of using it in a violent way. long live charleton heston that diaper wearing piece of crap
Reply:Becasue she's American - say no more
Reply:It doesn't say she bought the gun after finding out about what her son was planning to do, so I see no relevance for arresting her just because she bought him a rifle.
I live in the country and my former neighbor's son (aged 12 at the time) had several rifles of his own that he used for hunting with his father. He was raised around guns and was taught from an early age the proper way to handle them and the proper time to handle them. He was taught to be responsible with them. He was not permitted to "play" with them because they are not toys. He was allowed to target practice with his father's permission and was reminded of the rules of target practice before shooting.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a 14 year old having a rifle if he is taught how to use it properly and is supervised until the parents know he understands the proper way to handle guns.
The problem here is the school system probably did nothing to stop this boy from being bullied and this child was given no coping skills to deal with his anger over being removed from school. He probably saw it as a punishment for being the victim of a bully. The mother probably had no other option because schools these days prefer to turn a blind eye on problems such as bullying rather than to fix the problems.
While I do not ever wish for students to be killed by other students, I do believe the schools need to be given more freedom to discipline and expel problem students. Schools need to have better venues for students ro report and have resolved issues with other students...especially in cases where bullying is going on.
This case makes me think the mom's arrest has more to do with her socio-economic level than anything else. If she were a member of the elite upper class, she would have never been would have never even been considered as an option.
Reply:I think she's probably an NRA-gun toting-republican.
Why Is a Mom Buying Assault Rifles for 14 Year Old Who Plan Columbine-Type Massacres?
it was a conservative mom. God,guns and homeschooling.
adde. mezmarel. the boys father was placed on house arrest a few years back for trying to buy a gun(for his son),something a convicted felon can't do.
Reply:She's doing her duty as a member of the NRA.
Reply:I knew she bought the gun I didn't know she was in the planning, person with the first answer "she an American" dont include most Americans in this wack jobs motive I know I wouldnt buy my 14 year old a gun let alone an assault rife and im pretty sure Im an American.
Reply:Being a mother doesn't automatically make you a good one, that's for sure. I hope they throw the book at her. I'm tired of parents who either pay no attention to what their children are doing, or indulge them like she may have by actually buying him weapons. That's just insanity if that's the case.
Reply:Child abuse comes in many shapes and colors, but isn't this just incredible? What could that women possibly have been thinking of? And any news of the boy's father?
Reply:Isnt that crazy... Scary to think these people are out there..
Reply:if you live in this country it is you duty to own a gun and at least think of using it in a violent way. long live charleton heston that diaper wearing piece of crap
Reply:Becasue she's American - say no more
Reply:It doesn't say she bought the gun after finding out about what her son was planning to do, so I see no relevance for arresting her just because she bought him a rifle.
I live in the country and my former neighbor's son (aged 12 at the time) had several rifles of his own that he used for hunting with his father. He was raised around guns and was taught from an early age the proper way to handle them and the proper time to handle them. He was taught to be responsible with them. He was not permitted to "play" with them because they are not toys. He was allowed to target practice with his father's permission and was reminded of the rules of target practice before shooting.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a 14 year old having a rifle if he is taught how to use it properly and is supervised until the parents know he understands the proper way to handle guns.
The problem here is the school system probably did nothing to stop this boy from being bullied and this child was given no coping skills to deal with his anger over being removed from school. He probably saw it as a punishment for being the victim of a bully. The mother probably had no other option because schools these days prefer to turn a blind eye on problems such as bullying rather than to fix the problems.
While I do not ever wish for students to be killed by other students, I do believe the schools need to be given more freedom to discipline and expel problem students. Schools need to have better venues for students ro report and have resolved issues with other students...especially in cases where bullying is going on.
This case makes me think the mom's arrest has more to do with her socio-economic level than anything else. If she were a member of the elite upper class, she would have never been would have never even been considered as an option.
Reply:I think she's probably an NRA-gun toting-republican.
What are the lesson from VT & Columbine?
Laws didn't stop them.
Maybe we need to stop being so hard on one another and teach our children to do the same.
Teach our kids not to be bullies.
Lead by example in working out problems rather than running off to divorce court.
Not easy solutions but they are the best solutions.
What else do you think are the best solutions not the easy ones?
What are the lesson from VT %26amp; Columbine?
1. Learn to be fair to people from other nations, cultures, and people who look different from the lot.
2. Learn to respect and not be judgemental.
3. As parents, spend more time with kids and teach to not make fun of others.
4. Doctors and other health care professionals should reach out to people who need their help.
5. Improve surveillance and security in schools.
Reply:I have another answer.....
allow me as a responsible, trained citizen to carry a gun. i would have shot the assailants dead before they created any more carnage.
Reply:Sorry, those are NON solutions. We need to ban the 'antidepressant' drugs that were implicated in both shootings. And we need a Shooter's License system, like a Driver's License system. That would eliminate people with mental problems and criminal records from having easy access to guns, while allowing competent, sane Citizens their 2nd Amendment rights.
Maybe we need to stop being so hard on one another and teach our children to do the same.
Teach our kids not to be bullies.
Lead by example in working out problems rather than running off to divorce court.
Not easy solutions but they are the best solutions.
What else do you think are the best solutions not the easy ones?
What are the lesson from VT %26amp; Columbine?
1. Learn to be fair to people from other nations, cultures, and people who look different from the lot.
2. Learn to respect and not be judgemental.
3. As parents, spend more time with kids and teach to not make fun of others.
4. Doctors and other health care professionals should reach out to people who need their help.
5. Improve surveillance and security in schools.
Reply:I have another answer.....
allow me as a responsible, trained citizen to carry a gun. i would have shot the assailants dead before they created any more carnage.
Reply:Sorry, those are NON solutions. We need to ban the 'antidepressant' drugs that were implicated in both shootings. And we need a Shooter's License system, like a Driver's License system. That would eliminate people with mental problems and criminal records from having easy access to guns, while allowing competent, sane Citizens their 2nd Amendment rights.
What is the difference between mass destruction & the mass destruction that happened at Columbine High School?
A tribute for the Victims of Virginia Tech
One is by elected officials, the other by the Psychos that that immorality breeds
racing shoes
A tribute for the Victims of Virginia Tech
One is by elected officials, the other by the Psychos that that immorality breeds
racing shoes
I will name my baby Velveeta if it's a girl, or Columbine if it's a boy. Middle names?!?
I was thinking:
Velveeta Coin-Savory
Velveeta Rayne
Velveeta Spencer
Columbine JuneBenet
Columbine Anemone
Columbine Tyronne
Which out of those do you prefer? (One out of each list) Any other suggestions are welcome. :)))
I will name my baby Velveeta if it's a girl, or Columbine if it's a boy. Middle names?!?
i like those names a lot. they're really unique. I love unique names. Mine is Kirby. Both of those names sound italian. They're beautiful. I like Velveeta Spencer or Rayne and I like Columbine Tyronne. Good job. And don't listen to all the stupid people above me. I bet they named their kids Mary Anne and John. Boooooring...
Reply:so in other words , your children will be known as cheese and the awful shooting at a school, girl please rethink ur decision! Report It
Reply:I'm with Emmalynn. The names are neither original nor tasteful. Velveeta isn't even real cheese. Columbine - I didn't think of the school, I thought of the flower and paired with JB it's like two crimes gone bad in one name - he will be on the courthouse steps at age 18. I guarantee it. Report It
Reply:i hope you are not serious
Reply:I'm so happy your not going to be my mommy.
Reply:how about a relative's name. u could name the child after his dad if it is a boy. he could be a 2nd. or a junior. your name might be a good middle name if it is a girl.
Reply:Velveta "My mother is an idiot"
Columbine "My mother is crazy"
Reply:I really really dislike both of the names. When I saw Velveeta I immediately thought of the cheese and Columbine I thought of the terrible event at the school, even though I know you didn't mean it that way. Obviously you like unique names, so how about you try some of these:
Trinity Brianne
Athena Danae (Athena was the goddess of wisdom %26amp; Danae was the Princess of Argos in ancient Greece)
Blaine Alexandria
Charleigh Leann
Calista Rose
Haydyn Rose
Tryton Pierce (Triton was the son of Poseidon in in ancient Greece)
Hunter Pierce
Derryck Nathaniel
Garrett Everett
Brett Hunter
Seth Cole
Mitchell Cole
Dustin James
I think all of these names are unique and beautiful. And as for the ones you chose, please consider some others first before you make a definite decision. You have to consider how other people will react to the names you choose and how your children might feel if they had these names.
Good Luck! I hope I could help!
Reply:Sorry to say but Columbine would be a horrible name. Your child will always be associated with the school shooting that took place in Colorado. Sad.
Reply:Actually, a columbine is a kind of flower. Do you want your son named after a flower? I'm afraid the girl would be called cheesy.
Reply:How about
Velveeta Spread
Columbine Hunter
Reply:OMG are you serious................. Cant pick one because they are not pretty names !!!!!!!
your daughter will be known as processed cheese , and the boy as the school that got shot up by students............. THINK TWICE.
Are you trying to get your kid beat up and made fun of until he is old enough to change Its name?????????? I think thise names would be child abuse SERIOUSLY.
You shouldnt be smoking crack at all but especially if your pregnant... put the pipe down and step away.
a unique name doesnt mean it equals a pretty name...........
Yeah it is YOUR choice, but............. you are not the one that will have to live being ashamed of their name, and being picked on for it......... YOUR CHILD IS !!!!!! what a way to destroy your childs self esteme !!!!
