Friday, May 21, 2010

Should Michael Moore's documentary "Bowling for Columbine" be shown in public high schools?

Or is it too conservatively violent, and shows how easy it is to get guns and bashes President Clinton?

Should Michael Moore's documentary "Bowling for Columbine" be shown in public high schools?
anything Michael Moore makes should not be shown anywhere should al be flushed down a toilet.
Reply:If it is Conservative and bashes Clinton, then by all means. It should be required viewing and in no way should anyone be able to show a different view.
Reply:High school is the perfect place to show Michael Moore's films. It could stimulate great conversation and debate in the classroom. That's what you call education. Anything that educates and stimulates thinking and debate should be welcomed in our education system, not censored.
Reply:As a school teacher I have found that it is okay to show as much graphic violence as you want as long as you do not show any nudity. (Which means you cannot show something like Roots).

I have taken my students to see Bowling for Columbine at a Moma event and they really enjoyed it and thought it was eye opening.
Reply:Michael Moore's movies should be studied by people who want to learn how to distort facts and be subtle in their deceit.
Reply:It mostly sympathizes with gun control. In the future, people will think that all gunowners are criminals and that guns need to be banned, should this be shown in public schools. Let people decide things for themselves, don't choose any path for them; let them take their own path.
Reply:Our schools are there to teach our children, not to shove biased opinions down their throats.
Reply:Absolutely not, unless you want our youth to be brainwashed into one way of thinking. Michael Moore does not show both sides of any argument.

On factual data please!
Reply:Anything made by michael moore should not even be shown in a run down porn theater in the ghetto where only the projectionist and a drunk bum passed out on the floor are watching.

Michael Moore is an America-hating, self righteous, propaganda filled gas bag who wouldn’t know the truth if it jumped up and smacked him in his fat over-fed face.

Did I mention he is one of the biggest hypocrites to ever soil the face of the earth?
Reply:I don't really see the educational value of it. It is well known that Mr. Moore is pretty radical (I don't mean he doesn't have a point, just that he is pretty extreme), I don't really see a school allowing his movies as part of curriculum.
Reply:michale moore, or anything that he has touched, had a hand in, or produced should be showed to innocent children. his stuff has no business in the school system.
Reply:Nothing of his is worth watching , anywhere. He is just a propaganda pig.

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Columbine info?

does anyone know where to go to watch video clips of the footage shot of the columbine shootings? i'm doing a school report

by the way, wasn't columbine HORRIBLE ohmigod that disaster bothers me more than anything else. any info on columbine you can give me would be great thanks

Columbine info?

There is a film called Elephant, a small indepedant film produced by Diane Keaton, which dipicts similar events. One of the more profound scenes, plays a mock up of security cameras taping all the killings. If you have the opportunity to watch this film, do so; it may hold information that could help you.
Reply:yeah, I saw Elephant, It's alright, I prefir the movie Bang Bang you're dead, mainly because it has a happy ending sort of. yeah columbine was bad, Jonesboro, Paduka, Springfield, ect...?, it's just that it has the most victims and more media coverage. Report It

Reply:any shooting is a horrible thing.....all those innocent people and they're families! how could anyone do something like that? yes columbine was horrible, and any other school shooting is just as bad!

i pray everyday for all the victims of tragedies like this and their families....god bless them! Report It

Please read my blog about the columbine tragedy.?

tell me your opinion about Darrell Scott's Testimony.

cast a vote if you agree with what he wrote

Please read my blog about the columbine tragedy.?
this is not the psychic hotline... where is your blog?

Sorry, i clicked on your profile but did not notice your 360 blog listed on your profile. After reading your columbine tradegy I don't have much to say other than guns should stay legal and to remind everyone back in the old west days when everyone strapped on a gun there were fewer crimes as everyone was proactive to defend themselves. Today, we call 911 and talk to the college drop out waiting for the trigger happy barney fife deputy to arrive
Reply:what is the website or the blogg???

When people like the columbine killers set up a site, how do people find it? Like news commentators..?

I'm not sure about Comumbine, but with a few would-be massacres that were foiled lately, the bad guys had posted their plans (in detail) on

People browsing around on there find this people's plans, %26amp; report them to MySpace %26amp; HOPEFULLY the local police department.

The press picks is up off the police wire.

When people like the columbine killers set up a site, how do people find it? Like news commentators..?
The police usually find it and inform the media.

Is that song, Cassie, from Flyleaf's latest album about the girl who died at columbine?

If you don't know the song then don't worry! Go to to hear it!

Is that song, Cassie, from Flyleaf's latest album about the girl who died at columbine?
"The song "Cassie" refers to Lacey Mosley's view on the Columbine High School massacre concerning the supposed incident where Cassie Bernall was asked by one of the gunment whether she believed in God or not. Upon expressing her belief, she was shot to death. This incident is a common myth surrounding the events of the Columbine High School Massacre. According to some accounts, Cassie was not questioned about her beliefs, but a similar question was put to Valeen Schnurr, who was spared by the gunmen. The investigation team that worked on the Columbine shooting came to similar conclusions regarding the incident and its authenticity."

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Essay writing - Bowling for Columbine - urgent?

Hi everybody !

I've to write an essay about this movie ; "you're a journalist writing about Michael Moore' documentary. Write a movie review giving your opinion about the way he presents the Amercian society and say if in your opinion it can be an efficient means to fight against school violence."

Could you give me some help please ?! Thanks very much !


Essay writing - Bowling for Columbine - urgent?
Bowling for Columbine was an indictment against the love affair that America has always had with guns. He challenges the idea that citizens must enjoy full access to fire-arms (specifically handguns) in order to be 'free'. He demonstrates that Canadians have a much different level of trust for each other than Americans do. To put this to the test, he literally walks into an unlocked house, camera in hand, and begins interviewing a couple about why they don't feel the need to lock thier door.

For all of Moore's antics, there is a very serious message behind the film. The rights that our Constitution assures us were put in place in a very different era. It was a time when guns were an absolute MUST for Americans. The gun was a tool, used to hunt and protect the home. It was common for a militia to be used in times of need, and every man needed to bring his own arms. This carried into the 19th century, as the West was explored and border towns with very little in the way of law enforcement forced citizens to protect themselves and each other with firearms.

Moore illustrates clearly that all of these needs are now gone. Every good reason for non-law enforcement citizenry to own a gun is vastly outweighed by the deluge of tradgedy that they cause in modern society.

It's hard to deny that he presents a very good case for stricter gun laws in the U.S. The British aren't likely to invade, the cowboy and Indian days are behind us, and our children are dying. School violence is just one of a great many problems that would be eased by the banning of handguns and tighter restrictions on other firearms.

Thanks, and good night.
Reply:My advice is, expand your knowledge pool. Writing is only hard and the mental blocks tough to get over if your knowledge pool is limited. Get to know your subject like your favorite hobby; check videos, reference works, and get to know who it is you are writing about. If done properly, this will give you more than enough content to fill the paper.

Then draw your own conclusions on whether or not you agree or disagree with Moore. Just put some meat on the bone, and it shouldn't be too difficult!

Do you think this is a bad example to use in my paper?

I'm writing a persuasive essay on why we should wear uniforms at my high school. My teacher said I should add an emotional appeal in my paragraph about equality. In the paragraph I talk about how uniforms cause less chance of judging and cliques. As an example, I thought about writing a tiny bit about the Columbine massacre, which I've done a little research on before. The boys targeted anyone with a white hat (as well as many other classifications) but certain clothing was one thing the boys looked for. So, do you think I should put it in my paper, or is it too extreme? After all, massacres like Columbine don't happen very often.

Do you think this is a bad example to use in my paper?
Well, not really bad, but not very emotionally strong as well. Unless you are able to zero in to your point on the boys targetting anyone with a white hat. were they looking for equality? If I were you, I'd look for emotional appeal through equality meaning kids should be in school not to dress up and show off, rather to learn and equally gain with what the school can provide. A uniform should conceal the background of a person, what race, family, income bracket, group or whatever....
Reply:That could be a good example, but I might want to give example based on what is happening now in your school.

But in my opinion, would uniforms really solve the problems in today's school?
Reply:I think that it would be a bit too extreme. Perhaps an appeal to finances and leveling that playing field would be more in order.
Reply:Personally, although your perspective on uniforms and the Columbine massacre may be correct, I think it's best to leave it out, unless your teacher equates "emotional appeal" with "sensationalism", which, sadly, they sometimes do. Your point may be "right-as-rain" but the inclusion of such an ugly event in American history takes away from the core reasons as to why school uniforms were originally used. I can say, as one who went to Catholic schools from around 1956-1966, and wore uniforms all that time, that issues such as the pathetic columbine incident NEVER crossed our mind. It was a matter of de-emphasizing the individual for the achievement of the common goal: a good education, and it worked, and still works. So, that's my opinion, for what it's worth. God Bless you.
Reply:And why not? I think it's a completely valid point. Just because it doesn't happen often, doesn't mean that it's not an important factor. I didn't know that, and something that's not commonly known is a definate plus in writing any paper.

