Monday, November 16, 2009

Where can i find Bowling for Columbine english movie?

The movie can be found on Ebay...

...on Amazon...

...and I'm pretty sure you can find the movie in any of your local movie rental/purchase stores.

Why do police wait so long before confronting wacko gunmen of v-tech or columbine?

Why don't police get into the situation faster and not stay outside for so long while people are being murdered, liker in v-tech or even columbine?? yes i realize its dangerous but they (police) are heavily armed and outnumber shooter(s).

none of the students or staff can defend themselves??

Why do police wait so long before confronting wacko gunmen of v-tech or columbine?
Why do people blame the police? First of all, they acted appropraitely, the recieved a call for the first shooting reportingt as a domestic dispute, an isolated incident and they could not predict that the gunman would open fire again inside another building. Also, the doors were chained shut by the gunman which does slow the police. Also, are you going to run into a building where there is a guy opening fire on innocent people, i bet not for a number of reasons. Why would you run in and get shot as well, not going to help the situation. Also, for all you know if you run in the gunman could have hostages that he is not going to harm but if you run is as a police officer you could set him off and cause the loss of even more human life. It is easy for people to sit back and second guess the police because you have never had to deal with what they do and you were not on the scene of a very intense crime. Stop trying to blame the police, the only person at blame is the sick a** who murdered 32 people. The police did their job, asked responsibly, and think about what they went through having to count the dead and injured. Had they rushed in and the gunman opened fired and took more innocent lives then you would all be sitting hear bashing them for reacting to strongly.
Reply:Police, once they receive the call have to assess the situation before just storming in and most likely causing a worse problem by not knowing at least a little of what they're dealing with.

But you did say a mouthful with your statement "none of the students or staff can defend themselves". Imagine the situation at VT where just one person held a carry permit for a handgun, the college had no carry restrictions, and that person was actually carrying. Then, the gunman most likely would have been stopped long before killing 32 unprotected, innocent people.

Police can't be everywhere. When we're face to face with a criminal, we're pretty much on our own. By the time anyone would be able to get to us (even under the best of time response), it's usually too late.

To quote coumnist Charley Reese, "What could have stopped the killings at Virginia Tech was another gun in the hands of a professor or a student. Unfortunately, they all became new victims of the gun-control crowd."

Maybe it's time for us to have the oportunity and right to be responsible for ourselves instead of depending on and expecting someone else to take care of us.
Reply:I understand that they arrived quickly. But the killer acted even more quickly.
Reply:The police arrive on the scene very quickly. Usually they wait to formulate a plan before entering a dangerous situation even though they are heavily armed.

It only took Cho Seung-hui 9 minutes to shoot 60 people in Norris Hall 3-5 times each. Thirty of his victims died. When he heard the police coming, he shot himself.

After arriving at Norris Hall, police took 5 minutes to assemble the proper team, clear the area and then break through the doors.

The police use a shotgun to break through the chained entry doors. Investigators believe that the shotgun blast alerted the gunman to the arrival of the police.

The police heard gunshots as they entered the building. They followed the sounds to the second floor.

*9:41 a.m.: As the police reached the second floor, the gunshots stopped. Cho's shooting spree in Norris Hall lasted 9 minutes.

Police officers discovered that after his second round of shooting the occupants of room 211 Norris, the gunman fatally shot himself in the temple.

One of the police officers who arrived on the scene realized that he did not have his protective vest so he waited to enter the building until after the shooting had stopped.

None of the students or staff could shoot back, but they did barricade the doors and jump out the windows.