Reply:I personally wouldnt name my kids after meltable cheese or a school shooting. think about when they will be in school, kids will be calling your daughter cheese face or singing the velveeta song. and when your son says his name they will always be like " columbine? like the school shooting columbine?" there are plenty of unique names out there that you will not regret in the future such as,
Mikelina ( mik- elle- eena)
Linaya ( Lin- nae-uh)
Lena (lee-na)
Alena ( Uh-lee-na)
Vienna ( which is close to velveeta)
Giancarlo ( john-carlo)
Reply:Please dont name your daughter after a brand of cheese--she will get so much crap in school--be good to her and give her a pretty name.
Reply:Okay..Glad to see that I was not the only one thinking this was odd..Whew...
Reply:Whoever thinks velveeta is unique has mental problems. And savory velveeta??
And from those middle names it seems like you're planning for your son to be gay.
Reply:How about Velveeta Cheese and Columbine Bowling?
I'm sorry, I just had to...
Reply:HA! Knock it off!
Reply:Great, unique names!
I like:
Velveeta Rayne
Columbine Anemone
I think Velveeta Coin-Savory and Columbine JuneBenet are both just a LITTLE to exotic...
...but remember, it's nice of you to ask the public, but in the long run, it's really YOUR choice:)
Good luck, and I wish your little one(s) happy lives!
Reply:Please tell. me you are making this up. Naming your child after a processed cheese food? This can't be right.
As for Columbine, that is also the name of a beautiful flower. HOWEVER, it's really not very attractive as a name.
Please go to and find something suitable.
Reply:You are insane and how dare you my sisters little boy was in the columbine shooting! You are sick!
Velveeta Coin-Savory
Velveeta Rayne
Velveeta Spencer
Columbine JuneBenet
Columbine Anemone
Columbine Tyronne
Which out of those do you prefer? (One out of each list) Any other suggestions are welcome. :)))
I will name my baby Velveeta if it's a girl, or Columbine if it's a boy. Middle names?!?
i like those names a lot. they're really unique. I love unique names. Mine is Kirby. Both of those names sound italian. They're beautiful. I like Velveeta Spencer or Rayne and I like Columbine Tyronne. Good job. And don't listen to all the stupid people above me. I bet they named their kids Mary Anne and John. Boooooring...
Reply:so in other words , your children will be known as cheese and the awful shooting at a school, girl please rethink ur decision! Report It
Reply:I'm with Emmalynn. The names are neither original nor tasteful. Velveeta isn't even real cheese. Columbine - I didn't think of the school, I thought of the flower and paired with JB it's like two crimes gone bad in one name - he will be on the courthouse steps at age 18. I guarantee it. Report It
Reply:i hope you are not serious
Reply:I'm so happy your not going to be my mommy.
Reply:how about a relative's name. u could name the child after his dad if it is a boy. he could be a 2nd. or a junior. your name might be a good middle name if it is a girl.
Reply:Velveta "My mother is an idiot"
Columbine "My mother is crazy"
Reply:I really really dislike both of the names. When I saw Velveeta I immediately thought of the cheese and Columbine I thought of the terrible event at the school, even though I know you didn't mean it that way. Obviously you like unique names, so how about you try some of these:
Trinity Brianne
Athena Danae (Athena was the goddess of wisdom %26amp; Danae was the Princess of Argos in ancient Greece)
Blaine Alexandria
Charleigh Leann
Calista Rose
Haydyn Rose
Tryton Pierce (Triton was the son of Poseidon in in ancient Greece)
Hunter Pierce
Derryck Nathaniel
Garrett Everett
Brett Hunter
Seth Cole
Mitchell Cole
Dustin James
I think all of these names are unique and beautiful. And as for the ones you chose, please consider some others first before you make a definite decision. You have to consider how other people will react to the names you choose and how your children might feel if they had these names.
Good Luck! I hope I could help!
Reply:Sorry to say but Columbine would be a horrible name. Your child will always be associated with the school shooting that took place in Colorado. Sad.
Reply:Actually, a columbine is a kind of flower. Do you want your son named after a flower? I'm afraid the girl would be called cheesy.
Reply:How about
Velveeta Spread
Columbine Hunter
Reply:OMG are you serious................. Cant pick one because they are not pretty names !!!!!!!
your daughter will be known as processed cheese , and the boy as the school that got shot up by students............. THINK TWICE.
Are you trying to get your kid beat up and made fun of until he is old enough to change Its name?????????? I think thise names would be child abuse SERIOUSLY.
You shouldnt be smoking crack at all but especially if your pregnant... put the pipe down and step away.
a unique name doesnt mean it equals a pretty name...........
Yeah it is YOUR choice, but............. you are not the one that will have to live being ashamed of their name, and being picked on for it......... YOUR CHILD IS !!!!!! what a way to destroy your childs self esteme !!!!
Reply:I personally wouldnt name my kids after meltable cheese or a school shooting. think about when they will be in school, kids will be calling your daughter cheese face or singing the velveeta song. and when your son says his name they will always be like " columbine? like the school shooting columbine?" there are plenty of unique names out there that you will not regret in the future such as,
Mikelina ( mik- elle- eena)
Linaya ( Lin- nae-uh)
Lena (lee-na)
Alena ( Uh-lee-na)
Vienna ( which is close to velveeta)
Giancarlo ( john-carlo)
Reply:Please dont name your daughter after a brand of cheese--she will get so much crap in school--be good to her and give her a pretty name.
Reply:Okay..Glad to see that I was not the only one thinking this was odd..Whew...
Reply:Whoever thinks velveeta is unique has mental problems. And savory velveeta??
And from those middle names it seems like you're planning for your son to be gay.
Reply:How about Velveeta Cheese and Columbine Bowling?
I'm sorry, I just had to...
Reply:HA! Knock it off!
Reply:Great, unique names!
I like:
Velveeta Rayne
Columbine Anemone
I think Velveeta Coin-Savory and Columbine JuneBenet are both just a LITTLE to exotic...
...but remember, it's nice of you to ask the public, but in the long run, it's really YOUR choice:)
Good luck, and I wish your little one(s) happy lives!
Reply:Please tell. me you are making this up. Naming your child after a processed cheese food? This can't be right.
As for Columbine, that is also the name of a beautiful flower. HOWEVER, it's really not very attractive as a name.
Please go to and find something suitable.
Reply:You are insane and how dare you my sisters little boy was in the columbine shooting! You are sick!
Did working mothers on birth control cause the Columbine Massacre?
I could've sworn that former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said something like that in 1999. I could be wrong though.
Did working mothers on birth control cause the Columbine Massacre?
Sure. Why not? What the hell.
Reply:i don't see any connection
Reply:Never heard of that one.
Did working mothers on birth control cause the Columbine Massacre?
Sure. Why not? What the hell.
Reply:i don't see any connection
Reply:Never heard of that one.
Who were the people killed in the columbine tragedy?
who are the twelve people that were killed inteh Columbine Tragedy by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold?
Who were the people killed in the columbine tragedy?
On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 fellow students and one teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Two of the victims of the Columbine massacre, Cassie Bernall and Rachel Scott, reportedly were asked by the gunmen if they believed in God. Both allegedly answered "Yes" and were killed. Within days of their death, Cassie and Rachel were hailed as modern-day Christian martyrs, and became useful symbols for those seeking to advance a conservative political agenda. According to police investigators, however, Cassie and Rachel may never have been asked by their killers about God; they simply may have been victims of a senseless crime rather than martyrs to a cause. As the religious and political use of Cassie and Rachel continues, "The Martyrs of Columbine provides a careful examination of the available evidence and attempts to discover what really occurred..............
Reply:Mostly students
Reply:a bunch of high school kids in the wrong place at the wrong time, mostly jocks and a few teachers.
Reply:Very sad
Reply:no lie but my great uncle jorge did...
Reply:ENOUGH! thats how many. crazy flipping dumbass kids!!!
Who were the people killed in the columbine tragedy?
On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 fellow students and one teacher at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Two of the victims of the Columbine massacre, Cassie Bernall and Rachel Scott, reportedly were asked by the gunmen if they believed in God. Both allegedly answered "Yes" and were killed. Within days of their death, Cassie and Rachel were hailed as modern-day Christian martyrs, and became useful symbols for those seeking to advance a conservative political agenda. According to police investigators, however, Cassie and Rachel may never have been asked by their killers about God; they simply may have been victims of a senseless crime rather than martyrs to a cause. As the religious and political use of Cassie and Rachel continues, "The Martyrs of Columbine provides a careful examination of the available evidence and attempts to discover what really occurred..............
Reply:Mostly students
Reply:a bunch of high school kids in the wrong place at the wrong time, mostly jocks and a few teachers.
Reply:Very sad
Reply:no lie but my great uncle jorge did...
Reply:ENOUGH! thats how many. crazy flipping dumbass kids!!!
Can anyone name all 15 people that died at Columbine Hig School, Including the Killers?
The point in ths is, I am doing research and the average person can only name the suspects, Barely ever the victims. Especially in a Massacre. I have been doing research about Columbine and Everyone I have asked only knew the killers names. This is probably a weird question but I really need to know. Please be honest, Nothing to be ashamed about if you can't name any. I just need some sort of result. Thank you very much.
Can anyone name all 15 people that died at Columbine Hig School, Including the Killers? has everything you need to know, video,audio,pics,time line,etc.
Reply:No, I doubt it is anything most people would find the desire to commit to memory. Searching online for articles may help more.
Reply:i only remember the black dude, God rest his soul
computer security
Can anyone name all 15 people that died at Columbine Hig School, Including the Killers? has everything you need to know, video,audio,pics,time line,etc.
Reply:No, I doubt it is anything most people would find the desire to commit to memory. Searching online for articles may help more.
Reply:i only remember the black dude, God rest his soul
computer security
HAs the Columbine High School tragedy caused all American police to change their policies?
Are police now trained to be more aggressive if a similar situation occurs?
HAs the Columbine High School tragedy caused all American police to change their policies?