Good luck with your paper!
Reply:I don't think it's a valid example for your paper. I do not think it's too much to cite Columbine, but I am not quite sure that I see the connection to your argument. School uniforms are a good thing because then that way high school killers would have to find another way to select their victims? Is that what you're saying? If you want to cite Columbine as an example then it should be as an example that high school cliques can cause real damage to people - meaning the killers - but I don't think that's a very strong argument.

Don't think just about popularity and cliques - think about the idea of economic equality. If school is a place where you're meant to learn, without distraction, and be judged solely on the merit of your work, then think about how much it would level the playing field if everyone had to wear the same clothes.

Just watch any John Hughes movie from the 80s for an emotional appeal on classism in high school.

I need help on writing an essay for church?

I need to write an essay on my response on massacres such as the Columbine and Virginia Tech shootings from an orthodox Christian Point of View.

I need some ideas on how to write this essay. Some biblical references would be nice. Hope you can help.

I need help on writing an essay for church?
For VA Tech, visit the website below:

As for Columbine, read the essay below:
Reply:make an appointment with your priest after watching Bowling for Columbine

What are the reasons to kill 32 students?

More than a question, i guess it's a reflection: Where is the security in the U.S? Why gringos (in general...I mean, the government) do not learn? First, Columbine and now, Virginia Tech?

What are the reasons to kill 32 students?
The reason to kill 32 was his reason alone. Can you understand what goes on in such a person's mind?

There is nothing that can be done to protect all of the people all of the time.
Reply:Gringos? You racist *****.
Reply:NO reason. This kid was messed up in the head. He had been evaluated and he was not stable and the parents did not see to it that he was taken care of. In this situation I blame the parent for what this boy did. They knew what he was capable of doing and only they could have stopped him.
Reply:What's to learn? Maybe a law against mass murder would help?

No security system in the world will protect you against a mad man, only self protection.
Reply:People that are mentally ill don't have a logical reason to kill their victims. He was on anti-depressants, but obviously depression was not his problem. I believe that people that are mentally ill that are given these drugs become much worse and go off the deep-end. These drugs are not for everyone.
Reply:What can you do if you allow people to carry weapons that can get off 200 shots in mere minutes? We are probably lucky this hasn't happened more often. We should have not allowed citizens to carry these semi-automatic weapons in the past.
Reply:I know and I agree with you. It look like we would have learned our lesson with Columbine but I guess not. Maybe this will make them sit up and take notice. I sure hope so. I feel so sorry for all of the families that have lost children both at Columbine and Virginia Tech. They are in my prayers.
Reply:theres been more shootings then just those two and they have all been the same, a student from the school, several sings, and they didnt just flat out kill them they made them suffer
Reply:I don't understand what gov. has anything to do with this. If someone breaks down and decides kill one person or many how can gov. stop them. The only people that can do anything are those around that person that is having the break down. Look at what is going on around the world. Bombs, shootings, stabbings, auto homicides (because of drugs or alcohol) ect…

Those around the person are the only ones that can stop him or her. If you feel someone is going to do something or someone says that they are going to do something then tell the proper authorities. Don’t think that they are just mad at the time and will not act on anything. Better safe than sorry. That guy need help and people knew it. He should have been in a hospital and receiving help. But lets say that was done. What if those around him had a gun of their own. If someone he confronted had a license to carry a weapon the out come would have been different.

Do not rely on gov. to take care of you. The have enough to take care of.
Reply:if you dont like the gringos, perhaps you should go home
Reply:For a moment, this guy had the college's life in his hands. It must have felt really powerful. He was getting away with it so he must have felt invincible. He told himself that these people didn't deserve to live because they were all mean or had potential to hurt him emotionally. And he was a foreigner who didn't see these people as comrades, I guess. He'd already decided to kill himself. I wish they would assign people to each school to regularly patrol and provide security right on the spot and be available whenever there is a student with a concern. Or maybe only people who've passed a mental check-up could attend college and have to take more tests throughout the year/s.

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Was it necessary for the news story about the Ohio school shooter to mention what shirt the guy was wearing?

Do you think since Columbine and obviously as it continues today the media is trying to perpetuate the false assumption that music and games cause kids to turn violent REGARDLESS of the kids' environment? (the story said the kid was wearing a marilyn manson shirt, NOT IMPORTANT TO THE STORY!!!)

I blame parents, low-to-no school funding, school counselors and officials, bullying and a host of other reasons that would rank much higher than music or games.

We even know by now the kid had some mental problems, why not go with that and just skip the scapegoating of marilyn manson?

Was it necessary for the news story about the Ohio school shooter to mention what shirt the guy was wearing?
If the info in the first answer is correct, then I can see it being mentioned. But generally speaking, I agree with you. My first thought when I read about the shirt was accompanied with a rolling of eyes. And this kid had a history of mental problems. Maybe, in his twisted mind, his "worship" of Marilyn Manson played some small part, but what is the role of this kid's parents in this situation? With the Virginia Tech shooter, I think his parents truly felt like he was past the worst of his problems, but he was not in their home for them to see his downward spiral. This kid in Ohio was a minor still living at home, so it would be interesting to hear about his home life and parents.
Reply:Obviously, what you are reading or seeing is stuff perpetuated and sensationalized by the media. The reason that Asa Coon's clothing was mentioned was to identify what he looked like during the shootings. He was clearly different (white, goth kid in an all black school) and is mentally unstable. Personally, I don't think that Marilyn Manson is satanic and does get a bad rap for his image and lyrics. Clearly, the administration, teachers and perhaps his parents are somewhat accountable for what happened. My question is how Coon got past metal detectors and security?
Reply:Marilyn Manson's music promotes suicide, death, drug use, violence and hatred. He legitimizes and encourages that kind of behavior. This should be a warning to parents whose kids admire and / or idolize him. Is the fact that he was a fan the reason? No, but it could have contributed to his thought processes.

Reply:No. They're just looking for an easy explanation and something to blame it on.
Reply:Yes, it was necessary to describe the shirt the shooter was wearing. Clothing is one of the primary items used in identifying criminals. I'll bet that, somewhere, in the police report the race of the shooter was also used but NOT for racism (regardless of race).

Scapegoat: "One that is made to bear the blame of others." At no time was Marilyn Manson used as a scapegoat. He was never questioned or charged in this crime.

I think you have a "wad" in your drawers over nothing.
Reply:Forget the shirt - was he wearing a straight jacket?
Reply:The shirt gave and Ideal of his mental state. Are you a parent? Why do you blame the parents that you dont know?I agree bully has alot to do with a kids mental state
Reply:The report I read also said that the reason that the student had been suspended was because of a fight that started because he told another student that he didn't believe in god; he worshipped marilyn manson. It sounds way too cliche to me, but if those are the facts of the story...
Reply:It was not nessecary,in fact ,the Cable TV and Television News in general is guilty of being criminally negligent in trying to promote these crimes ,so they can stay busy.When the news is slow after a big event such as (9/11),then you will notice that the Media will do a report on themselves and how they covered the Big Story.They don't realize that they would be more popular with the Public, if one day they just came out and said, "we have spun all we can possibly spin out of such and such a story, so we are gonna give it a break","we will come back when we can get an honest story that is truly interesting.One that we don't have to fabricate at the expense of harming more people unnessacarily in the name of making our News Station $$$$$$$$$$$$$!................... DREAM ON.
Reply:A lot of psycho killers like to wear military clothing. Does this mean the military causes children and others to kill?

What sick person would make this game? Super Columbine Massacre RPG!?

Why in the world would anyone want to expolit the needless deaths of children? I am all for creative freedom but someone has to draw a line somewhere? What's next a 9/11 game?

What sick person would make this game? Super Columbine Massacre RPG!?
seriously disgusting--and regarding those 9/11 films: I was standing watching those towers fall, seeing people jumping, and just the thought of those movies make me start to cry so I'm never even going to see a second of them. it's be just like re-living that day over.....which right now I'm doing. if they make a game about that then i know for sure that the whole civilization is beyond redemption.
Reply:What website is this game on?
Reply:most likely yes. Ive seen some sick games on the market recently from fighting the anti-christ to playing as him/it to playing a terrorist organization and commiting mass suicide bombings.

