Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why did school shootings just start this past decade?

When My 30 year old brother went to college, there were no school shootings. Now its beginning to be where every week someone in the schools is shooting someone else.

Columbine,Virgina tech, Where is going to end?

Why did school shootings just start this past decade?
i'm not sure it ever will end... the US is going down fast - and no one is doing anything about it :( there really isn't any real reason why its happening but that we are loosing our ground that was founded be our forfathers... hope i was some help :)
Reply:colorado kid, you're a dumbass. video games? LMAO.... best answer picked was a stupid answer and doesn't really answer the question at all.

Ignorance is bliss. Report It

Reply:More pressure is being put on the kids to "perform" and to "conform". All that is happening is that the pressure has increased so some kids cannot deal with the pressure so they react to it. Media is paid to have so called experts blame it on video games (as one example) but that's a copout. As long as we have idiots in control of education, the shootings will only increase.

Take a look at the true history of public education and you'll see that it was started to control ther masses. The information is available everywhere. People just choose to ignore it.
Reply:well, little missy, it is a reflection of our society...violent video games, movies, and arcade games...also, I believe the moral fabric of our country is being reduced by a lot of civil liberty tell the plain truth, education begins at home, and the parenting "skills " of some "parents" are lacking greatly !!!! If, for example, you read the whole scenario of will see the lack of communication between parents and students.....the one not letting his parents in his room, where he was sawing off the barrel on a shotgun...need more??? there are a lot of students from drug dealing homes too....and on and on....sheesh...
Reply:It's so unbelievably terrifying...especially for those who attend and work at a school. I don't think that there is one clear answer as to why it is happening, but there are definitely some contributing factors.

Parents aren't involved in the lives of their children like they used to be. Some are just SO busy trying to support their family that they don't ever get to see or know their children. It's hard to take preventative actions when you don't know what is going on w/them. Others are not interested in the lives of their offspring. It's sad, but very true.

Schools have become somewhat lax in general. Bullying is going on and not being punished. Dangerous students are being allowed to continue coming to school. Threats are just not being taken seriously ahead of time by school leaders.

There is also this overwhelming sense of denial. Ideas like "it won't happen here," and "he/she isn't crazy enough to really do anything" flood the brainwaves of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and other members of a community.
Reply:there have always been school shootings. actually, a cop at my school said yesterday, that the first school shooting was reported back in the early 1900's. the reason we here more about them now is because of the media. unfortunately they will always happen. the scray thing is they getting more violent and seem to be occuring more often.
Reply:I think that that more shootings are happing because the people are crazy. Theres no other reason they got a mental problem. Think about serial killers why do they kill? Because they got something wrong with them. Theres no one to blame but the shooters themselfs. And this will probably never stop. Its a real shame.

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