I think that the policies have probably been changed. I have heard that they now send in a huge team with big guns who will instantly hunt down and kill a shooter, and lots of schools now hold "Code three drills". Even here in Canada, the cops seem to take these problems seriously, and I think they would just rush in there and kill a school shooter without question, unless they dropped the gun right away.
Reply:I think the one real change of policy is similar to The Patriot Act: Words are as good as deeds. In other words, if two dudes make threats, make outlines in a notebook, and the police find it, it's like they've already committed the crime.
"Where's my minority report!!!!"
I kind of agree with it, I guess.
HAs the Columbine High School tragedy caused all American police to change their policies?
I think that the policies have probably been changed. I have heard that they now send in a huge team with big guns who will instantly hunt down and kill a shooter, and lots of schools now hold "Code three drills". Even here in Canada, the cops seem to take these problems seriously, and I think they would just rush in there and kill a school shooter without question, unless they dropped the gun right away.
Reply:I think the one real change of policy is similar to The Patriot Act: Words are as good as deeds. In other words, if two dudes make threats, make outlines in a notebook, and the police find it, it's like they've already committed the crime.
"Where's my minority report!!!!"
I kind of agree with it, I guess.
I was watching Bowling for Columbine the other day and near the beginning of the film a army figure said?
that the poice or the goverment won't protect you when someone tries to hurt you or ur friends and family and you would need a gun to protect yourself and all Americans do it. Do you agree, explain.
I was watching Bowling for Columbine the other day and near the beginning of the film a army figure said?
I'm English but I remember reading an article in Scientific American years ago in which Americans were asked what was the main reason for owning a gun. The overwhelming response was defence against an intruder.
There was then a break down of what actually happened in homes with guns
People accidentally shot themselves handling their guns
Children shot innocent people with what they thought were toys
People shot family members/friends in the mistaken belief they were intruders
Unarmed intruders got the household gun and used it on the owner
Guns were used in domestic arguments
In effect for every one intruder stopped there were nine collateral fatalities as the result of domestic gun ownership.The article concluded that gun ownership was therefore at best "inefficient" .That was probably15-20 years ago and I know that debate is highly polarised and partisan in the US but it struck me as interesting
Reply:No. If we weren't allowed to have guns murders and suicides would decrease drastically.And when everybody's all like those are your rights as Americans, they don't understand that we live in a much more violent time. I believe only police should be able to have guns. I think in England even the police don't carry guns and their are only like 65 murders a year whereas here in the state their are thousands
Reply:yeah, i do. do you trust the government? the government lies to us EVERY SINGLE DAY. they covered up roswell, they assassinated jfk, they knew about 9/11 before it even you expect them to protect you?
did you like bowling for columbine? i suggest you go on ebay or you local bookstore and buy Stupid White Men by Michael Moore and go to blockbuster and rent Fahrenheit 9/11 (both by the man that brought you bowling for columbine)
Reply:I agree if you live out in the middle of nowhere (think Devil's Rejects and House of 1000's corpses).
Also in some areas (lapd) it takes them a little longer than expected and you may be forced to take justice into your own hands. In No way is this promoting any kind of violence but when it comes down to it, it is basically survival of the fittest.
Reply:No, we dont need guns. In fact no one needs guns at all. But its people like that, who drive fear into others making them feel like they need guns. I think its from the same movie where it says like, "Violence is happening in America because of the news causing fear into the public." And how cannada has like no violence and their news is all peaceful.
Reply:I disagree. The police do help people who are in danger. It is sad to think how many children have died or killed another person after finding a gun in the house.
I was watching Bowling for Columbine the other day and near the beginning of the film a army figure said?
I'm English but I remember reading an article in Scientific American years ago in which Americans were asked what was the main reason for owning a gun. The overwhelming response was defence against an intruder.
There was then a break down of what actually happened in homes with guns
People accidentally shot themselves handling their guns
Children shot innocent people with what they thought were toys
People shot family members/friends in the mistaken belief they were intruders
Unarmed intruders got the household gun and used it on the owner
Guns were used in domestic arguments
In effect for every one intruder stopped there were nine collateral fatalities as the result of domestic gun ownership.The article concluded that gun ownership was therefore at best "inefficient" .That was probably15-20 years ago and I know that debate is highly polarised and partisan in the US but it struck me as interesting
Reply:No. If we weren't allowed to have guns murders and suicides would decrease drastically.And when everybody's all like those are your rights as Americans, they don't understand that we live in a much more violent time. I believe only police should be able to have guns. I think in England even the police don't carry guns and their are only like 65 murders a year whereas here in the state their are thousands
Reply:yeah, i do. do you trust the government? the government lies to us EVERY SINGLE DAY. they covered up roswell, they assassinated jfk, they knew about 9/11 before it even you expect them to protect you?
did you like bowling for columbine? i suggest you go on ebay or you local bookstore and buy Stupid White Men by Michael Moore and go to blockbuster and rent Fahrenheit 9/11 (both by the man that brought you bowling for columbine)
Reply:I agree if you live out in the middle of nowhere (think Devil's Rejects and House of 1000's corpses).
Also in some areas (lapd) it takes them a little longer than expected and you may be forced to take justice into your own hands. In No way is this promoting any kind of violence but when it comes down to it, it is basically survival of the fittest.
Reply:No, we dont need guns. In fact no one needs guns at all. But its people like that, who drive fear into others making them feel like they need guns. I think its from the same movie where it says like, "Violence is happening in America because of the news causing fear into the public." And how cannada has like no violence and their news is all peaceful.
Reply:I disagree. The police do help people who are in danger. It is sad to think how many children have died or killed another person after finding a gun in the house.
EASY10PTS is it illegal to have a columbine massacre picture of the shooters with the guns n your myspace page
i dont have it but my friend jonathanXthug has it.
EASY10PTS is it illegal to have a columbine massacre picture of the shooters with the guns n your myspace page
myspace does not fit into any law so no he cannot get into
trouble. But it is very disrespectful to have that. I also think that your friend needs help. I tried to look at his myspace but it is private. But his quote made me think that he needs help
Reply:I don't think so, but people (ehhem the government) might start watching what you do online and it's just weird.
Reply:not illegal, but sure will attract attention.
Reply:In what context is ur friend using these pictures? Does he idolise them? Is he intriqued by them?
It raises questions about your friend!
Reply:It isn't illegal, but your friend will probably be ordered to remove it by the site administrators. If he refuses, they will cancel his account.
Reply:While it may not be illegal, some people may find it offensive or in bad taste. I do not think, however, that a picture such as that will be in violation of the Terms of Service on MySpace and therefore, nothing can really be done because of it.
Reply:It may not be illegal, but it is in really bad taste.
Reply:Can't imagine what purpose he would have that there for. They're not exactly role models.
EASY10PTS is it illegal to have a columbine massacre picture of the shooters with the guns n your myspace page
myspace does not fit into any law so no he cannot get into
trouble. But it is very disrespectful to have that. I also think that your friend needs help. I tried to look at his myspace but it is private. But his quote made me think that he needs help
Reply:I don't think so, but people (ehhem the government) might start watching what you do online and it's just weird.
Reply:not illegal, but sure will attract attention.
Reply:In what context is ur friend using these pictures? Does he idolise them? Is he intriqued by them?
It raises questions about your friend!
Reply:It isn't illegal, but your friend will probably be ordered to remove it by the site administrators. If he refuses, they will cancel his account.
Reply:While it may not be illegal, some people may find it offensive or in bad taste. I do not think, however, that a picture such as that will be in violation of the Terms of Service on MySpace and therefore, nothing can really be done because of it.
Reply:It may not be illegal, but it is in really bad taste.
Reply:Can't imagine what purpose he would have that there for. They're not exactly role models.
Do you feel the media coverage of today's campus shooting differs from those Columbine High School first day ?
If you watched both times there is a very distinct difference.
Where it goes from here, no one knows. All those cell phone
text and blogs they can be even more horrible once revealed.
Many of us watched Columbine every station all day. I feel the media gave this a bit of grace in a disgraceful time.
Honor to those fallen. Respect to the real evidence yet to unfold.
Next you can step away from those who portray the graphics
and exploit the disaster. Change the channel. Then we were glued to it.
Do you feel the media coverage of today's campus shooting differs from those Columbine High School first day ?
I did find the finger-pointing annoying. As someone who goes to college, I can't imagine how a campus could be locked down completely. Especially when there are thousands of people on that campus each day.
Reply:I've only watched small amounts of it. Shocked again. So many this time. Where do these weirdos come from? What is happening to this younger generation? (I sound like my parents now.) Youth should just go back to protesting the establishment (non violently) rather than hurting each other. ;%26gt;(
Reply:The big difference is the finger pointing started so early on this time. VT is a city of 30k+ and the media is saying that the faculty and admin should have "locked down" the entire campus. Nancy Grace is a ****.
Reply:While I am not trying to say that this isn't a big deal, because it is, it isn't much different than any of the daily bombings in Iraq. And it hurts me that people just ignore all the innocent deaths in Iraq, but then when it's on U.S. soil, it's all the media can talk about.
music player
Where it goes from here, no one knows. All those cell phone
text and blogs they can be even more horrible once revealed.
Many of us watched Columbine every station all day. I feel the media gave this a bit of grace in a disgraceful time.
Honor to those fallen. Respect to the real evidence yet to unfold.
Next you can step away from those who portray the graphics
and exploit the disaster. Change the channel. Then we were glued to it.
Do you feel the media coverage of today's campus shooting differs from those Columbine High School first day ?
I did find the finger-pointing annoying. As someone who goes to college, I can't imagine how a campus could be locked down completely. Especially when there are thousands of people on that campus each day.