Honestly I have more of a problem with the lack of moral fibers from the publishes that publish and market the game then the developers.
Reply:that is pretty sick. and i wouldn't be surprised if there was a 9/11 game in the pipeline, they've already made money out of it with films
Reply:Hey look dumb asses there fun because it would show you what it's like to blow up the world trade center ( In my opninon it would be fun ) so because you play sick video games doesn't make you a sick person, Trust Me.
Reply:Well, actually, there was a game I have seen on the news a few years ago about a flight simulator and you have to try and recreate how the planes crashed into the towers. Along the lines of a simulator of JFK's assassination, and whoever got the most acurate shot would win 10,000 dollars. So this Columbine game is what puts these people on the map, noticed, and into a broader aspect than if they would create a regular game for a freebie website. There is a lot of exploitation going on in the world, sad, but people will do anything for money nowadays. And the news shows that put it on the air is just that much more publicity. If people would ignore it and not get so angry and expose them on a larger scale they would simply disappear from lack of users and not being well known of.
Reply:Probaly the same people who made a sick mini-game World trade center Jummper, 9/11 dash to crash, and 9-11 flight simulator where you get hijacked 15 seconds in the game. People in this world can be cruel and sickning at some time. When i see games deplicting stuff like that makes me wanna vie for the normalicy of the old days where we didnt have 9-11 and wars like back in the late 80's earily 90's (i am 25) But there really isnt nutting we can do about it and thats sad

Bowling For Columbine Questions?

Finished watching this movie in class and we have to do some questions on it. I'm a little confused with this one, i Don't rember where this was in the movie, could someone please help:

A. Define Satire

B. Give two examples of how Morre used political satire in the film to make a point.

Thanks !

Please check back, I understand the rest fo the questions, however I might stumble upon somehting i either forget/don't know.

Bowling For Columbine Questions?
Satire: literary technique that combines a critical attitude with humor, often with the intent of correcting or changing the subject of the satire

Example: Moore played Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World while showing footage of the World Trade Center on September 11. Obviously this is not a wonderful world, and the footage shows it, yet he plays it anyway.

Example 2: Moore goes to a bank where he gets a free gun for opening an account.

Example 3:

Moore takes two Columbine victims to the American superstore Kmart headquarters in Troy, Michigan, ostensibly to claim a refund on the bullets still lodged in their bodies. After a number of attempts to evade the issue, a Kmart spokesperson says that the firm will change its policy and phase out the sale of handgun ammunition; this comes after Moore and the victims go to the nearest Kmart store, purchase all of their ammunition, and return the next day with several members of the media. "We've won," says Moore, in disbelief. "That was more than we asked for."

Also about question #2

Wahts the movie called where they do the remakin of the columbine shooting?

You may be referring to Gus Van Sant's film, "Elephant." More of a dramatization of the whole incident, not a re-enactment.

Wahts the movie called where they do the remakin of the columbine shooting?
ZERO DAY is another movie that was inspired by the columbine shooting and is far more powerful and incisive than the popular Van Sant flick.

How to keep curls in

Can i see the bodies from the two killers on columbine high school massacre?

dylan harris and eric klebold

Can i see the bodies from the two killers on columbine high school massacre?
Why the hell would you want to?
Reply:There are pictures out there.
Reply:that is gross, why would you like to see dead pleople?
Reply:Kid, you are one sick puppy!!!!! Peace and God bless.
Reply:There may be pictures but they are both cremated and the location of their ashes are unknown

What did you think about columbine?

Do not delete this please I really want other peoples opinions and perspectives.

What did you think about columbine?
overrated!!! happened everywhere else for years-no one cared then, but all of a sudden, suburban white upper-middle class americans, i don't support prejudice!
Reply:The Columbine tragedy shows that:

1) school officials should treat every single minor threat as very serious one, the same way the Secret Service does the same thing to safeguard our President's life. If something like that goes down, a student should tell their teacher or parent. They then will call the police and have the problem defused before it happens. The guilty students will then be dealt with accordingly to the fullest extent of the law.

2) parents should monitor what their kids see on TV and what sites they go to on the Internet. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were unsupervised on watching violent images in film and visiting sites on how to make bombs that were used in the April, 1999 attack. They should also listen to the music they listen to as well. The Columbine attackers listened to some violence-laced lyrics to hard-core metal. That have definitely fueled their violent tendencies that caused all of the carnage at the school.

3) parents also should keep their weapons locked away and out of access of their kids. Klebold and Harris obtained assault weapons from other people to use in this bloodshed.

4)kids should talk to their parents if they have been bullied at school. It's the only way to keep them from doing something disastrous to their teachers and classmates. They could also tell their teacher and principal about this as well.

5)schools need to institute an _extremely_ strict take-no-prisoner attitude toward this bullying behavior as a way to keep school disasters like what happened at Columbine from happenening there. Anyone who engages in that behavior should be dealt with harshly, and:

6)the entertainment industry needs to be very careful marketig their products that are deemed unsuitable for young kids. Unsuitable material should _only_ , and I emphasize _only_ , be shown at night on some channels.

That's my take on this Columbine tragedy.
Reply:Kid's who had alot and didn't know how to use it. They also had access to guns and didn't know how to use them properly
Reply:I think Columbine reminded Americans that crime, regardless of anything, still existed and sadly, resulted into one of the most tragic events in educational history.

Some people might argue that the Columbine shooting was a result of kids and media violence, and though this is partly true, it all goes back to the issues of morals.

We see it everyday; rape, murder, theft, and kidnapping. Often, too many times, political correctness atempts to "make everyone innocent" and blind people from actually seeing that true evil still exists. And that real crimes do happen.

Personally, I don't think playing the "video" games contributed all of the Columbine shooting. Instead, I feel the way society had warped the concept of "good and evil," all humans became blind themselves with the lack of good values and judgement.

Games are not wrong; but the way people REACT and make DECISIONS afterwards becomes a problem. Yes, some games are virtually evil but how a person responds to it is the key issue.

In all due respects, I think the U.S. became more wary of what dangers lied ahead as a result of political corruptiveness, moral failures in the homes and schools, and even lack of judgement that has decayed.
Reply:What about columbine? Some kids who needed psychiatric help got teased and tortured to the point of no return. It happens every day in our society. some kids turn to drugs and booze, some turn to suicide, some just run, and others take revenge. Until kids learn not to be so mean, and self-centred, its gonna continue. america (andcanada)has to learn to respect the differences in others
Reply:was anybody listening?

they even e-mailed the principle...

over 180 documented cries for help....

one of the saddest days...for all involved...

i hope it opened many eyes...

especially those involved in the life of a child...

Report offers Columbine hindsight

Interviews show that killers dropped hints of rampage, but no one gathered all the pieces

By M.E. Sprengelmeyer

and Michele Ames

Denver Rocky Mountain News Staff Writers

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold announced their violent plans for Columbine High School in veiled threats, cryptic clues and strange behavior — but nobody put all the pieces together until gunfire erupted.

About 11,000 pages of police reports released Tuesday show numerous warning signs that were missed or ignored ........

I need to write a strong response on Bowling for Columbine. I can not think of what to write. HELP!?

How did it make you feel?

What could have prevented it?

Can you relate to the students?

All the signs for Columbine were there werent they??

In the Colmbine Shooting were all the signs there??It seems there was do u think that??

All the signs for Columbine were there werent they??
The signs were there, but nobody could believe it.

People rarely believe that somebody they know will become homicidal or suicidal, even if they say so.

There was a double-murder-suicide near where my friend used to live. One of the neighbors I talked to was a friend of the murderer. The guy told him he was going to kill those people, but he didn't believe it. He was distraught afterward, thinking about it.

In another case, reported in the news, a boy was threatening to shoot people at school. His friends frisked him when he came on campus, but didn't check his backpack or tell the authorities. The boy killed 2 people. Imagine if you had been his friends.

When people threaten such things, it's best to pay attention and tell the authorities. It's better to be embarrassed because the threat wasn't real, than to have a tragedy that you could have prevented.
Reply:They may have been, but it was a matter of interpreting them correctly.

Kids are being BOMBARDED by too much information

The internet, Ipods, cell phones, DVD's, webcams.

I recently read a psychological study that concluded that these days, the maturity of a 21 year old kid now, is on par with that of a 15 year old 20 years ago!

Where the HELL are the parents?

It's the Dumbing Down of America.
Reply:yes but people just dont care anymore i blame the parents
Reply:I think the kids went crazy. It's not about guns. In the 60's when I went to high school my 2 friends had a lot of guns. We went out shooting and had fun. We never did anything crazy. I learned how to properly handle guns and to respect them.
Reply:it seems u need to get out of watever cave u livin in and realize that has passed and there are worse things today

sandals church

Do you remember when Columbine happened?