In 2002, at the Appalachian School of Law, Peter Odighizuwa, a disgruntled student, shot and killed Dean Anthony Sutin and professor Dale Rubin. At the first sound of gunfire, fellow students Tracy Bridges and Mikael Gross, unbeknownst to each other, ran to their vehicles to fetch their personally owned firearms. The two students were able to subdue and apprehend Odigizuwa.
Reply:cant understand that september when there was a school shooting here in montreal at dawson college (100000 students) the police had the school surounded in 3 minutes....and incident was closed in 30mins the gunman was killed. This happened in the middle of the busy downtown makes no sense that they took so long there.
Reply:Good question. But the problem is this -- If the students and staff COULD defend themselves, maybe someone could have stopped him before so many were murdered. We've had several situations in the last decade or so where a citizen with a gun stopped the criminal, but that part of the situation is never or rarely reported in the news. Criminals, as Cho himself proves, can always get guns, and they don't usually get them legally - again, as Cho proves -- his guns' serial numbers were filed off -- these were not guns legally gotten! More GOOD GUYS need to be armed, and criminals will think twice about opening fire. I mean, who wants to open fire on a mass of people who are all armed? Ask any criminal whom he would rather hold up - an unarmed or an armed citizen -- what do you think his answer would be?!
Reply:There is such a thing as no weapons allowed on school property, is there not? Who at the college is responsible to that code? someone always blames the outside group when things go wrong inside. You have an inside issue there...

Virginia Tech and Columbine Massacre?

any idea on why virginia tech massacre and columbine massacre happened? What factor do you think drove these kids to be so violent?

Virginia Tech and Columbine Massacre?
they were bullied and ostracized.

How many died in the Columbine Shootings?

I used to know the exact number but can't remember anymore...can anyone help?

How many died in the Columbine Shootings?
15 died and 24 were injured
Reply:12 students and a teacher.

then the killers took their own lives as well.

racing shoes

Why is it that when Columbine was shot up, they blamed Gothic people and Marilyn Manson, and Eminen?

BUT WHEN THAT TRUCK DRIVER SHOT UP THE OMISH SCHOOL THEY DIDN'T BLAME THE TRUCK DRIVERS? WHAT in our society makes us single out people who like a little bit different from what most would consider normal?

Why is it that when Columbine was shot up, they blamed Gothic people and Marilyn Manson, and Eminen?
Kitty, I think it was because the two kids wore the black trench coats all the time, and so there was an immediate association made to goth. Did youo see Bowling for Columbine? What Manson had to say about the youth of today was right on the money. He was also blamed because he was coming to town to perform right after it happened and it was a convienient excuse.
Reply:thank you Kitty! Report It

Reply:Kitty, thank you, I appreciate that! Report It

Reply:it just might be the way the boys was dressing, with the long trench coat.... U gotta blame somebody....
Reply:You missed the connection! Truck drivers are people working at driving trucks. They don't have an agenda, example: violence, hate, baseness, rejection of society, personal selfish gain. Oh, by the way, Saddam is a little bit different, so is Kim Jon, Adolf Hitler was, Charles Manson is a little bit different.
Reply:the NRA and media needed to find a scape goat to blame it on someone. it couldnt have possible been because the media is fear driven and all you see is murders and stabbings on the news. when stuff like that is shoved in your face it makes you more insensitive to those types of things like "hey everyone else does it" cuz u see it all over the news. So who is an easy target hey hows about goth people they are different and love death. so there you go. It sux for u guys
Reply:And don't forget KMDFM to's easy to blame the music kids listen to in stead of blaming the parents for not taking interest in what their kids are doing....Like the man who tried to sue Ozzy Osborne because his son committed suicide listening to his music. There was a lot more to the kid than the music the parents just weren't paying attention. When it's an adult it reflects to their past as the guy who raped and shot the girls at the Amish school.

I agree if you look different your considered strange but what is normal today. I am strange because I ware black all the time and I'm 45 go figure
Reply:its easier to blame someone else.
Reply:It's just so EASY to blame goths, Marilyn Manson, and Eminem though. It's not as easy to blame truck drivers.

For the record, I agree with you. People should be responsible for their own actions.
Reply:Was Eminem even around then? I think the only musical group I remember was KMFDM, or something like that. I don't recall anything about goths being mentioned. More like gun-crazy DOOM playing angry young males.
Reply:good question.

if i told you it would be the end of me.

you'll have to wait.

What is the name of this song from bowling for columbine?

Some of the lyrics are, "I was born in michigan, and i wish and wish again. that i was in the town where i was born"

What is the name of this song from bowling for columbine?
i want to go back to michigan - billy murray

i think it was written a long time ago though....

not sure who wrote it.
Reply:i was born in michigan

After the events of Columbine, and several other school shootings, why are teachers still not armed?

