Sunday, May 16, 2010

Why Was Manson Blamed In The Media Spotlight For Columbine?

I don't understand how despite the written words from the shooters that they hated Manson and his music and were into Rammstein instead, why Marilyn was blamed for it?

Was it just the carelessness of the media not reading right or was there just a huge public bias against Manson at the time?

Why Was Manson Blamed In The Media Spotlight For Columbine?
Because he was easy to blame. He was viewed as a Goth icon, and Harris %26amp; Klebold were thought to be Goths. Also, he was not favored by parents who thought him weird, so it was a natural follow up to blame him for anything that went wrong at the time, much as some heavy metal bands were blamed for other instances in the past.
Reply:Because it's easier to blame somebody else than yourself.

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