I was sad, but I think I'm the only person who remembers it when it happened instead of hearing about it later. How old are you now and you old do you think you were then? Do you remember it when it happened or not?

Do you remember when Columbine happened?
I remember when it happened. I'm in my 40s. I read the published diary of Rachel, one of the girls killed. She was only 15. It was a terrible shock that something like this could happen, but since then the senseless violence has occurred all across the country at other schools and universities. They're senseless tragedies.
Reply:yes I remember,it was awful
Reply:I remember hearing about it on the radio while it was happening and then a day later when my friend who lived there came to visit so he could get away from all of that craziness for a while.
Reply:i remember when japan attacked pearl harbor, when hitler invaded poland, when the korean war broke out, when jfk, malcolm x, and martin luther king got assassinated, when kent state shooting occured, when jim jones massacred his cult, when september 11th happened, and virginia tech massacre. oh yeah , and columbine too. it's depressing
Reply:i recall news about it, sad day for those familes
Reply:Yeah. I thing I remember the most was the kid jumping out the window. It was sad
Reply:i'm 16 now how long ago did it happen?? i can remember abit of it,but only coz i saw it on the telly!!!!
Reply:yes I remember,
Reply:It wasn't that long ago, of course we remember. I'm scared to death for my child going to school that someone else hasn't raised their child properly. I'm 37 and my son is almost 12 and in middle school.

About that movie ELEPHANT based on Columbine?

why is that movie so weird, they say is based on Columbine but on this one park the kids are in the shower making out, were they gay or somthing? that movie makes them see gay ? was it actually like that cause from what ive read is nothing alike.

About that movie ELEPHANT based on Columbine?
Saw the movie, I thought it was pretty good. I don't think that the shooters were gay, if they were then I don't think that it has much to do with the story.

It's important to remember that when a film (or whatever) is 'based on' something, the writers are allowed to take certain liberties to advance the story. 'Elephant' isn't a biography of the shooters, it's more along the lines of 'two kids walk into a school with some guns.'

How can I get my message across?

I'm doing a poster on the Columbine Massacre for my history class. I've done research on it and I know it was a very tragic day. When I present my poster, what can I do or say to really get the message across of how horrible it was, instead of just making it sound like any other small shooting?

How can I get my message across?
The poster is secondary to the point of the speech.

It is a point of reference to confirm the spoken words.

Less is more when it comes to dramatic issues.

List the names and ages. [the dead and injured]

A picture of a memorial- flowers/candles.

NO gross stuff, that is really bad form.

Find out that facts only, then Followup up on the GOOD that came out of that horrible day. That's a spin they won't expect.


(I am a minister now- this is my most popular teen age sermon)

Without adversity, we know not how to create courage and character within ourselves. Those are the times the "god" or "goodness" in us is most apparent. Courage is acting while being fearful. Honor is the reward you recieve for being Brave enough to lead others to the right path. All of this is already IN you, its a God given gift. Its your choice to use it.


Who survived and how ( not injuries) what steps toward positive growth did they take.

Start with bringing the other students into the story with a Q%26amp; A.

How old are you? What is your dream for the future?

My subject today is Columbine. [leave it at that]

What do you think about when you hear just that Name?

Can you imagine the fear? If it was a normal day, like today and then this was a gun and you all were trapped and scared. How would your lives be changed for ever?

That is what I am here to talk about.

Columbine- Hope for tomorrow, learning from the history of this event. Here are the facts. SHOW THE POSTER.

Or better yet a powerpoint presentation.

Best wishes. It will be a popular subject, so lets hope you can give Grace and Hope to a tragic situation. Gory details don't make the case. having the listener identify with the pain and fear of each person in the place and the parents/teachers and families will bring the "real emotion" of the event.
Reply:Have huge print on how many people died..thats a low key as I can think. Without having picture of dead bodies...
Reply:You've already wasted the one chance you'll get with me.
Reply:One way you can get the point across is graphics and/or pictures. Nothing makes the average person cringe like seeing a fatal shotgun wound. Or, if you can, find a picture of a pile of bodies. If you want the pictures to be authentic, then kudos to you. I for one would also find some quotes from surviving students and include them in your presentation.

Hope this helps!
Reply:You can put pictures of the families and students crying, the funerals, quotes from the loved ones, pictures of the people while they were still alive.

If you really wanted to be grotesque you could put pics of the actual massacre, though I wouldn't recommend that.

What can we do to avoid having another school shooting?

i thought columbine would be the end of school shooting for awhile and here we are now with the virginia tech shooting, my question is what can we do to avoid things like this from happening again?

What can we do to avoid having another school shooting?
girls, give a hug to the lonely guy in class.
Reply:It will happen again and again and again -- nothing can be done ----
Reply:Get to know the quiet people in your classes. Make friends with them instead of making fun of them. If they seem mentally ill, don't just run from them, see if you can get them to the counseling center. If you think someone is kind of weird or doesn't have any friends, you should try to make friends with them. (I also think we should make it harder to buy guns; longer cooling off periods for example.)
Reply:a ton of people are going to hate me for this, but gun control. gun control gun control gun control. yes, the constitution gives us the right to bear arms, but arms werent semi-automatic when that was written. i have been to countries that have strict gun control policies and the crime rate is so low....if this man didnt have access to guns, it sure as hell would have been a LOOOOOOOTTTT harder for him to do this wouldnt it? i know there are people who wouldnt get a gun to go shoot some place up, but in this day and age, when you cant honestly predict who is going to do kind of have to watch everybody. yes, this kid was quiet and withdrawn and wrote violent things, but so is my brother and he wouldnt even think of killing anyone because he knows its wrong. so picking out all the quiet people isnt going to help because some of the quietest people i know are actually some of the happiest most well adjusted. meanwhile some of the loudest are the scariest people i have ever met. you cant predict what people are going to do but if you make it harder for them to get weapons they are less likely to do it
Reply:Number one increase school security.

Number two make it tougher to gain access to guns.

Number three pay closer attention to troubled students.
Reply:It's not just schools but post offices or businesses; but school shootings will happen, because human personalities are eternal. There will always be bullies, abused loners, violent angry people with an attitude, innocent bystanders, negligent officials, well-meaning bureaucrats, people who are in the wrong place at the wrong time, gun dealers who follow the law, teenagers desensitized by violent media, people who love to be victims and have lawyers, heroes, victims, bystanders, on-lookers, negligent or abusive parents, loving parents who can't help, mentally disturbed persons who can't get help, governments who don't spend enough on social services, governments who spend too much on the wrong social services, people who don't care, people who care and work... It's the human condition. Although in America, the human condition is kinda demanding... We are a special case. Just be kind where you can and it will pay off for you in the long run.
Reply:destroy all guns in the world. that way we don't have o buy guns to protect ourselves from other people with guns. But then we would probably have more school stabbings:(

it scary to go to school the way the world is these days. I'm a high school student myself
Reply:raise security. teach people kung-foo
Reply:I'm a public school teacher and we had a kid bring a gun to campus last semester. I'd say that it's hard to detect when a youngster is about to hurt himself or others. In the end, I think tragedy can be prevented by knowing the students well enough to be able to detect changes in habits. As teachers, we get so little training and some of us just do not have the time or patience to simply pay attention to our students. Having an outstanding school psychologist helps, as does keeping tabs on students who are at-risk. I found a suicide note from a student in my late work box last year and we were able to get the student help. Some things, on the other hand, are impossible to prevent. The young man at Virginia Tech was deeply troubled- perhaps the hardest thing for us to grasp would be his isolation... where were his professors? Where was the counseling department? Where were his peers? People in our society become so isolated.. we need to start watching over each other and taking care of each other and to know our neighbors.
Reply:You can't. It's unfortunate, but you can't. You can add more laws, more restrictions, whatever, but some f***ed up dude will find a why to do it again.

People in this world are messed up. If they stopped thinking about themselves things might be better.
Reply:I'm just amazed that there wasn't a lockdown or officers, with lights flashing, posted at main entrances or thoroughfares. I went to college on a very large campus. Every main entrance had a guard station where they checked for parking stickers and issued visitor badges. There were no checkpoints at VTech?

My common sense would tell me that if I saw a huge police presence as I was walking onto campus, I'd turn myself around and find out what was going on... from a safe distance!

What if the VTech police/officials asked for assistance from local police in helping keep students and staff from coming in to class/work that a.m.? I think the outcome would have been very different. But that is water under the bridge now...

Even at the primary, intermediate, and secondary school levels in our large city, if there is a robbery, reported murder, incident involving a criminal with a gun within a certain vicinity of a school, until that person is apprehended, nearby campuses go into immediate lockdown.