Great question, How I see it is most all of the states are short on teachers now to teach. Just think about if we would arm teachers you would have to train them. And all new teachers would need trained also. So that could take years and years. And the big thing about it is some teacher now cant do the job they have in the first place TO TEACH. so lets arm them too..Alot more thinking has to go in that idea..

After the events of Columbine, and several other school shootings, why are teachers still not armed?
what are you nuts? you want a teacher to walk around carrying a gun? ok hitler!
Reply:Just what we need, more people with guns who are not qualified to use them. There would be a dozen or more unnecessarily dead kids if teachers had guns. We already have too many cops with guns that shouldn't have them and we read about bad shootings all the time.
Reply:I know that the school shootings are bad, but I think that teachers have enough to worry about without them having to worry about some getting their gun and doing harm to others. I just dont think that this would accomplish anything.
Reply:Exactly like the lady above me said.Any kid can just beat the crap outta the teacher and take thier gun. Not only that, but teachers are normal human beings also. Whos to say that any one of them wouldnt have a bad day and flip out themselves. Just not a smart idea.
Reply:most teachers don't want to be armed but would like for school security to be tighter...I really don't have a problem with fences, metal detectors and id badges with barcodes...but not guns for teachers

Does anyone know what was on the back of Eric Harris's shirt during the Columbine massacre?

the words Natural Selection

cm_chris. . .why would a self-proclaimed atheist have a shirt with bible verses on it? He claimed he did not believe in God.

Does anyone know what was on the back of Eric Harris's shirt during the Columbine massacre?
Natural Selection. But I don't know why natural selection works with the use of fire arms! Those crazy atheists. They rationalize anything!
Reply:Natural Selection
Reply:probably an old testament verse justifying the masive slaughter
Reply:Maybe a muslim faith stuff
Reply:I Don't Like Mondays

computer security

Why is it wrong to make a game based off of the Columbine Shooting, but it's ok to make games based off of....

Why is it wrong to make First Person Shooter games based off of the Columbine Shooting, but ok to make it off of World War 1 or 2?

isn't that just as bad?

Why is it wrong to make a game based off of the Columbine Shooting, but it's ok to make games based off of....
I figure it's mostly based on the logic that things you were alive for are worse than things that happened when you were too young to remember/before you were born.

Which is incredibly stupid logic, but deep down, I think that's the rationale.
Reply:There is nothing wrong with playing the Killer so long as yu understand what reality is and that it still is just a game the fact that the media blamed doom is bull...those kids had planned it for months and months and they're constant torment from peers was their buffer Report It

Reply:i highly doubt that doom and music they listened to was their reason everyone forgot the main reason yet againkeyword.Psychotic.yeah that sounds about right..i listen to metal and Acid rap and i love playing shooter games..would i pick up a gun and kill people no.never in this life or the next Report It

Reply:Because that is something that affected the country emotionally and physically. It affected our youth. Why would anyone want to make a game about a murderous, crazed teenager(s)? That would just be wrong and indecent of the person morally to use people's grief in that way. WW 1 and 2 are about freedom and the bravery of the people who gave their lives to this country, not murdering innocent people.
Reply:Because video game designers have to put there games a moral standerds. Besides they don't exactly teach about the Columbine shooting in history books in the schools today.
Reply:I think its a timing thing.... there are people out there right now who are still grieving for lost loved ones from the Columbine shootings.... I think everyone is pretty much over World War II by now. Also there is a moral difference between glorifying acts of war as opposed to glorifying senseless acts of criminal violence.
Reply:Because making a game based on the Columbine shooting would appear to glorify the actions of the two killers there. It would be kind of like making a flight simulator where the goal was to crash into the world trade center. Glorifying a real world crime by using it as the basis for a video game is sickening.

WW1 and WW2, by comparison were wars that our country fought to preserve freedom in Europe. Glorifying the brave men and women who fought and died in those wars is not in bad taste.
Reply:I personally think they're both wrong.
Reply:I agree, either way innocent people were being killed.