Reply:I've only watched small amounts of it. Shocked again. So many this time. Where do these weirdos come from? What is happening to this younger generation? (I sound like my parents now.) Youth should just go back to protesting the establishment (non violently) rather than hurting each other. ;%26gt;(
Reply:The big difference is the finger pointing started so early on this time. VT is a city of 30k+ and the media is saying that the faculty and admin should have "locked down" the entire campus. Nancy Grace is a ****.
Reply:While I am not trying to say that this isn't a big deal, because it is, it isn't much different than any of the daily bombings in Iraq. And it hurts me that people just ignore all the innocent deaths in Iraq, but then when it's on U.S. soil, it's all the media can talk about.
music player
New fact that deals with bowling for columbine/gun violence in US?
i am assigned to do a film review about bowling for columbine. i am supposed to make/present a new fact that deals with this topic...any suggestions?
New fact that deals with bowling for columbine/gun violence in US?
Compare it to NAZI propaganda of the 1930's. Michael Moore's movies have little to do with facts and a lot to do with fights of fancy
New fact that deals with bowling for columbine/gun violence in US?
Compare it to NAZI propaganda of the 1930's. Michael Moore's movies have little to do with facts and a lot to do with fights of fancy
Where can i buy wild columbine flowers?
just look for the little handguns attached to them.
they must be pretty rare if you have to buy them wild. try googling 'wild columbine flowers'.
Where can i buy wild columbine flowers?
Here in Minnesota this native plant's Latin name is Aquilegia is a perennial here. You could go online and type in Native Plant Greenhouses (for you area). You should be able to find them that way. Any place could send them to you if it's to far for you to drive.
Reply:Try looking for" Aquilegia caerulea" right now you can probably find seeds on line.. later try your garden center.. they are native to the rocky mnts
Reply:Wait til spring, and you can get the plants or the seeds at your local Wal-Mart or Landscapers. They say they are perennial, but here in Ohio, they are annual.
they must be pretty rare if you have to buy them wild. try googling 'wild columbine flowers'.
Where can i buy wild columbine flowers?
Here in Minnesota this native plant's Latin name is Aquilegia is a perennial here. You could go online and type in Native Plant Greenhouses (for you area). You should be able to find them that way. Any place could send them to you if it's to far for you to drive.
Reply:Try looking for" Aquilegia caerulea" right now you can probably find seeds on line.. later try your garden center.. they are native to the rocky mnts
Reply:Wait til spring, and you can get the plants or the seeds at your local Wal-Mart or Landscapers. They say they are perennial, but here in Ohio, they are annual.
Where did Eric and Dylan get the guns they used on the Columbine Massacre?
They had a friend who was 18 named Robyn Anderson buy one of them. The others were purchased at gun shows and from private sellers. Who, in turn were prosecuted for selling guns to underage kids.
Where did Eric and Dylan get the guns they used on the Columbine Massacre?
It was my understanding they bought them. But they did not buy them at gun shows or at gun stores; they were supposed to have bought them off a private seller or two.
I'm not entirely sure on that. I do know they didn't get them at a gun show or store; I'm just not sure if they got them from private sellers or in some other way.
Where did Eric and Dylan get the guns they used on the Columbine Massacre?
It was my understanding they bought them. But they did not buy them at gun shows or at gun stores; they were supposed to have bought them off a private seller or two.
I'm not entirely sure on that. I do know they didn't get them at a gun show or store; I'm just not sure if they got them from private sellers or in some other way.
How many people died in columbine?
Virginia tech vs Colorado?
How many people died in columbine?
The Columbine High School massacre occurred on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in an unincorporated section of Littleton, Colorado located in Jefferson County, near Denver. Two teenage students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, carried out a shooting rampage, killing 12 students and a teacher, as well as wounding 24 others.
Reply:It is now up to 32 people killed sad very sad.
Reply:12 in columbine... in 1966 at the University of Texas, Charles Whitman climbed to the 28th-floor observation deck of a clock tower and opened fire and killed 16 people before being shot by the cops.
Reply:12 including the gunmen
Reply:12 in Columbine versus at least 21 in VTech.
Reply:21 at Virginia tech.. Columbine 12..
Reply:how many peolpe where killed at the columbine massacre
Reply:to many
Reply:12 to many
How many people died in columbine?
The Columbine High School massacre occurred on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in an unincorporated section of Littleton, Colorado located in Jefferson County, near Denver. Two teenage students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, carried out a shooting rampage, killing 12 students and a teacher, as well as wounding 24 others.
Reply:It is now up to 32 people killed sad very sad.
Reply:12 in columbine... in 1966 at the University of Texas, Charles Whitman climbed to the 28th-floor observation deck of a clock tower and opened fire and killed 16 people before being shot by the cops.
Reply:12 including the gunmen
Reply:12 in Columbine versus at least 21 in VTech.
Reply:21 at Virginia tech.. Columbine 12..
Reply:how many peolpe where killed at the columbine massacre
Reply:to many
Reply:12 to many
What are pommes columbine?
Does anyone have a recipe for these? Not sure if the spelling is 100% correct.
What are pommes columbine?
pommes is apples in french..pommes de terre in french is potatoes...pommes frites is french fried potatoes in pommes could refer to potatoes OR apples
....columbine may be a restaurant in new york?
I am thinking Columbine is a type of flower...that could be used as a food dye or as an edible garnish... look about 1/2 down the page about columbines, then blue and cornflowers..
here is a description with pics of columbine flowers..on henry fields..not sure if edible or not...maybe they want him to make up a recipe for blue(?) apples or blue(?)potatoes using essence of flowers or pureed/liquified flowers as a food coloring or apples or potatoes with candied columbine flowers as a garnish?;...
then here is a hybrid of columbine called "green apples" for its color..
Here is something about crimson columbine flower essence is good for ADD probably can buy the flower essence in health food stores and maybe recipes there also..may add a flavor and a coloring to apples (or else it is the candied green apple columbine flowers alone)
here is a web page talking about aquilegia vulgaris , a type of columbine flower and its uses as an edible item..It is sweet flower that can be eaten raw in salads and used in a tea ACCORDING TO THIS ARTICLE (and other uses) THE PLANT PART IS POISONOUS THOUGH!!!
here is a map of where in the US it is located and a drawing of the plant
Here is some photos of aquilegia vulgaris (one color of columbine)
article mentioning that the other parts used may be poisonous
Reply:Well...sort of - I found an almost incomprehensible website - good luck with it!
Reply:I think your friend may have the wrong name for the dish.
I have a course book from my Uni days and the potato section has 51 pommes dishes, none being columbine.
If its Pommes:
a la creme, a la neige, amandines, allumettes, Anna, au four, au lard,
bataille, berrichonne, biarritz, brioche, Byron,
champignol, chateau, cocotte, cretan, chips, croquettes,
dauphine, Delmonico, duchesse,
en robe de chambre,
fondantes, frites,
galette, gaufrettes, gratinees,
Lorette, lyonnaise,
Macaire, maitre d'hotel, marquise, mignonettes,
nature, nouvelles, nouvelles rissolees, noisette,
pailles, parisienne, Parmentier, persillees, Pont Neuf, puree, puree au gratin, puree a la creme,
rissolees, roties,
sautees, sautees a cru,
I can help, but if not, sorry. Show list to friend %26amp; see if they recognise the name. I can help you then.
Good Luck %26amp; hope they taste nice!
Reply:Pommes in German means fry. Columbine is a plant . There is a Deli in Manhattan named Columbine that serves
Pommes Frites or homade french fried potatoes. Are you looking for recipe to tell you how to prepare potatoes like they do?
What are pommes columbine?
pommes is apples in french..pommes de terre in french is potatoes...pommes frites is french fried potatoes in pommes could refer to potatoes OR apples
....columbine may be a restaurant in new york?
I am thinking Columbine is a type of flower...that could be used as a food dye or as an edible garnish... look about 1/2 down the page about columbines, then blue and cornflowers..
here is a description with pics of columbine flowers..on henry fields..not sure if edible or not...maybe they want him to make up a recipe for blue(?) apples or blue(?)potatoes using essence of flowers or pureed/liquified flowers as a food coloring or apples or potatoes with candied columbine flowers as a garnish?;...
then here is a hybrid of columbine called "green apples" for its color..
Here is something about crimson columbine flower essence is good for ADD probably can buy the flower essence in health food stores and maybe recipes there also..may add a flavor and a coloring to apples (or else it is the candied green apple columbine flowers alone)
here is a web page talking about aquilegia vulgaris , a type of columbine flower and its uses as an edible item..It is sweet flower that can be eaten raw in salads and used in a tea ACCORDING TO THIS ARTICLE (and other uses) THE PLANT PART IS POISONOUS THOUGH!!!
here is a map of where in the US it is located and a drawing of the plant
Here is some photos of aquilegia vulgaris (one color of columbine)
article mentioning that the other parts used may be poisonous
Reply:Well...sort of - I found an almost incomprehensible website - good luck with it!
Reply:I think your friend may have the wrong name for the dish.
I have a course book from my Uni days and the potato section has 51 pommes dishes, none being columbine.
If its Pommes:
a la creme, a la neige, amandines, allumettes, Anna, au four, au lard,
bataille, berrichonne, biarritz, brioche, Byron,
champignol, chateau, cocotte, cretan, chips, croquettes,
dauphine, Delmonico, duchesse,
en robe de chambre,
fondantes, frites,
galette, gaufrettes, gratinees,
Lorette, lyonnaise,
Macaire, maitre d'hotel, marquise, mignonettes,
nature, nouvelles, nouvelles rissolees, noisette,
pailles, parisienne, Parmentier, persillees, Pont Neuf, puree, puree au gratin, puree a la creme,
rissolees, roties,
sautees, sautees a cru,
I can help, but if not, sorry. Show list to friend %26amp; see if they recognise the name. I can help you then.
Good Luck %26amp; hope they taste nice!