Having worked in three different states, I see a big difference when a campus develops a plan of action that involves faculty and staff as proactive participants. As a teacher, I feel that I have certain responsibilities to my students that will keep them safe in the event of an emergency. If campus staff is trained and there is a proceedure in place, although a tragic event may occur, its severity might be greatly lessened.

God bless everyone affected by this horrific event and may He comfort the friends and families of those innocent victims. They are truly in a better place...
Reply:you missed quite a few school shootings between columbine and now.

What can we do?

improve our schools, kids shouldn't have to go to school and get bullied while the faculty is apothetic.

encourage social health in our children: organized sports vs pc games
Reply:SHUT UP!
Reply:Hello, I also thought the school shooting would end. But I am wrong because of the awful shooting that happen at the Virgina Tech University. To avoid things like this in the future i personally think we should start taking the lonely people more serious. If someone is writing horrible things and doing obscene things then maybe we should really look into it and not throw it on the back burner for us to deal with later. We should also have better security at these schools. I am a high school student and sometimes i dont feel protected when i come to school because we mostly only have one police officer in his office on duty. Most of the time the officer is away on other business. We should definitely pay more attention to the little things and keep more security in these schools and universities!! I am also praying for the killed and wounded victims of this horrible event
Reply:if everyone had a gun we would think twice about shooting people in public
Reply:We can't

rain roots

What would you say if someone came up to you with a gun and asked if you believe in God?

First of all you should always say you do. In 1999 Columbine High School students were asked this and 13 students died. So remember to always believe in what you belive in.

What would you say if someone came up to you with a gun and asked if you believe in God?
If someone with a gun asked me that, I think I would probably say something like, "Well, what do you believe? Tell me about it."
Reply:Dying for your beliefs when your religion isn't in trouble doesn't make you a martyr. That's pride-driven suicide.
Reply:Let me get this straight. Your school told you to tell people you believe in god if someone threatens you with a gun? Where the hell do you go to school? I can think of about 20 things that are illegal about what they did.

And I don't believe in god. So I should tell them what I believe, right?

Oh, and the other kids under the table with that girl say that the story is complete bullshit made up by her parents. They would know, wouldn't they?
Reply:be carefull in your answer: be nice and try to please that person.

That person need someone understand his/her poin of view.

Follow his comments in order to calm him/her down. That person

is under emotional stress and cannot thing right.
Reply:If you truly believe in God, then the circumstances, gun or not, won't matter. Faith is not an abitrary, changing thing. It is something which can withstand even the most brutal of circumstances.

Many people in history have declared their belief in God while being nailed to crosses, having their entrails ripped out, and many other much more gruesome tortures.

If someone changes their answer in the face of adversity, then it was only a belief of convenience, not true faith.
Reply:"None of your * business. Get your * gun out my face."

Reply:This is presuming that you know the answer the gunman is

looking for...I have never heard this story before..

Are you certain of its truth ?

What were the students supposed to have said ?

All the 13 students probably said "yes" if it is a true story and

is verifiable..

Does this mean that should have said "no" ??
Reply:Columbine is a tragedy that should never have happened. But the human mind can become a dark, uncharted territory more dangerous than any jungle. I think you'd know you were going to die in a situation like that more than likely. Yes, I would have declared my belief in God irregardless. I hope the wielder of that gun is facing God now and learning to understand that killing others is no solution to any problem!
Reply:remember to believe in what you believe? I find there to be a problem here. not everyone believes in god, so what you are saying is a contradiction. always say you do believe in god even though you don't, but still believe in what you believe. doesn't make sense.
Reply:This occurance happened to Cassie Bernall at Columbine. You should read the book She Said Yes. It is her biography written by her mother Misty Bernall. Also, the Michael W. Smith song "This is your Time" was written about her. It will bring you chills and tears.
Reply:I would say yes, because it is true. I wouldn't want the shame and guilt that I would feel for denying God, and for lying.
Reply:If you refuse to stand up for God on earth, Jesus will deny you on judgement day. If it really came down to it, life wouldn't matter if I was dying for a reason.

Where is the line between sympathy and repulsion?

The day of the Amish school shootings, CBS evening news had a guest commentary from the father of a Columbine shooting victim.

He blamed school shootings on "taking God out of schools and government" and abortion among other things.

On one hand, you sympathize with him for losing a child, on the other you feel repulsed by his taking advantage of it to promote his personal platform.

You also wonder, are people really this simplistic? Do they really think that before their lifetime, everyone was a Christian and nothing bad ever happened? Have they not read history? If it was really as simple as the quick fix they long for, the world would have been perfected ages ago.

Lastly, one has to wonder how much violence has at its root the existential horror of being surrounded by a majority of simplistic, paternalistic and / or irrational people. If people like this guest commentator want to increase the level of God in our lives, they may increase the violence.

Where is the line between sympathy and repulsion?
You can only think how would you act in that situation, what would you say. Americans are the most judging and unforgiving people. He is upset and wouldn't really say the most thought out comments. This does not mean I agree with him just that I will take his comment as a human emotion.

What can we do to put an end to school shootings?

Ever since 1999 with the unfortunate Columbine shooting, school shootings seem to be a common thing these days. Every time I hear of one happening on the news its sad that I'm not even surprised anymore.

So people, what can this country do to help prevent these type of events from happening? What do you think?

What can we do to put an end to school shootings?
The government needs to make it illegal for a regular civilian to have a gun. If they wont do that then make it harder for people/civilians to get guns. Have stiffer penalties for people who have a gun illegally.

good question! Serious topic that needs to be addressed!
Reply:Unfortunately we are going to see more metal detectors and security checkpoints in schools.
Reply:tighten your gun laws. People shouldn't have access to these weapons, especially not teenagers, it's kind of sick. I think the US needs to admit that the right to bear arms is outdated in the 21st century. People may say this isn't true, but name me another developed country that has this amount of school shootings to prove that point.

I agree with the second answer, parents need to take greater responsibility over there cyhildrens actions, and be more involved. People who don't feel isolated mostly do not feel the need to las out at society.

I can't comment on whether it has anything to do with your schools, counselling networks etc, because i don't know, but I'll be interested to read what others say.
Reply:Some look to ban guns but the real solution is to educate the public on guns. Teach them not to fear it like the media does. Part of the problem is the fascination with catastrophes by news organizations. To some extent the media is giving an outlet for deranged mental cases to gain the only thing they want. ATTENTION! Crazies like that have learned that if they want to "go out in style" they just have to shoot up a public place. They know within minutes that their name will be known throughout the nation. Don't ever give them that satisfaction. What there needs to be is a more aggressive approach to mental health. When an individual shows signs of mental anguish don't ignore it. Proper professional help should be notified. Again education about weapons and proper use will teach pupils to not fear but have a healthy respect for them. Outright banning never works, history proves that this creates black markets and never keeps the item of the streets. "Gun-free" zones are prime targets for individuals looking for unarmed victims. Think of the stories you don't hear, the stories with a happy ending. The one responsible citizen who stopped a crime because he was at the right place at the right time and carried his/her gun. You hardly ever know something is going right until something goes bad. For every crime committed there are a hundred others foiled by armed citizens. Disarm the citizens and you open up the streets for crime.
Reply:Close all schools and hold class at the park.
Reply:Stop bullying and teasing.
Reply:You can't; there will alway that one alienated individual.
Reply:First of all, parents need to parent their children. Stop being their friend, letting them do whatever they want.

Second, we need to have better access to quality mental health care in this country. People tend to feel shame if they need help, but they shouldn't.

A lot of people start blaming gun laws, but I don't think they need fixing, per say. I think adults need to be held equally culpable if their child commits a crime with a gun that the parent should have had locked and kept away.

How many high school/ college shootings have taken place, or attempted/copycat since Columbin shootings?

I am doing an argumental research paper. I am wondering if anyone out there feels that some of the crimes are mimmicked or copycatted due to the "attention %26amp; glorification" given by the news and media. For example the Columbine shootings?

How many high school/ college shootings have taken place, or attempted/copycat since Columbin shootings?
Reply:Too many.


How many more kids have to die before people take preventative action against school shootings?

First Columbine, VA Tech now Cleavland. What is the deal?? The saddest part about this tragedy is that this kid made public threats about bringing a weapon and noone did anything!!! How many more people have to get hurt before schools and parents take action??

How many more kids have to die before people take preventative action against school shootings?
As long as we allow anyone who wants one to have a gun, no one is safe.
Reply:Sure... but if schools spend time digging into every case of a kid threatening their school, they'd have no time to teach.