The similarties between the V Tech shooter and the Columbine shooters?

It's clear that Seung-Hui Cho definitely had a lot of admiration for Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. He even called them martyrs. He had a lot in common with them too, all three of them were loners who didn't fit in, they had a hate for society, they were bullied by other kids, and they had a vendetta against people they saw as stuck up or snobs, they looked like normal, nice, shy, quiet kids, but were deeply troubled, all three saw themselves as dying for a cause, all three were nobodies in life but became infamous after what they did...the list goes on. How many more of these kids are out there and how can we know if they might one day do something like this?

The similarties between the V Tech shooter and the Columbine shooters?
What they had in common is that they would not forgive the people who bullied them. They harbored anger, rage and resentment. Then one day they acted on it.

The list may be as long as people fail to understand that they cannot prevent bad things from happening to them they can only get rid of the burden of anger in their heart by forgiving.
Reply:They all murdered. But there was a big age difference.I should not take a village to raise a child. it should take two parents to raise them.Not Schools,TV.Internet and games.
Reply:parents and teachers should pay more attn to children. it takes a village to raise a child. teach kids to find ways to deal with aggression and anger. love people more. emotions are contagious.

these kids clearly had problems but no one took the right initiative to help them out.

What Really Happened With The Columbine Jews?

What Really Happened With The Columbine Jews?
That's twisted and nasty. But extremists will twist anything to fit their twisted views.
Reply:What a bunch of garbage! Do you know they also blame Jews for the Oklahoma City bombing and the disappearance of Natalee Holloway?!

EDIT: Please...anyone considering answering this question, look at some of his other questions. Then decide for yourself.
Reply:If you believe this garbage you'll believe anything. Blocked and flagged.

Who do you blame, if anyone, for the columbine shooting?

THis is a contrivarsial question, i know, but i feel i need to get a general idea. Many people blamed "violent" music, like Marilyn Manson, for the shootings. others blame the kids. What do you think?

Who do you blame, if anyone, for the columbine shooting?
I blame the kids who bullied them, the teachers who told them they were pieces of sh*t, the parents who neglected them... in short, I blame society. But society is inherently blameless, so we have a paradox now. Maybe there is no one to blame. They simply did what they had to do in the grand scheme of things.
Reply:Having lived in colorado at the time I can say that this question has been asked by every person there at least once. That being said I can only say that it has always come down to the same thing. If we continue to try to place blame we will always have problems such as Columbine. It would be a better use of your time to look with in your own heart and mind and see how your own actions could have contributed. That is not to say that anyone person is directly responsible for what happened, especially someone who lives in NYC but maybe there is something that we can all do that will change the actions of a person thousands of miles away. Think about it could it be possible that what you do affects the world even though you don't know every one in it?
Reply:it the damn school officials for doing absolutly nothing to stop this bullying in the school
Reply:Charles Darwin

The two shooters thought they were helping evolution along

That's a fact!
Reply:Everyone and no one. I don't fully remember all the details but I thought those 2 kids had been treated like crap by a number of other students. They were angry for being treated as 'losers' and the anger got out of control. If they were bullied, it's the parents of the bullies who are partially at fault, then it's partially the schools fault for letting kids get bullied, then it's the shooter's parents fault for not recognizing that their kids had anger issues, then the world's fault for making violence 'not a big deal' in general.

I don't think there was one certain thing to blame. It was a combination of many things and there was nothing anyone could have done to stop it. It's like asking 'how do you stop a murder before it happens?' Some people are wired differently and certain things set them off. There is no solution, it's part of life.
Reply:I blame the bullying culture. But, shooting doesn't fix bullying...the bullies are too stupid to realize that even though it's 'uncool' to their popular friends to not be an a**hole, maybe it's better (and safer) to treat everyone like a human being.

Blaming video games, music, etc. is idiotic. These things do not make kids or adults disturbed. Those kids and adults were already disturbed.

The bullying and violence will not stop until parents ensure that their kids treat school as a place to be educated, not as the location for a popularity contest. School can then be a place of learning instead of making social ties and saying screw knowledge.