Reply:Pommes in German means fry. Columbine is a plant . There is a Deli in Manhattan named Columbine that serves
Pommes Frites or homade french fried potatoes. Are you looking for recipe to tell you how to prepare potatoes like they do?
Concerning the Columbine shootings, were there cams in the library that were in use?
It seems like I read somewhere a long time ago that there were cameras in the library, but that they were either not in use at the time, or if so, the tapes were strictly used as evidence and kept out of the public domain for respect of the families of the deceased which is totally understandable.
Concerning the Columbine shootings, were there cams in the library that were in use?
Yes and you right they seal them for respect of the families.
I just think there are somethings that should remain private.
Reply:Yes there was but they are not public. The families that were
affected were given a copy ( if they wanted it ) no one else.
If it had been made public some people would have abused
the families by showing them anywhere, anytime they wanted
to. Those families have been through enough don't pour salt
on an open wound.
Concerning the Columbine shootings, were there cams in the library that were in use?
Yes and you right they seal them for respect of the families.
I just think there are somethings that should remain private.
Reply:Yes there was but they are not public. The families that were
affected were given a copy ( if they wanted it ) no one else.
If it had been made public some people would have abused
the families by showing them anywhere, anytime they wanted
to. Those families have been through enough don't pour salt
on an open wound.
Why do they not have in the Columbine School that is known?
for its student's misconduct in regards of bringing weapons to class All they need is a metal detector in front of the school entrance that surveys students from carrying concealed weapons?????????????????
Why do they not have in the Columbine School that is known?
It wouldn't really matter if they had metal detectors or not! All the kid would have to do is shoot the guard and then walk right in while the detector goes crazy! It's not going to stop crime!
Reply:Because it is not an iner city school. Report It
Why do they not have in the Columbine School that is known?
It wouldn't really matter if they had metal detectors or not! All the kid would have to do is shoot the guard and then walk right in while the detector goes crazy! It's not going to stop crime!
Reply:Because it is not an iner city school. Report It
What do you think about the Columbine High School massacre?
i hope for it everyday.
What do you think about the Columbine High School massacre?
I think people made it into a bigger deal then it was. I guess its ok for dumb jocks to go around beating up people in and out of school(usually 3 or 4 on 1), but the first time someone fights back, people freak out and act like Harris and Klebold did something wrong. There is nothing wrong with what happened at Columbine, I just think they went about it the wrong way. They should have targeted people after school, one at a time. If your going to pick on someone, be prepared to die for your stupidity.
Reply:it is obvious to me you are being bullied at school.
You feel you are a loser,I felt the same way when
I was a teen and I had a learning disability and
was bullied.Please do not wish for a shoot up
at your school. Report It
Reply:Why? That's awful... though somedays I must say I hope for it too.
Reply:I don't condone murder of any kind unless of course it's self defense. However, those boys were tormented at school by stupid @sshole jocks and preps. I can understand where they would've been upset and fed up. Does that mean they should've killed people? Hell no. I just think they had enough.
Anyway, don't hope for another one. That's retarded.
Reply:Tragedy, yes. But it really opened the eyes of people every where on how hard high school life can be. It was bound to happen somewhere, Columbine High School just happened to be the place.
A lot of good has resulted from the ordeal, though that may sound morbid. New standards on how things are handled in school, bullying contracts and such. Things have come from it that have made high school more tolerable for thousands of kids everywhere.
It was a great loss, many innocent people were lost. But you need to look at it as most of the people that died, died helping out their friends and complete strangers. They need to remembered as hero's.
If you are hoping for one in your Highschool to possibly get rid of tormentors, just seek out the help of an adult. Really, it may seem like it will only make things worse, it really truely wont.
Plus, you also need to realize the kids that get tormented are usually the ones that end up with the nice jobs, nice cars and happy lives.
Reply:Sad. Hope for it? Do u mean hope the people heal and get better? Or that it happens again? This is confusing and just plain scary. If u want it to happen again please get some mental help.
What do you think about the Columbine High School massacre?
I think people made it into a bigger deal then it was. I guess its ok for dumb jocks to go around beating up people in and out of school(usually 3 or 4 on 1), but the first time someone fights back, people freak out and act like Harris and Klebold did something wrong. There is nothing wrong with what happened at Columbine, I just think they went about it the wrong way. They should have targeted people after school, one at a time. If your going to pick on someone, be prepared to die for your stupidity.
Reply:it is obvious to me you are being bullied at school.
You feel you are a loser,I felt the same way when
I was a teen and I had a learning disability and
was bullied.Please do not wish for a shoot up
at your school. Report It
Reply:Why? That's awful... though somedays I must say I hope for it too.
Reply:I don't condone murder of any kind unless of course it's self defense. However, those boys were tormented at school by stupid @sshole jocks and preps. I can understand where they would've been upset and fed up. Does that mean they should've killed people? Hell no. I just think they had enough.
Anyway, don't hope for another one. That's retarded.
Reply:Tragedy, yes. But it really opened the eyes of people every where on how hard high school life can be. It was bound to happen somewhere, Columbine High School just happened to be the place.
A lot of good has resulted from the ordeal, though that may sound morbid. New standards on how things are handled in school, bullying contracts and such. Things have come from it that have made high school more tolerable for thousands of kids everywhere.
It was a great loss, many innocent people were lost. But you need to look at it as most of the people that died, died helping out their friends and complete strangers. They need to remembered as hero's.
If you are hoping for one in your Highschool to possibly get rid of tormentors, just seek out the help of an adult. Really, it may seem like it will only make things worse, it really truely wont.
Plus, you also need to realize the kids that get tormented are usually the ones that end up with the nice jobs, nice cars and happy lives.
Reply:Sad. Hope for it? Do u mean hope the people heal and get better? Or that it happens again? This is confusing and just plain scary. If u want it to happen again please get some mental help.
Why was a game about the Columbine shooting massacre allowed online?
Why the heck does it seem okay to make a game out of a horrific massacre that happened??? The families are still grieving over their lost kids and people are MAKING A GAME OUT OF IT!!! Go to and check out how horrific this sick game is! People who support this are siCK!!! You say it is just for fun or whatever, well check out that messed up kid from Canada who shot up his cafeteria in his college! HE ADMITTED HE GOT THE IDEA FROM THE GAME AND PRACTICED! Get a CLUE! These games are BAD AND VIOLENT!!! We need to get a petition going to stop this site...anyone willing to sign?
Why was a game about the Columbine shooting massacre allowed online?
I don't agree with it and im sure alot of people can feel where I come from on that issue. Yet there are insinsitve people in the world who take the " freedom of speech and Press " law abuse it and run with it. If your not this kind of person you will never truly "understand" why people do it. Even if someone with those views were to answer this question you rwould read their reply in dissgust and you still wouldn't get why its " OK ", and your answer still will be left unanswered. Just know that you are better then that. There are alot of computer and video games that I don't agree with but there is nothing you can do other then be the bigger person and ignore it.
Reply:I don't know why it was allowed. Just recently I was lucky enough to hear a father of a girl (Rachel Scott) that was killed in the Columbine shooting talked about Rachel's life and her death at Youth event. Rachel's story is the most inspiring story I have heard. It totally changed my perspective on life. Visit to read her story.
Reply:I don't know if I would be willing to sign something like that because than people could use that as an example to stop all kinds of things on the Internet not just horrible stuff like that. But I realized how cold and callous people could be when I saw this and saw a game called Terri Revenge. It is a game where Terri Irwin swims around and kills stingrays. I thought it was so disrespectful and not even a week after his funeral!!!!
Reply:Sorry, not me; I won't sign.
It's not that I don't agree with you about how sick this is but there's a larger context. There are powerful forces that want to get control of the Internet because it's the only major media they don't control. If we let them win, then we'll have no access to uncensored information and our descendants will be serfs to them (the global overclass) just like the peasants in the Middle Ages were.
If an occasional loon going off is the price we have to pay for freedom, then so be it....
Reply:because this is america and we believe in free press and free speech. unfortunately there are those who abuse those privelages or dont have any common sense or compassion for others such as those families. They are only concerned with making money . Hopefully noone bought that game and they lose thier ***.
Reply:Because that's the USof A for ya.
Reply:Well they have games about Iraq and I was there and lost a buddy, so why don't you get a petition for that one. THey have games about WWll and vietnam so why don't you raise hell about that??
Why was a game about the Columbine shooting massacre allowed online?
I don't agree with it and im sure alot of people can feel where I come from on that issue. Yet there are insinsitve people in the world who take the " freedom of speech and Press " law abuse it and run with it. If your not this kind of person you will never truly "understand" why people do it. Even if someone with those views were to answer this question you rwould read their reply in dissgust and you still wouldn't get why its " OK ", and your answer still will be left unanswered. Just know that you are better then that. There are alot of computer and video games that I don't agree with but there is nothing you can do other then be the bigger person and ignore it.
Reply:I don't know why it was allowed. Just recently I was lucky enough to hear a father of a girl (Rachel Scott) that was killed in the Columbine shooting talked about Rachel's life and her death at Youth event. Rachel's story is the most inspiring story I have heard. It totally changed my perspective on life. Visit to read her story.
Reply:I don't know if I would be willing to sign something like that because than people could use that as an example to stop all kinds of things on the Internet not just horrible stuff like that. But I realized how cold and callous people could be when I saw this and saw a game called Terri Revenge. It is a game where Terri Irwin swims around and kills stingrays. I thought it was so disrespectful and not even a week after his funeral!!!!
Reply:Sorry, not me; I won't sign.
It's not that I don't agree with you about how sick this is but there's a larger context. There are powerful forces that want to get control of the Internet because it's the only major media they don't control. If we let them win, then we'll have no access to uncensored information and our descendants will be serfs to them (the global overclass) just like the peasants in the Middle Ages were.
If an occasional loon going off is the price we have to pay for freedom, then so be it....