I'm with you... but do you have an answer? The schools are not to blame, barely-there parents and a culture of violence are to blame.
Reply:My guess is that it will take as many as it takes for people to stop blaming music for those children's mental illness.

What is the best way to sow flowers inside, so you can plant them out in the summer?

Next year, I'm planting LOADS of flowers, I'm planting them all around my open field near the trees. I'll probably be sowing about 1500 seeds indoors. A lot of the seeds are Annual Foxglove, Hollyhocks, Columbine, Snapdragon, Balloon Flowers, Zinnias, Penstemon, and many more, that I've forgotten. Which is the best, and healthiest way to grow them inside? I was thinking of getting these things called "biodomes" where it can fit 60 seeds, but i would need to many. I might be getting a mini green house thing for indoors, which has floresent lights, and about 4 rows of soil. What is the best way? Any suggections or advice on any of these plants or on sowing them inside? I live in ontario, canada, zone 5, and i will be sowing them side Anyway from Janruary to April. Thanks:D

What is the best way to sow flowers inside, so you can plant them out in the summer?
Wow, that's an awful lot of seeds Dan. First of all you are going to need a place with a bright light source that will reach all those seedlings. I would guess that the mini greenhouses with florescent lights would be best, but you might need more that one for 1500 seeds. If you have a spare room you could set up some tables and place florescent fixtures with one cool and once warm florescent bulb in each above each table. Make it so the fixtures can be raised and lowered because they will need to be no more than 3 inches above the seedlings at all times. This is how I do it for my seedling, but I only start a few hundred indoors. Anyhow, you can get some seedling flats from garden centers, fill with starting soil and plant away or you can get peat cells, but 1500 can get pretty pricey. You said that you would be starting the seeds in January, but that will be too early. You only need to start the seed 6-8 weeks before your last frost. Start them any earlier then you will be looking at leggy plants that will suffer more stress when planted outside. Besides, the older they get the harder they are to keep alive indoors. Well, I hope this helped some.

Good luck

How many people believe that they live a fear based life.?

I don't mean specific fears such as violence, phobiasl, etc. I mean general fear such as fear of lonliness, being unsuccesful being unloved and unloving. In the movie Bowling for Columbine there is a cartoon vignette about America being a fear based society and no this is no a pro or anti NRA statement I'm Canadian eh. Do you feel that there is truth in that vignette. This morning there was a piece on CBS morning interviewing Elaine Stritch an 60+ actress and when she was aske what was the best thing about aging. She said that she wasn't afraid anymore. When asked what she was afraid of she said everything. Sometimes I see a lot of fear in this website and maybe instead of being so critical we can help each other out.

How many people believe that they live a fear based life.?
Fear is the most violent of human emotions, the most primal. And, fear of death is our strongest fear, or, so it seems. In thanatology, the study of dying and death concepts, our fear of death is found to be not a fear of death, but a fear of disintegration. It's like whatever Energy is up to in how it constructs itself into lifeforms, it wants to remain cohesive. Most of what we fear are perceived threats to the cohesion of our constructs.

Modern materialistic society is so expensive and we are so trapped in consumerism and debt and credit ratings that any upset at all can and does wipe us out. We increasingly and unrealistically avoid risk in fear of costly accidents and errors. We are afraid of losing our credit ratings, our homes, our jobs, our place in line, our first-class ticket to "heaven", our minds . . . our constructions we've worked hard to build and identify with.

Politics and plunderers can and relentlessly do prey upon our fears by tapping into our fear of losing our fragile house of cards, our way of life, if we don't flock together against terrorists, for example, in order to have the strength of numbers to protect our constructs. Scarcity concepts are perpetuated in order to elevate fear. Greed / consumerism and fear are entwined. For example, the majority of people believe that some of our problems today are due to overpopulation. In fact, the world is experiencing an alarming reduction in population growth, although researchers are becoming hopeful recently that we will have sustainable birth rates for two or three more generations at least. But, the falsehood of over-population scares creates in people a sense of scarcity and competitive frenzy.

Once, as a team building exercise, I video-taped a distinguished board of directors after prepping them by saying there is a comfortable seat in the board room for each one of them. They entered the room and sat down like gentlemen. After the break, without removing any chairs, I prepped the board of directors before they entered the room by telling them seating would be per "Musical Chairs" and that the person who did not find a chair by the time I stopped humming a tune would be excused from the meeting. There was violence in the room as they rushed in and literally elbowed and shoved each other. Even after they saw that there was chair for each and everyone of them, several of them "horded" chairs as "back-ups" or something and wouldn't let others have them. It was almost a free-for-all. When I then showed them the two versions of their behaviors and we had a discussion of scarcity concepts and how I had tapped into their fears of not having their own seat, they remained convinced that their behavior had been justified in the free-for-all.

The veneer of society is that thin.
Reply:Thank you, Judy: Report It

Reply:i'm too afraid to read this. so i didn't

I need photos to help identify plants?

Its early spring and I have plants coming up that I am not sure what they are. Is there any place that shows photos of plants at their earliest "two-leaf" stage? In particular: viola, zinnea, larkspur, lupin, hollyhock, columbine. I am a new gardener and can hardly tell a weed from a flower at such an early stage. I usually have to wait until they are about 8 to 12 inches high before I know which is which.

I need photos to help identify plants?
its usually only something you can learn from experience... the seed leaves(cotyledons) look NOTHING like the true leaves (next leaves to come up) after the true leaves come up its a lot easier...but still can be difficult for some... pictures do help since a lot of plants are hard to describe...

here is one site that looks confusing but provides some pictures on might help you rule some out...

and the other site has some herbaceous plants that might help you a little... good luck... and happy hunting...

This has loads of information on identifying weed seedlings as opposed to the plant seedlings.

massage shoes

Where can I watch 'Bowling for Columbine' online for free?

Where can I watch 'Bowling for Columbine' online for free?

Where can I watch 'Bowling for Columbine' online for free?
I would go to, or I would go to
Reply:click here

What exactly is/was the trenchcoat mafia and does it still exist?

I understand Harris and Klebold were part of this group but did/does it extend beyond Columbine highschool. Is/was this more wide spread than one school?

What exactly is/was the trenchcoat mafia and does it still exist?
I don't think it extended beyond Columbine. None of the others were implicated in anyway with the massacre and distanced themselves from Harris and Kleibold. These kids felt like outcasts and identified with the gamers culture.

I think there was some hysteria in the weeks after that the trencoat mafia was nation wide but that was never proven.
Reply:On the contrary, first of all Harris and Klebold were NOT members of the TCM just friends of a member and yes after the shootings some TCMs were created all around the country (probably small in number though). I am a TCM member in Los Angeles. We're about noncomformity. Report It


It was a nickname given to outcasts in schools who wear the black/grey duster trenchcoats, like Kyle Reese in The Terminator. Neo and Trinity in The Matrix and McCloud in Highlander.
Reply:The students from Columbine High School's 'trenchcoat mafia" were an anti-clique, a group of outcasts who met during and after school. They identified with the gamer subculture and sometimes wore trenchcoats.

The perpetrators of the Columbine High School massacre, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, were identified by the media (and by Harris's father in a 911 call on the morning of the attacks) as part of the group in the days immediately following the event. The students in the 'Trenchcoat Mafia' were not implicated in the shootings. One reason the Trenchcoat Mafia became associated with the massacre is that Harris and Klebold wore black leather dusters, a long coat similar to a trenchcoat. The shooters were wearing their black dusters during the massacre. The term 'Trenchcoat Mafia' was used in media reports, and the term stuck in the public memory.

No it does not necessarily exist now.

Should the blog of the Virginia Tech shooter be made available to the public?

When Columbine happened it was well before MySpace came along and the killers had put up webpages. The FBI took the pages down but not before hackers created a mirror of the site.

With other crimes since then, MySpace and Xanga pages have sometimes been left up and sometimes locked by MySpace administrators perhaps do to family wishes or police orders.

If the murderer has a blog, do you think the public should be allowed to see it? Does the general public have the right to that information?

Should the blog of the Virginia Tech shooter be made available to the public?
I think it would be valuable information for future reference. If this person had any blog and mentioned anything or there was any indication of what he was planning to do, maybe people will recognize warning signs in other blogs or websites, etc.
Reply:Everyone has a right to know what is in the mind of the sick people who do this kind of cowardly acts
Reply:Yes. We need to end this censorship in Amerika.
Reply:No.....he was a sick need to delve any deeper into that. Let's focus on the families of the victims.
Reply:Not while an investigation is ongoing. Later, yes.

Columbine killers are heroes?

I have been doing a lot of research on Columbine and find out that people are saying the 13 got killed

deserved it.Those that got killed were 2-3 years younger than the killers and hardly knew them.

