Friday, May 21, 2010

What can we do to put an end to school shootings?

Ever since 1999 with the unfortunate Columbine shooting, school shootings seem to be a common thing these days. Every time I hear of one happening on the news its sad that I'm not even surprised anymore.

So people, what can this country do to help prevent these type of events from happening? What do you think?

What can we do to put an end to school shootings?
The government needs to make it illegal for a regular civilian to have a gun. If they wont do that then make it harder for people/civilians to get guns. Have stiffer penalties for people who have a gun illegally.

good question! Serious topic that needs to be addressed!
Reply:Unfortunately we are going to see more metal detectors and security checkpoints in schools.
Reply:tighten your gun laws. People shouldn't have access to these weapons, especially not teenagers, it's kind of sick. I think the US needs to admit that the right to bear arms is outdated in the 21st century. People may say this isn't true, but name me another developed country that has this amount of school shootings to prove that point.

I agree with the second answer, parents need to take greater responsibility over there cyhildrens actions, and be more involved. People who don't feel isolated mostly do not feel the need to las out at society.

I can't comment on whether it has anything to do with your schools, counselling networks etc, because i don't know, but I'll be interested to read what others say.
Reply:Some look to ban guns but the real solution is to educate the public on guns. Teach them not to fear it like the media does. Part of the problem is the fascination with catastrophes by news organizations. To some extent the media is giving an outlet for deranged mental cases to gain the only thing they want. ATTENTION! Crazies like that have learned that if they want to "go out in style" they just have to shoot up a public place. They know within minutes that their name will be known throughout the nation. Don't ever give them that satisfaction. What there needs to be is a more aggressive approach to mental health. When an individual shows signs of mental anguish don't ignore it. Proper professional help should be notified. Again education about weapons and proper use will teach pupils to not fear but have a healthy respect for them. Outright banning never works, history proves that this creates black markets and never keeps the item of the streets. "Gun-free" zones are prime targets for individuals looking for unarmed victims. Think of the stories you don't hear, the stories with a happy ending. The one responsible citizen who stopped a crime because he was at the right place at the right time and carried his/her gun. You hardly ever know something is going right until something goes bad. For every crime committed there are a hundred others foiled by armed citizens. Disarm the citizens and you open up the streets for crime.
Reply:Close all schools and hold class at the park.
Reply:Stop bullying and teasing.
Reply:You can't; there will alway that one alienated individual.
Reply:First of all, parents need to parent their children. Stop being their friend, letting them do whatever they want.

Second, we need to have better access to quality mental health care in this country. People tend to feel shame if they need help, but they shouldn't.

A lot of people start blaming gun laws, but I don't think they need fixing, per say. I think adults need to be held equally culpable if their child commits a crime with a gun that the parent should have had locked and kept away.

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