BTW, it's been my experience that most bullying starts with cheerleaders and jocks (esp. football players)-many are taught by parents ard their coaches that they are somehow better than other people because they are prettier/more athletic; that it's ok to degrade the other kids, as if the other kids are less than human.

music player

Why is it that when a big city school has a shooting it is not reported as much as Columbine?

why is it that kids in middle white America get more news coverage... same thing with missing women, It seems to me that only cute white women go missing, I guess black and latino women don't leave the house without a map and a compass

Why is it that when a big city school has a shooting it is not reported as much as Columbine?
Do you listen to Eminem? He has a song, "The Way I Am," where he raps:

"When a dude's gettin' bullied and shoots up his school

And they blame it on Marilyn [Manson]

And on heroin

Where were the parents at? And look where it's at:

Middle America, NOW it's a tragedy, NOW it's so sad to see

An upper-class city havin' this happenin' ..."

The long and short of it is that the media makes a bigger deal about it because people will watch. Have you heard the saying that "sex sells"? It's not just about selling products; it's about selling news. Cute blond girls make for better viewing than cute black girls (or for that matter ugly white girls), because that's what "society" -- or more specifically, PR executives -- decide is beauty. The news isn't about telling you what's going on in the world, unfortunately. Today, the news is about selling advertising. News stations need to sell advertising to make money; advertisers will only put ads on stations that people watch; this forces "news" stations to go out and "target" a "demographic" as if they were selling a pair of jeans.

There was a story near Pittsfield, MA, about some rich white kids that got caught selling drugs. All the parents are up in arms -- "oh, he's such a good kid," "the laws are too harsh," "we should go easy on them." Of course, no one was saying that for years when the black kids in the city (Pittsfield) were the ones getting arrested for drug crimes!

The sad truth is that what happens to rich people, attractive people, and white people, gets more attention that what happens to poor people, unattractive people, and non-whites. If you're rich, attractive, AND white, you're virtually guaranteed front-page news!

There used to be a time when the news was about informing the public. Now it's just a commodity. Our "news" -- what we would like to think of as truth -- is just a commodity, to be bought and sold. How sad.
Reply:Crime-riddled inner cities are often called "dead zones" by police and journalists. Police don't patrol, journalists don't report--it just happens everyday, and they don't think they can do anything about it. In fact, they're the people who are supposed to do something about it!

When I was in J-school, my newspaper advisor was a former newspaper editor in a rough city. Back when he was editor, he started reporting on all the crimes happening in that city's "dead zone," and the public ended up basically demanding the police start doing something about it. People started calling that area "New Jack City," after my advisor, Jack, who had led the pack.

I think the better question isn't why does it happen--because it does--it's what can we do about it? What can you do about it?
Reply:Its because Brian Gumball hates blacks.
Reply:we live in an unfair world.
Reply:First of all no other school shooting will be reported like Columbine because that basically made Eric Harris %26amp; Dylan Kleebold (sp) a household name, why make any more of these little freaks a light in the public eye. Second of all, in St. Louis, I see missing black people all the time. There are 2 I can think of off the top of my head that are still trying to be found within the last 6 months. Not sure where you live but maybe you should move if you feel you are being discriminated against.
Reply:Oh that's an easy one, the media and by extension, people watching the media are subconsciously racists. Not overtly, but it exists.

Why did (or do you think) the 2 teens involved with columbine kill themselves?

Because they didnt want to become butt bandits in prison.

Why did (or do you think) the 2 teens involved with columbine kill themselves?
cuz they were psychotic, and even if they didint kill themselves and smeone else did its a good thing they are dead
Reply:They obviously had mental problems, maybe esteem issues too, but probably the years of being picked on took toll and they wanted revenge and after years of abuses sometimes people snap which they did but they also had the smarts to realize there was no way out for them other than to kill themselves unless they wanted to be in prison or face waiting for death penalty, they wanted to choose their fate and they did. It's pretty sad.
Reply:It's always better to leave a mystery. and they didn't want to rot in jail.
Reply:They left video tapes saying that they had to do it because people picked on them, they couldn't live up to their parents expectations, popular kids are snobs, and one of them had to move five different times growing up ( I forget which one that was ). They wanted to go down in history as one of the biggest mass killings in the US. But I think they were cowards and took the easy way out by killing themselves.
Reply:ta get to the other side.
Reply:This is old. Because they were mentally disturbed.