Where is the justice saying they deserved it?

I have watched youtube videos and people

all around the world think it is great that Eric and Dylan shot up the school.

These kids who are making them out to be heroes,

I wonder if these kids are being bullied at school?

I do not make them out to be heroes,if they were

being bullied why did they not say something to

someone instead of their anger pushing them

to the point of no return.

I too was bullied and hod almost no friends myself.

after my research I vagley understand why they did

it.What would the parents of their children who were

murdered say about people making them out to be


Columbine killers are heroes?
I have never seen or heard anyone calling them "heroes".

They absolutely were not heroes, they took a long time planning this murderous attack and there are indications that their parents knew something was not right, but they were just hoping their sons were going through and "angry teen" phase. These two knew they were not going to walk out of this alive, because they committed suicide. It was planned and carried out with no humanity.
Reply:You really shouldn't have to ask this question, but I'll answer. The columbine murderers were the slime of humanity. They aren't worthy to lick the scum on the bottom of my shoe

are you really one to judge? Report It

Reply:The bullying that Eric and Dylan has suffered was pretty severe. Athletes in particular, due to their esteemed position, got away with bullying. This lead to the pair targeting athletes as well as others. Their isolation and depression was evident. One of the them wrote a poem about being a bullet penatrating into a victim. Their plight was overlooked by peers and authorities. They were obviously disturbed and needed serious help.

However, the shooters at Columbine are not hereos. They did not cope with the problem in a positive way such as talking about it to other people. They did not show respect for others any more than other people showed to them. They were racists who deliberately shot Blacks and Hispanics even if they were innocent of bullying. Those who admitted being religious were killed as well. Just because they suffered, but the lives they took was no justification for their actions.

If there is positive aspect to this, the lessons to be learn include but not limited to...

1) Bullying is not something to be taken lightly, it can have lasting damage to both victims and perpetrators. I do not condone the shootings, especially when innocents are involved, but perpertual abuse of others can drive those over the edge. Feel bullied victims go that far, but many do fall into deep depression. Bullies will have a hard time coping as an adult as standards of behavior change.

2) Mental illness is disease. They need help before they become a threat to themselves and others. The cause can be biological (like chemical inbalance in the brain) and medication may be necessary. Perhaps things could have been much better if the two changed their way of thinking (which was self-destructive) and had better coping strategies and outlets to aggression.
Reply:i hate the fact that people are bullied everyday but i don't think they should kill anyone. i don't think if a person kills someone they are any better than the person that bullied them. i think that if you are bullied you should tell a teacher or parent. i think they would rather take you out of the situation before you get to the point where you could kill someone. murderers are not heroes.
Reply:I think this problem is getting out of hand. All over the world children seem to be able to get guns too easily. I know that some children do relate to child-shooters and think of them as heroes. I think it is partially the responsibility of the parents to explain to their children that this kind of behaviour is not to be tolerated at all. On the other hand I also think it's partially the responsibility of the media that they will not expose such young children to these messages the way they do at the moment. Children do get too accustomed to this kind of news and it's becoming less terrifying each time they hear or see it.

I think your question is a little misplaced because I think that not a single person who has got some respect for the unfortunate children in high school shootings will agree with the statement that these shooters are heroes. I think it hurts everyone when you realise that society is so messed up that these thoughts can come across it by such young children.
Reply:You really shouldn't have to ask this question, but I'll answer. The columbine murderers were the slime of humanity. They aren't worthy to lick the scum on the bottom of my shoe.
Reply:Sorry I cannto say anything I am not aware about these Columbine.
Reply:Obviously shooting schoolkids is not an advisable tactic, but the issue did bring to light the brutal culture of violence and alienation in many middle-American highschools. Saying that you can understand what makes someone go postal is not the same thing as saying that they are heroes or that the victims deserve what they got.

The Columbine High School shooting was an all-round tragedy that could have been avoided. If any good can come out of it. it's in trying to end the culture of harrassment in schools, but so far I don't think much progress has been made in this directuion. It's so much easier just to demonise the perpetrators.
Reply:no offense but only immature and ignorant people think like this?

if that's the case then everybody's dead in this earth just because we let our emotion get over us.
Reply:All you have to do is place the actions against yourself. Would you like someone to shoot you? Of course not. The people that are saying that the trench coat posse boys are heros could be just as dysfunctional as the killers themselves. A hero saves lives, protects others, and stands up for a rightous deed. Did they save lives? No. Did they protect others? No they were the threat. They acted on a unrightous deed because they took that law into their own hands and performed cruel acts against innocent people. The people that are promoting the killers have no proof that the people killed were bad, it is just thieir opinion.
Reply:they were disturbed young men, but consider why they were disturbed... no one likes to feel humiliated or made fun off. But that does not give anyone the right to take a life... they were cowards!!!

It sounds cliche, but can't we all just get along?
Reply:rule #1 killing is wrong.

rule #2 refer to rule 1

rule # 3 if you have ignored the first two rules always remember the most important rule: killing is WRONG! DUH!

height increasing shoes

4/20 a day for pot smoking? Hitlers B-day? anniversary of the Columbine shooting?

anyone else find it strange on what that day has in common? there might even be more things that happend on that day but those are the 3 i just came up with

4/20 a day for pot smoking? Hitlers B-day? anniversary of the Columbine shooting?
I think you could take any day of the year and find 3 or more significant anniversaries, birthdays, annual celebrations, etc.
Reply:Yea, alot of bad things happened on that day. Lets remind ourselves to be better than them.
Reply:I think it also might be Kurt Cobain's birthday.

Were any of you people at the columbine attack in colorado in 1997?

yea, i was in the class where he shot my teacher

luckily i survived a shot to the hand

i will never forget that experience

Were any of you people at the columbine attack in colorado in 1997?
Something tells me the person who said "yea" is an outright liar-

1) No one who was REALLY involved would be so nonchalant about an answer to this serious ?

2) nor would they state something without correcting the asker on the date of the occurance

The asker is a complete moron too. Report It

Reply:working in nyc
Reply:no, but thoughts and prayers were ! ! !
Reply:I wasn't. Thank God.
Reply:why do you want to know?
Reply:Columbine happend April 20, 1999, not 1997.

Prob should get ur facts straight b4 u ask a ?
Reply:nope but it happened in 1999
Reply:Nope but I support Eric and Dylan.

Why did they do it (the columbine shooting) what was so wrong with life that they had to take so many lives?

every time i think about it i get sick to my stomach but when i dont think about it i feel even more sick. Why, What, no where did all that hatered come from

Why did they do it (the columbine shooting) what was so wrong with life that they had to take so many lives?
The "hatred" came from years and years of being bullied in a toxic environment where school administrators repeatedly refused to step in as the boys' angst became more and more evident.
Reply:Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever felt like no one would do anything to your bully? When you are devalued as a person by most people around you, then you begin to believe it yourself. So, your life becomes worthless to you, and the lives of others become worth less to you. It doesn't take much at that point.
Reply:They wanted to be known, just like the recent university shooting by that "cho" guy or whatever his name was.

sick, obviously.

the guy underneath me is describing "EMO", not pyscho killer

Which was worse Columbine or VTEC? Not for the weak hearted?

Ok Im not here to pick on some raw nerves here, just out of curiosity. If you had to choose a assasin to kill some terrorist who would it be out of the three Cho or one of the columbine shooters? Who do you think was more planned out in the attack? Who would you rather have killed the columbine shooters or Mr. VTEC? Do you think we should end the life of a bully for bulklying other kids in order to prevent another Columbine?

Which was worse Columbine or VTEC? Not for the weak hearted?
they were both good entertainment.
Reply:Dylan And Erric Should be praised as heroes rather than criminals! Report It

Reply:VTEC they new it was coming but did nothing to stop it and cho didnt want counseling

Columbine... those kids had it coming...
Reply:I believe we as humans should not have the right to kill each other. People kill for all manner of reasons in this world. When it is done we all think we are right. Killing to prevent killing? Is that really our place? It is only anger and hatred that leads us there. I see a grim future for all of us if we continue down this path.
Reply:VTEC gets good mileage but i never heard of columbine maybe u mean Wankel rotary?
Reply:Kids will always bully, people need to stand up for themselves if they are getting picked on, not with guns though, with fist. The Colombine kids idolized Hitler and were racist Nazi's. I think Cho had mental disorder, probably paranoia schizophrenia. Sometimes a bully does not know he is a bully, that is just his personality to be a d!ickhead.

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What do you think about columbine?