Reply:because this is america and we believe in free press and free speech. unfortunately there are those who abuse those privelages or dont have any common sense or compassion for others such as those families. They are only concerned with making money . Hopefully noone bought that game and they lose thier ***.
Reply:Because that's the USof A for ya.
Reply:Well they have games about Iraq and I was there and lost a buddy, so why don't you get a petition for that one. THey have games about WWll and vietnam so why don't you raise hell about that??
Does anyone from Columbine High School in 1999 know the real story?
I need it for this song I'm going to sing in church.........So...........Could anyone help me, Please!!!!!
Does anyone from Columbine High School in 1999 know the real story?
Read the story about Rachel Scott, a young Christian girl who was shot at Columbine. It's a really amazing story and will help you a lot =] The book is called "Rachel's Tears" by: Beth Nimmo, Darrell Scott, and Steve Rabey.
Does anyone from Columbine High School in 1999 know the real story?
Read the story about Rachel Scott, a young Christian girl who was shot at Columbine. It's a really amazing story and will help you a lot =] The book is called "Rachel's Tears" by: Beth Nimmo, Darrell Scott, and Steve Rabey.
Why are police withholding evidence in relation to the COLUMBINE MASSACRE?
Who else is involved in this insane and maliferous chain of events?
Why are police withholding evidence in relation to the COLUMBINE MASSACRE?
Michael Moore set it up so he could have a best selling/high rating documentary
Reply:Do you have some inside information? Is this yet another plot?
Reply:george bush
Why are police withholding evidence in relation to the COLUMBINE MASSACRE?
Michael Moore set it up so he could have a best selling/high rating documentary
Reply:Do you have some inside information? Is this yet another plot?
Reply:george bush
Can anyone help me find that video that used to be on youtube called "columbine leak security tape"?
youtube deleted it, so any websites that just have it posted, linked directly from youtube arent going to do me any good.
Can anyone help me find that video that used to be on youtube called "columbine leak security tape"?
Here it is...
Just so you know it's not actually footage from Columbine, it's from a 2003 movie called Zero Day about a fictional school shooting. But on every website it is titled as a "leak tape".
Can anyone help me find that video that used to be on youtube called "columbine leak security tape"?
Here it is...
Just so you know it's not actually footage from Columbine, it's from a 2003 movie called Zero Day about a fictional school shooting. But on every website it is titled as a "leak tape".
What element in American society is responsible for VT and Columbine?
If we look at the US and Canada together they are both quite similar in their culture - heritage(mainly European), language, sports etc. But yet the rate of gun related murders in the US is more than 50 times that of Canada.
I appreciate there are probably more guns per capita in the US, and I understand that Canada has stricter gun laws.........but the people are essentially the same.
It would be interesting to hear from Canadians as well as Americans.
What element in American society is responsible for VT and Columbine?
Im english and personally i cant believe guns are legal in america you should trust the police in protecting you your always running the risk of gun crime, murder etc.
Reply:There is no "element".. It was one crazy individual. Nothing more.
Reply:Anti-gun laws are responsible for the VT tragedy
Reply:The 'element' is a homegrown group of young people with 'terrorist' mindsets.
Reply:bullying, ostracizing
gun culture
violent tv, movies, video games
mental problems
copycat crimes, criminal becomes a celebrity
Reply:Gun control laws don't work. They just embolden the criminal element. When a city in Georgia made owning guns mandatory crime dropped by more than 80%.
Reply:There are similarities between Americans %26amp; Canadians but they are not the same. Their societies are governed differntly for one and there is less pressure on the Canadian populace due to a drastic difference in population density. There is a huge underclass that exists in the USA that isn't an issue in Canada. Gun control is just that CONTROL. You hear Americans spouting about thier constitutional rights, what a load of rubbish. The second ammendment was to protect the newly independant colonists of the late 18th century from their recently ousted oppressors. Nothing to do with carrying conceled saturday night specials or semi-automatic sub machine guns.
Reply:there are more guns in Canada per head of population than the USA and less deaths, why because you let anyone have them, you don't look after them and let anyone steal them, and your living in the past clinging on to anything that you think may erode your rights, you campaingn to stop iraqs killing americans yet dont bother that more americans are killed in the usa by americans. in other words your an outdated backward society, and far from being jealous of you i for one am glad i dont live there or with any of you backward ignorant anacronistic ( you might have to look that one up ) people
Reply:Dude Its plain and simple: LACK OF GUN CONTROL.
There are psychos in every society- they just dont have such easy access to guns anywhere else.... Face it- a nutter all alone is just that- a nut. Put a gun in his hands- you got a mass murderer.
Reply:Hmm it has happened here - Motreal out west it has happened
It is very disturbing -
I think the way to look at it is a cultural phenomona - Yes it is harder for me to get a gun here - but It is not impossible to do it
Blame TV ? Well some of it maybe - but isn't it more that the parents are so busy making a living that the TV is now the acceptable baby sitter and there is no balance provided to it through social interaction ? Kids have been watching cowboy movies and such for a long time - No gun fights at high noon were reported to the best of my knowledge .
The other thing is that we have to accept that a % of our population is and will always be nut bars .
Does the US shootings compared to the Canadian shootings accurately represent the 1/2 % of lunitics per capita ? I've never heard one way or the other
Way back when that 1/2 % had a 6 shooter or a knife so the # of dead was lower . Now it's a machine gun.
Gone are the days when it was a black eye and a thick lip
What has changed and is of great note is the urge to kill strangers - It leaves police baffled - all their life they have been taught motive motive motive.
If I am going to take the time to kill someone - it is assumed I have a reason
Killing strangers that I should have nothing against - that is new-
I think in large part gun control curbs crimes of passion - accidents and so forth
It does stop the soft criminal as well and these things are a big % of gun killings -
It will not stop the hardcore lunitic or criminal
So again lets look at the stats between our countires with that in mind - I think it would be interesting
Reply:First off, how do the population numbers of each country compare? I don't believe there is any element in any society to explain why there are people who want to kill!
Reply:Glamorisation of gun violence in films, seeps into the nutters brain. making him think it is 'cool' to go round killing people. I have seen the pictures of that plonka who caused the V.T. Tragedy I one thing is plain, The twerp thinks he's cool because he has a gun.
I don't think there is a single element to blame, Insanity and Hollywood play a big part though.
Dance Shoes
I appreciate there are probably more guns per capita in the US, and I understand that Canada has stricter gun laws.........but the people are essentially the same.
It would be interesting to hear from Canadians as well as Americans.
What element in American society is responsible for VT and Columbine?
Im english and personally i cant believe guns are legal in america you should trust the police in protecting you your always running the risk of gun crime, murder etc.
Reply:There is no "element".. It was one crazy individual. Nothing more.
Reply:Anti-gun laws are responsible for the VT tragedy
Reply:The 'element' is a homegrown group of young people with 'terrorist' mindsets.
Reply:bullying, ostracizing
gun culture
violent tv, movies, video games
mental problems
copycat crimes, criminal becomes a celebrity
Reply:Gun control laws don't work. They just embolden the criminal element. When a city in Georgia made owning guns mandatory crime dropped by more than 80%.
Reply:There are similarities between Americans %26amp; Canadians but they are not the same. Their societies are governed differntly for one and there is less pressure on the Canadian populace due to a drastic difference in population density. There is a huge underclass that exists in the USA that isn't an issue in Canada. Gun control is just that CONTROL. You hear Americans spouting about thier constitutional rights, what a load of rubbish. The second ammendment was to protect the newly independant colonists of the late 18th century from their recently ousted oppressors. Nothing to do with carrying conceled saturday night specials or semi-automatic sub machine guns.
Reply:there are more guns in Canada per head of population than the USA and less deaths, why because you let anyone have them, you don't look after them and let anyone steal them, and your living in the past clinging on to anything that you think may erode your rights, you campaingn to stop iraqs killing americans yet dont bother that more americans are killed in the usa by americans. in other words your an outdated backward society, and far from being jealous of you i for one am glad i dont live there or with any of you backward ignorant anacronistic ( you might have to look that one up ) people
Reply:Dude Its plain and simple: LACK OF GUN CONTROL.
There are psychos in every society- they just dont have such easy access to guns anywhere else.... Face it- a nutter all alone is just that- a nut. Put a gun in his hands- you got a mass murderer.
Reply:Hmm it has happened here - Motreal out west it has happened
It is very disturbing -
I think the way to look at it is a cultural phenomona - Yes it is harder for me to get a gun here - but It is not impossible to do it
Blame TV ? Well some of it maybe - but isn't it more that the parents are so busy making a living that the TV is now the acceptable baby sitter and there is no balance provided to it through social interaction ? Kids have been watching cowboy movies and such for a long time - No gun fights at high noon were reported to the best of my knowledge .
The other thing is that we have to accept that a % of our population is and will always be nut bars .
Does the US shootings compared to the Canadian shootings accurately represent the 1/2 % of lunitics per capita ? I've never heard one way or the other
Way back when that 1/2 % had a 6 shooter or a knife so the # of dead was lower . Now it's a machine gun.
Gone are the days when it was a black eye and a thick lip
What has changed and is of great note is the urge to kill strangers - It leaves police baffled - all their life they have been taught motive motive motive.
If I am going to take the time to kill someone - it is assumed I have a reason
Killing strangers that I should have nothing against - that is new-
I think in large part gun control curbs crimes of passion - accidents and so forth
It does stop the soft criminal as well and these things are a big % of gun killings -
It will not stop the hardcore lunitic or criminal
So again lets look at the stats between our countires with that in mind - I think it would be interesting
Reply:First off, how do the population numbers of each country compare? I don't believe there is any element in any society to explain why there are people who want to kill!