What's your response to a report that yesterday's Montreal shooter loved the game "Super Columbine Massacre"?

I think that is sick!

What's your response to a report that yesterday's Montreal shooter loved the game "Super Columbine Massacre"?
Demented. Is this supposed to be a defense to that?
Reply:There are people who worship violence - always will be.

But ask yourself this - would he have been non-violent if there had been no such game? Or would he have just chosen another target?
Reply:I guess the game appealed to him because he was living in a fantasy world. It helped him feel more "normal" about the anger and rage he felt. It was part of his madness.
Reply:The guy needs to get a head examination. It's sad to think that people have to copy cat something or someone because they can't come up with original ideas. But then again are they just blaming games, t.v and music so they can have a "get out of jail free card"? Is he really unstable and easily brainwashed by a game? Or is he manipulating the system for the sake of sympathy? The guy should be taken out and shot but then again, we Canadians don't believe in the death penalty....We are peace loving people. So who is to blame...the game makers (who are dumb for creating such violent games....probably) or the weak minded who are easily brainwashed...definately.

Reply:Incredible, outrageous, that game sucked.....
Reply:figures, they said he did wear a black trench coat, sad, i can't believe they even made a game like that.

Does anyone else like the Super Columbine Massacre RPG game?

Okay, I know somebody's gonna rip me a new one for this question, but I seriously want to know if anyone else think it's as fun as I do.

Does anyone else like the Super Columbine Massacre RPG game?
I didn't even know a game like that existed. I've heard of the Columbine killers making a Doom/Quake map of their school...but that was a shooter game (and of course got taken down off the net). An RPG?
Reply:Yea the game is pretty cool. I play it about twice a day and I haven't been able to beat it yet. Its fun though,but gets boreing from the low effects in the schooting screne. Report It

Reply:Well, This Ted thinks it is a disgrace, abhorant and despicable if indeed such a game exists. I am ashamed as a human being that anyone in the U.S. would create such a supposed "money grabber" off of such a terrible tragedy. This again shows the overall sickness of American society to even consider less promote such an abomination. The parents of the children lost on that tragic day must Wonder as well.
Reply:Call it morbid curiousity, but I'd actually like to know more about this game since I've never heard of it.

I'd think that creating that game would be like painting a "Sue me PLEASE" sign 10 feet high and illuminating it with neon lights.

People never cease to amaze me. Never.
Reply:You've been RIPPED!!! How in the world did this game ever make it on the shelves in the first place?? AND how can you think that something mocking something so tragic is FUN???? I hope that you never have to live through something so horrible.


Why did the columbine shooting take place?

Because of bullying. The victim and his friend had had enough of people bossing and teasing them..they couldn't take it anymore. So they chose to take revenge by killing people and then killing themselves.

Why did the columbine shooting take place?
at one point when i lived there, plano, tx, was the no. 1 site of teen suicide. upgrade suburb with upscale young professionals and high expections on all the children in sports and academics. lot of suicide back then. this connects to columbine to me in one way-- busy career-minded parents who failed to nuture their children. some cannot raise themselves and end up isolated and it really reminds me of an idle mind is the devil's workshop. they isolate and find their own interests and feel like misfits, which they are. no parents to take enough time with them. sometimes the misfits find each other. they identify with counter-culture themes. even to the extreme like the columbine boys. if you think about it it is the same in the streets of la every night. drive bys and payback killings. in witchita, dallas, atlanta, chicago etc. kids will collect and hook up their street family if the parents arent doing the job. even rich people make babies and just provide a nice roof and plenty to eat. it takes parents to raise children. it really is simple isn't it?
Reply:Blame the video game industry.
Reply:The 2 shooters were being bullied and shooting up the school was there way of getting back at their bullies.

Question on columbine flowers how to prune back flowers what is tall stem like bud?