I think two sick and demented individuals carried out a premeditated attack against fellow classmates, teachers and indeed the entire community of Littleton because they felt it was the only way out. I've never understood why people who are going to commit suicide feel it necessary to take out others along the way. There are ways to deal with problems and they way they chose was obviously a very bad way to do that. They talk about being social outcasts, so was I and millions of other school children over the years who haven't murdered innocent schoolmates. The schoolmates may have been guilty of teasing and maybe worse but that's how school is, if you can't deal then get some free counseling from the school. If that doesn't help then you need to either grow up or seek outside help.

What do you think about columbine?
Kids need more individual attention large schools don't give it.
Reply:I think it is a tragedy. But it is also a tragedy that most people answering these questions were alive then and with few exceptions will they even know how long ago it was or how many died...The Murrah building in OKC is another example...if we do not learn from history(and we Clearly do NOT) then we are doomed to repeat it...
Reply:It was very sad. At the begining of the school year some weight lifter man had came to my school to talk about "Rachels Challenge" and that was the first time I heard about the columbine shooting. I wanted to cry . The whole shooting thing ahd a moral to the story

" Always be kind to people" because you never know what they are capable of. I search through the internet that week and read a long page about how they bought guns from k'mart and stuff. But it still is sad how people are still doing thiat this very day. So I wonder when or if its going to happen to my school every other day.

Columbine High School massacre letter?

Was a letter written by the two guys that did this shooting? If so where can i read it?

Columbine High School massacre letter?
That's the rumor. Why would you want to read it?

Do we have a "Columbine Generation"?

With the rash of killing sprees of innocent people in public places, and the killers having known mental issues and ceasing medication, parents that don't care, bullies getting back at the world, where are we headed?!?

Do we have a "Columbine Generation"?
yes we do and about timeWe the People" Sorted it.
Reply:A lot of these shooters had mental issues yes, but sometimes they just get fed up with the system and something snaps.
Reply:Columbine generation??? Please look at the big picture. There are 300 million people in this country --- Thats 8 zeros -- 300000000 people --- out of all those people very few are killed by a nutjob with a gun..... The percentage of 300000000 people that will blow a gasket and shoot up a school is actualy quite low!!! You have a better chance of being killed in your car, run over by a car or die falling down a flight of stairs than getting shot at school -- or for that matter being shot anywhere ----- The big picture is the media companys like CNN hype up gun crime because they dont believe in gun ownership.... They want a police state -- I'm not sure quite why but they do have an axe to grind with legal gun owners....... I dont know about you but I would not be comfortable living in a country where only the cops, military and govt agencys are the only ones with guns!!
Reply:Hell on earth.

What's a pivotal event in the history of the United States?

I have to write a 1000-1200 word essay on this using 2 sources from books, 2 sources from the internet, 2 sources from magazines, and 1 other source. Whatever I choose is going to have to be interesting otherwise I'll be bored to tears, so I'll appreciate any help or suggestions....

These are what I have so far:


Kennedy's asassanation

September 11, 2001


Brown Vs. Board of Education

Like I said, your help will be greatly appreciated....

What's a pivotal event in the history of the United States?
The Civil War is a pretty big one. So is the War of Independence. There's been tons of stuff written about both of those events, and the first one is very interesting.

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If you plant flowers to attract hummingbirds, what kind do you plant and how soon do you plant them?

I have wisteria blue, gladiolus, astilbe, phlox, lilly of the valley, bleeding heart, hollyhock, red hot poker, lupine, canterbury bells, columbine, larkspur and snapdragon.

If you plant flowers to attract hummingbirds, what kind do you plant and how soon do you plant them?
Good choices. They like bright flowers... especially red, ...but they also like purple, white, orange, pink and blue. They like flowers with trumpet, tubular shapes.

These are the 10 flowers most used to attract hummingbirds:

Bee Balm

Red Columbine

Delphinium and Hollyhock

Butterfly Bush

Catawba Rhododendron

Rose of Sharon

Trumpet Vine and Trumpet Honeysuckle

Cardinal Vine

Lantana and Fuchsia

Silk Tree

Here's a whole page of the hummingbirds favorite flowers, shrubs %26amp; trees, vines %26amp; bulbs; Hummingbirds are attracted to flower colors and nectar, not fragrance:

Aside from the colorful nectar filled flowers, make certain that there is always fresh water available for drinking as well as for bathing. They need sunnny areas and they especially need shady areas to perch as well as to build their nests.

Willows and Eucalyptus trees provide nesting materials along with bits of leaves, spider webs, moss, and lichens to build their tiny nests.

Good Luck! Hope this helps.
Reply:Rose of Sharon is also an excellent choice.
Reply:Red Beebalm is what the hummingbirds really go for in my flower bed. I get some really great viewing as they will feed for a long time. These are by far their favourites and I have many of the same plants you do.

I'm in western Canada and I never plant anything until the end of May or beginning of June when the likelihood of snow is gone. We'd had snow in May and June before and I've lost some plants that way. I sometimes start plants from seeds and usually do that sometime in April indoors and then transplant later.
Reply:I plant salvia, red salvia, they love it, also honney suckle
Reply:Harold the humming birds are attracted to my Night Blooming Jasmine!! I was amazed to see the dozens and dozens of them surrounding the plant. I took a branch from the plant with several flowers on it, held it out to them, and they came right up to it in my hand. it was so great to see. Take care- Jen
Reply:The hummingbirds go crazy for the monarda in my garden but i agree with the other answers that red flowers of most kind of flowers draw them but i also think a feeder helps keep them around also. Hope this helps.
Reply:hummingbirds like bright pink or red flowers. just plant something big and pink. :]

this is at my webby

if you peruse any further I have good info some just needs to be brought up to date.

So are the Columbine shooters heroes?

What is telling about this teacher is this part of the story:

"Owen Robinson, a West Bend resident and administrator of the conservative Web site -- -- said it seemed "Observer" was "posing as a conservative, right-wing whack job to discredit" the Web site's discussion of teachers' salaries.""

Or is this another attack on Free Speech?

So are the Columbine shooters heroes?
The link didn't work but to answer your question:

So are the Columbine shooters heroes?

Reply:I think that his comments are not threatning. I think he was within his rights. The investigation was initaited by his job site, and was based on unlawful charges, and probably conspiracy between the school board and police, the firing was probably illegal too.

I suspect he will be prosecuted because the DA will be acting with his or her heart and instead of the brain. If the teacher is intellingent and gets the ACLUs help, this will be a landmark case.

Many people in Yahoo answers and in blogs expect a degree of anonimity. For example, when I read someone asking whether the teacher should be punished in Sudan for the teddy bear, I might write something intended to insult those who agree. In other words--sometimes I'm sarcastic. Sometimes people are sarcastic in these blogs. Writing the Columbine Shooters were heroes may have been just one way of being sarcastic towards those who would disagree about pay raises.

For example, say you want a teacher raise, and the other guys on the post writes, naaah, I don't really wish for a raise. You might write something provocative to make a point. Like, "oh yes, I love my salary, and living at the YMCA with my children sleeping in the car is a great way of living." Again saracstic.

In the very end, this was a stupid arrest. This arrest was vengful and intended to attack freedom of speech. The subesequent firing based on this arrest was orchestrated by the school dept. So I can imagine this making its way to the supreme court, and yes, I can imagine the case winning on the teachers side. Of course it will! Even if its something so terrible like "(insert person you hate here) was a saint", it doesn't matter. We don't get to arrest people for being jerks. But I don't think this was the real motivation for this blog.

I think the teacher just won the lottery. He proably had a concern over his retirement (bet ya there was an issue). He knew exactly what he was doing. All those grammatical errors just lured in the cops, and I bet he'll have a great defense team in no time, and mupltiple lawsuits. Posting on a site where teacher normally blog just put him in the right place for unlawful arrest. He didn't do anything wrong but I bet he knew that the police and school board would exact vengeance for saying something like the shooters were heroes, or one bullet at a time. Sadly, now the taxpayers of Colorado get to pay 7 figure settlement fees to a teacher who might not have gotten his retirement otherwise (bet ya), or if so, very little. Then on top of this if the Supreme Court rules then that makes it easier for real nut jobs to post very threatning messages on Yahoo Answers and blog sites.
Reply:Hmm! I think the thing that worries me the most is that his posting was full of grammatical errors and spelling errors. And he's teaching our children! He's like a beacon for his own attack on teachers' unions. If there weren't any, he probably wouldn't be teaching.

But first I'd have to know if they were sure the comments actually came from him and not either someone else using his computer or someone hacking into his wifi system.

Then it gets a little dicey. Free speech means he can say whatever he wants about the unions, short of advocating their murder, I believe. When he suggested "one shot at a time", I think he stepped over the line.