Reply:Glamorisation of gun violence in films, seeps into the nutters brain. making him think it is 'cool' to go round killing people. I have seen the pictures of that plonka who caused the V.T. Tragedy I one thing is plain, The twerp thinks he's cool because he has a gun.
I don't think there is a single element to blame, Insanity and Hollywood play a big part though.
Dance Shoes
I'm doing an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT report on why Columbine High School is an American landmark. I haven't said too much yet and I've already run out of reasons on why it's a landmark.
Well it is where the shooting happened.
It is the location of the start of improvements in school security.
What happened there is the reason we have taken another look at mental health of kids.
Also, talk about the beautiful landscape. ^^
Well it is where the shooting happened.
It is the location of the start of improvements in school security.
What happened there is the reason we have taken another look at mental health of kids.
Also, talk about the beautiful landscape. ^^
Was anyone there in the columbine massacre when it happened?
was anyone in columbine high school when the shooting in april 20, 1999 happened?
Was anyone there in the columbine massacre when it happened?
Yes, And Unfortunately
Some Of Them Are Not With Us Anymore..........
Reply:No,but I was 9 years old. It was a horrible thing.
Reply:not me , thank goodness
Reply:If there hadn't been anyone there, how could it have been a massacre!
Reply:i didnt even know there was a shooting there
Reply:Not me. I was on spring break in Daytona Beach. It was quite a buzzkill.
Reply:Queenbees and wannabees
Was anyone there in the columbine massacre when it happened?
Yes, And Unfortunately
Some Of Them Are Not With Us Anymore..........
Reply:No,but I was 9 years old. It was a horrible thing.
Reply:not me , thank goodness
Reply:If there hadn't been anyone there, how could it have been a massacre!
Reply:i didnt even know there was a shooting there
Reply:Not me. I was on spring break in Daytona Beach. It was quite a buzzkill.
Reply:Queenbees and wannabees
When should the last students who witnessed the Columbine massacre graduate?
do you think it will be a big ceramony for these people
When should the last students who witnessed the Columbine massacre graduate?
The shooting happened in 1999, so even freshman at the time would have graduated already (in 2003). A person would have to be a Fourth time freshman to still be a highschooler who witnessed the shooting.
Reply:ceremony even
When should the last students who witnessed the Columbine massacre graduate?
The shooting happened in 1999, so even freshman at the time would have graduated already (in 2003). A person would have to be a Fourth time freshman to still be a highschooler who witnessed the shooting.
Reply:ceremony even
Looking for the care & maintance of flowers named COLUMBINE & FUCHSIA?
Sorry, I can't help with fuchsia... but I do have a columbine. I don't do much to it, really. I'll give it Miracle Grow every other week and I'll deadhead the flowers as they fade. Other than that, I let it do pretty much whatever it wants. They are a rather short-lived perennial though. If you like it and want more, then just let it go to seed. It will self-sow and you'll get more plants next year.
Looking for the care %26amp; maintance of flowers named COLUMBINE %26amp; FUCHSIA?
whatz up
Reply:good answer smooches! :p
Reply:Columbine will do well in part sun to shade. It is a hardy perennial that will die back to the ground each winter and return in the spring. Here in western Washington, they don't seem to require much special care, other than about a medium amount of water in addition to the rain we get.
Two kinds of fuchsias. The most common are the ones that are sold every spring in hanging baskets. These do best in full shade or only morning sun. Afternoon sun will wilt them no matter how much water you give them. To keep the blooms coming, you must water consistently and feed regularly. I use a diluted (like maybe half strength) liquid every other week or so. In order to keep these fuchsias over the winter, you must store them in a cool place where the temperature does not drop below freezing. Cut them back almost to the soil surface and water them occasionally.
Hardy fuchsias can be planted in the ground here in Washington, but I am not sure about other zones. These are a lot less fussy than the other kind and can take more sun and need less water and fertilizer.
safety shoes
Looking for the care %26amp; maintance of flowers named COLUMBINE %26amp; FUCHSIA?
whatz up
Reply:good answer smooches! :p
Reply:Columbine will do well in part sun to shade. It is a hardy perennial that will die back to the ground each winter and return in the spring. Here in western Washington, they don't seem to require much special care, other than about a medium amount of water in addition to the rain we get.
Two kinds of fuchsias. The most common are the ones that are sold every spring in hanging baskets. These do best in full shade or only morning sun. Afternoon sun will wilt them no matter how much water you give them. To keep the blooms coming, you must water consistently and feed regularly. I use a diluted (like maybe half strength) liquid every other week or so. In order to keep these fuchsias over the winter, you must store them in a cool place where the temperature does not drop below freezing. Cut them back almost to the soil surface and water them occasionally.
Hardy fuchsias can be planted in the ground here in Washington, but I am not sure about other zones. These are a lot less fussy than the other kind and can take more sun and need less water and fertilizer.
safety shoes
Were the columbine shooters mentally ill?
I heard that they played many violent videogames, but what I want to know is if they were mentally ill from the start?
Were the columbine shooters mentally ill?
I don't think they were actually DIAGNOSED as mentally ill, nor were they ACTUALLY mentally ill, just from what I've read about them. And I'm not going to assume that they WERE mentally ill because they killed people, because what you're asking is WERE they mentally ill, not "do YOU think they're mentally ill." I'll give you facts, and not my opinion. I know one of them had to take anger management classes, and was on an anti-depressant for it (Luvox). They also underwent psychiatic treatment after some prior misdemeanors, but I think that was just standard protocol for youth offenders. Wikipedia has a good page on them. You can follow the links at the bottom of the page too, for more info. Check it out here:
It's far too easy for everyone to say "they did it because they're mentally ill and that's final" without looking at the societal roots and causes of a tragedy like this. And btw, the boys didn't actually listen to Marilyn Manson.
Hope this helps you out!
Reply:they must have been to do something so horrible...
Reply:yeah their moms claim to have dropped them on their heads as infants so then they suffered violent trauma causing them to react like that....
Reply:it's very possible. they were angry and probably depressed kids.
Reply:I liked kelly s's answer best
And will add: Even if they did have depression or ADHD or bipolar, those illnesses do NOT make someone kill or hurt people. Folks with almost all kinds of mental illnesses are violent at about the same rate as people without the mental illness. I think it was the bullying. Killing people, even in such a horrible and senseless way, is not a mental illness. What would you call it, killing frenzy disorder?
Someone on here was going on about how bullying isn't that big a deal, folks should learn to stand up to it. Well he probably was in a school where teachers paid attention to what was going on. I was viciously bullied in junior high in a school in massachusetts, and when I moved to Minnesota, I rarely got bullied and it was very minor stuff. In some schools, kids get severely beaten etc. He lives in fairyland. Obviously those two kids didn't handle the bullying just fine, and not most of those other shooters. The violent videogames just reinforce the anger, imo.
Anyway, just some additional thoughts for you that weren't already covered by others.
Reply:Well no. They were bullied and tortored because they were different. Kids were bullies and they got sick and tired of it and made a huge mistake! If someone knew about this they could have helped them, like Rachel Joy Scott, who is an awesome person! Thats why I'm nice to everyone. I don't want to be responsible for something like that happening! I think they were so mad that they didn't think about what they were doing! I bet these kids could have had a great life but it ended short and they caused the world to be in great pain. I'm saying its good to do this, but I think they wanted to be heard and they thought this was the only choice they had! I mean they are a little nuts cause I mean nobody in their right mind would do this, but you have to think of it in their shoes. I know what it feels like to be an outsider and its not good, I cried and cried and I always thought non sence things but my now time friends reached out and now I hate to see someone down. So I wouldn't call them dumb, stuiped, or mentally dumb, because that can't change what they did it only makes it work. So please if you see someone alone boy or gril help them out! It feels great to help and be kind!! Like the song Hands in the end only kindness matters!
Reply:I don't like mental illness as an excuse for killing people. Anyone who goes around murdering is mentally ill, and should be put to death.
Reply:Naw, they weren't mentally ill. . . They just came into school and murdered a bunch of people. I wouldn't say there's anything 'ill' about that, seems completely normal now-a-days anyway.
Reply:Ask yourself this - do you think a mentally stable and sane person would do something that atrocious?!
Reply:Videogames, TV and movies Have NOTHING to do with Columbine or other tragedies.
Yes they were mentally ill, but clearly rational with regards to thier plan. They just wanted to die and get famous in the process. Clearly they saw themselves as little specks.
Reply:No, they weren't. Nor were their actions actually inspired by violent video games.
They did struggle with family and friends, which played a part in what they did. Kids at school made fun of them for being different, which is probably the biggest factor in them actually going through with it...
However, the unnecessary amount of sympathy that was generated for kids "like them" (who are made fun of in school), in order to avoid what people actually believe is a possibility for incidents like this in the future, caused a huge movement of liberals trying to change the way punishment is carried out in schools, and to punish people who might abuse other kids verbally and physically. While those things do get out of hand, what actually happened is that we now have a system where everything is labeled as abuse, and instead of kids learning how to stand up for and take care of themselves, or live through even the negative experiences that could define them as a person, we now have a system where kids and their parents are conniving and try to abuse the rules of the system in order to get their way.
It's pretty sad what's happened as a result.
Reply:I think they were bipolar but I'm not sure
its all about killing
Reply:I think so.
It's not really Marilyn Manson's fault- but I have to say that I do not like him personally.
Reply:I don;t think that they were mentally ill. I just think that they had a lot of problems and were depressed.
Reply:um.. do ya think?
normal people dont think of attemptive mass murder at a high school. I would say they definately had some issues. as do every person who has tried to copy the act or has done it prior.
Reply:Could have been. At the very least, serious anger issues
Reply:maybe, or probably just had a lot of hatred in their hearts .
Reply:nope i don't think they were mentally ill i read a book call "No Easy Answers: The Truth Behind Death at Columbine by Brooks Brown and Rob Merritt " its supposedly by a friend of theres and it said hat they were basically tormented on a daily bases glas bottles thrown at them and other things i think it was from bullying they got pushed way too far i don't think they decided to shoot there school from games they played or the music they listened to
Reply:well normal people don't go around shooting people and the violent games desensitize so they probably didn't help
Reply:Its sad how people try making excuses for sorry losers like them.
Of course they were mentally ill- anyone who can take another human beings life, is sick to say the least..
Reply:probably. do you think Doom really did that to kids?
Reply:yes. they were probably depressed. They never really had friends or anything, and some people can just be born violent,plus with influences (such as videogames)..they became inspired to become more violent.
Reply:i think they were bullied and treated like outsiders because they did things differently..mental illness does have to play a part in it....violence does tend to be more numbing no days bvecause of all the violence......
Reply:Young and stupid. They were not mentally ill, though anyone that could do something like that has to have something really wrong with their thought process. I played Doom for years, and I never felt the need to go kill people.
Reply:video games don't make killers, everyone needs to take responsibility for there own actions. as far as I know the columbine shooters were outcast, they probably felt misunderstood, sad, depressed, probably had a bad home life. Every killer has a motive, every killer has a reason to kill, they were probably weak minded because of all the things he went threw, and they just didn't know how to handle it. most people that kill have mental disorders, and I'm sure they did. but video games don't make killers.
P.S. I do not sympathize with killers at all, but they all think they have a reason to do it.
Reply:I think that it's theorized that while both eric harris and dylan klebold were bullied at certain times throughout high school or such, that their motives were far more sinister and that harris was thought to be sociopathic while klebold a follower and perhaps depressed. Both students were said to have laughed while doing the shootings and one even stooped down under the table and said 'peekaboo' before shooting which even sounds evil. They both knew that what they were doing was wrong which, according to the law, meant that they were of 'sound mind' and would've been 'competent to stand trial'. Time magazine did an article in december of 1999 and talks about how they'd planned the massacre out for over a year. It was not as though they snapped and such. You may be able to get an archived copy of that article from Time or look for it on microfilm at the local library.
On the note of bullying, 'bullycide' is when a person is bullied to the point where he or she commits suicide as in the tragic case of Jared:
There is a videoclip (about 9 videoclips) where a reenactment was done on the shootings at youtube: and search 'zero hour' (Not zero day which is a film loosely based on columbine).
Reply:No, just really pissed off.
Reply:Marilyn Manson's fault.
Were the columbine shooters mentally ill?
I don't think they were actually DIAGNOSED as mentally ill, nor were they ACTUALLY mentally ill, just from what I've read about them. And I'm not going to assume that they WERE mentally ill because they killed people, because what you're asking is WERE they mentally ill, not "do YOU think they're mentally ill." I'll give you facts, and not my opinion. I know one of them had to take anger management classes, and was on an anti-depressant for it (Luvox). They also underwent psychiatic treatment after some prior misdemeanors, but I think that was just standard protocol for youth offenders. Wikipedia has a good page on them. You can follow the links at the bottom of the page too, for more info. Check it out here:
It's far too easy for everyone to say "they did it because they're mentally ill and that's final" without looking at the societal roots and causes of a tragedy like this. And btw, the boys didn't actually listen to Marilyn Manson.
Hope this helps you out!
Reply:they must have been to do something so horrible...
Reply:yeah their moms claim to have dropped them on their heads as infants so then they suffered violent trauma causing them to react like that....
Reply:it's very possible. they were angry and probably depressed kids.
Reply:I liked kelly s's answer best
And will add: Even if they did have depression or ADHD or bipolar, those illnesses do NOT make someone kill or hurt people. Folks with almost all kinds of mental illnesses are violent at about the same rate as people without the mental illness. I think it was the bullying. Killing people, even in such a horrible and senseless way, is not a mental illness. What would you call it, killing frenzy disorder?
Someone on here was going on about how bullying isn't that big a deal, folks should learn to stand up to it. Well he probably was in a school where teachers paid attention to what was going on. I was viciously bullied in junior high in a school in massachusetts, and when I moved to Minnesota, I rarely got bullied and it was very minor stuff. In some schools, kids get severely beaten etc. He lives in fairyland. Obviously those two kids didn't handle the bullying just fine, and not most of those other shooters. The violent videogames just reinforce the anger, imo.
Anyway, just some additional thoughts for you that weren't already covered by others.
Reply:Well no. They were bullied and tortored because they were different. Kids were bullies and they got sick and tired of it and made a huge mistake! If someone knew about this they could have helped them, like Rachel Joy Scott, who is an awesome person! Thats why I'm nice to everyone. I don't want to be responsible for something like that happening! I think they were so mad that they didn't think about what they were doing! I bet these kids could have had a great life but it ended short and they caused the world to be in great pain. I'm saying its good to do this, but I think they wanted to be heard and they thought this was the only choice they had! I mean they are a little nuts cause I mean nobody in their right mind would do this, but you have to think of it in their shoes. I know what it feels like to be an outsider and its not good, I cried and cried and I always thought non sence things but my now time friends reached out and now I hate to see someone down. So I wouldn't call them dumb, stuiped, or mentally dumb, because that can't change what they did it only makes it work. So please if you see someone alone boy or gril help them out! It feels great to help and be kind!! Like the song Hands in the end only kindness matters!
Reply:I don't like mental illness as an excuse for killing people. Anyone who goes around murdering is mentally ill, and should be put to death.
Reply:Naw, they weren't mentally ill. . . They just came into school and murdered a bunch of people. I wouldn't say there's anything 'ill' about that, seems completely normal now-a-days anyway.
Reply:Ask yourself this - do you think a mentally stable and sane person would do something that atrocious?!
Reply:Videogames, TV and movies Have NOTHING to do with Columbine or other tragedies.
Yes they were mentally ill, but clearly rational with regards to thier plan. They just wanted to die and get famous in the process. Clearly they saw themselves as little specks.
Reply:No, they weren't. Nor were their actions actually inspired by violent video games.
They did struggle with family and friends, which played a part in what they did. Kids at school made fun of them for being different, which is probably the biggest factor in them actually going through with it...
However, the unnecessary amount of sympathy that was generated for kids "like them" (who are made fun of in school), in order to avoid what people actually believe is a possibility for incidents like this in the future, caused a huge movement of liberals trying to change the way punishment is carried out in schools, and to punish people who might abuse other kids verbally and physically. While those things do get out of hand, what actually happened is that we now have a system where everything is labeled as abuse, and instead of kids learning how to stand up for and take care of themselves, or live through even the negative experiences that could define them as a person, we now have a system where kids and their parents are conniving and try to abuse the rules of the system in order to get their way.
It's pretty sad what's happened as a result.
Reply:I think they were bipolar but I'm not sure
its all about killing
Reply:I think so.
It's not really Marilyn Manson's fault- but I have to say that I do not like him personally.
Reply:I don;t think that they were mentally ill. I just think that they had a lot of problems and were depressed.
Reply:um.. do ya think?
normal people dont think of attemptive mass murder at a high school. I would say they definately had some issues. as do every person who has tried to copy the act or has done it prior.
Reply:Could have been. At the very least, serious anger issues
Reply:maybe, or probably just had a lot of hatred in their hearts .
Reply:nope i don't think they were mentally ill i read a book call "No Easy Answers: The Truth Behind Death at Columbine by Brooks Brown and Rob Merritt " its supposedly by a friend of theres and it said hat they were basically tormented on a daily bases glas bottles thrown at them and other things i think it was from bullying they got pushed way too far i don't think they decided to shoot there school from games they played or the music they listened to
Reply:well normal people don't go around shooting people and the violent games desensitize so they probably didn't help
Reply:Its sad how people try making excuses for sorry losers like them.
Of course they were mentally ill- anyone who can take another human beings life, is sick to say the least..
Reply:probably. do you think Doom really did that to kids?
Reply:yes. they were probably depressed. They never really had friends or anything, and some people can just be born violent,plus with influences (such as videogames)..they became inspired to become more violent.
Reply:i think they were bullied and treated like outsiders because they did things differently..mental illness does have to play a part in it....violence does tend to be more numbing no days bvecause of all the violence......
Reply:Young and stupid. They were not mentally ill, though anyone that could do something like that has to have something really wrong with their thought process. I played Doom for years, and I never felt the need to go kill people.
Reply:video games don't make killers, everyone needs to take responsibility for there own actions. as far as I know the columbine shooters were outcast, they probably felt misunderstood, sad, depressed, probably had a bad home life. Every killer has a motive, every killer has a reason to kill, they were probably weak minded because of all the things he went threw, and they just didn't know how to handle it. most people that kill have mental disorders, and I'm sure they did. but video games don't make killers.
P.S. I do not sympathize with killers at all, but they all think they have a reason to do it.
Reply:I think that it's theorized that while both eric harris and dylan klebold were bullied at certain times throughout high school or such, that their motives were far more sinister and that harris was thought to be sociopathic while klebold a follower and perhaps depressed. Both students were said to have laughed while doing the shootings and one even stooped down under the table and said 'peekaboo' before shooting which even sounds evil. They both knew that what they were doing was wrong which, according to the law, meant that they were of 'sound mind' and would've been 'competent to stand trial'. Time magazine did an article in december of 1999 and talks about how they'd planned the massacre out for over a year. It was not as though they snapped and such. You may be able to get an archived copy of that article from Time or look for it on microfilm at the local library.
On the note of bullying, 'bullycide' is when a person is bullied to the point where he or she commits suicide as in the tragic case of Jared:
There is a videoclip (about 9 videoclips) where a reenactment was done on the shootings at youtube: and search 'zero hour' (Not zero day which is a film loosely based on columbine).
Reply:No, just really pissed off.
Reply:Marilyn Manson's fault.
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