You don't have to prune columbines. If you want to remove the seeds from the seed pod so you don't have more columbines, you can do that. Columbines need very little care. If it's growing well, leave it alone. Doing too much with it can cause it to stop doing well... if it ain't broke, don't fix it, you know?

Question on columbine flowers how to prune back flowers what is tall stem like bud?
Will try to answer but am confused by question. Ask another way.

Who/what is the blame for the Columbine Massacre?

the trench coat mafia the gang was called but only two boys did the shooting's =[.

Who/what is the blame for the Columbine Massacre?
I'd say the ones that pulled the trigger. It's hard for me to blame anyone else. It all goes back to them for me.....
Reply:The parents of the Killers. All that planning any parent who paid any attention would have caught that. If they would have gotten their sons the help they needed it wouldn't have happened.
Reply:The two nitwits pulling the trigger. No one else.

Columbine shooting obsession?

i think im obsessed. ive read the autopsy reports,ive looked up everything even on other shooters.i wounlt pulls it off but am i alone?

Columbine shooting obsession?
I can understand, I was a little obsessed with it at one time. I even visited the school when I was in Denver. The fascination with me was how two middle class kids could do something so evil. I understand Eric Harris's motivation because he was a screwed up kid and on psychiatric medication, but its Dylan Klebold that I find the most fascinating. He had no history of mental illness, took no medication, and had no motivation other than his loyalty to Harris. How could he kill his classmates in cold blood like he did? Truly amazing and something I think everyone should read about.
Reply:The "media" is still using it to sell air time. But the massacre last year in Cranden, Wis. only got 3 minutes coverage total. Funny, isn't it? Report It

Reply:As far as I am concerned you are, doesn't interest me in the least!
Reply:you may be obsessed. but all this research may lead to a career in understanding these disturbances. we had a shooting where i work yesterday. the young student died today. these crimes happen daily, but when it's on a school campus, it makes for a sensational story. i think if we give these shooters a little less notoriety, it could curb their enthusiasm.
Reply:i hope your the only one
Reply:Maybe you're just plain curious. I also read a lot of articles about serial killers and the like but I wouldn't want to think I'm obsessed.


Columbine High School Massacre?

I'd like a few people's inputs on this (touchy) subject:

1. For those of you alive when this happened: What do you remember seeing on TV? What were your reactions? (FYI: I was very young when this happened, so I don't really remember the incident.)

2. What were some of the motives of the shooters? (Please try to be specific. I have heard and read several different ones.) What (or whom) do you personally blame?

3. How did they manage to get the guns into the school? (Or, more specifically, were there any metal detectors?)

4. What were some measures taken by the government and various schools after this incident? Do you think they are doing enough, or is bullying still a major problem in public schools? (I go to a Catholic School, and we have very few- if any- bullying problems.)

5. How do you personally think that this incident could have been prevented?

-Thanks in advance.

Columbine High School Massacre?
1. I remember sitting stunned as we watched kids, teachers, and administrators come out running of the school and law enforcement personnel going in. There were a lot of people crying, clinging to each other, or just staring at the school looking stunned. I called my kids just to tell them that I loved them. While I knew that they weren’t even in Colorado, I just needed the reassurance of hearing their voices.

2. Klebold and Harris were very angry young men. Harris’ journal was especially full of lists of people that he hated, including: Star Wars fans, racists, martial arts experts, people who mispronounce common worlds like “espresso”, as well as specific people. They had apparently been planning the assault for a year or so, having amassed an arsenal of almost 100 homemade explosive devices, as well as knives, guns, and rifles.

Blame is a more difficult issue, for there is a great deal of blame to go around. The two killers obviously bear the lion’s share; but as a parent of a 16 and 18 year old, I have a hard time believing that the parents had absolutely no signs that their children were angry and disturbed - and obviously they had to be storing the weapons and supplies someplace. In fairness, by all accounts the killers worked hard to keep everyone out of their little world; however, it would have taken a good bit of space to house nearly 100 homemade bombs. The parents clearly were not looking, and I pity them for the guilt and grief that they must now live with as a result of their negligence.

Lastly, I do not blame the victims. Kids are cruel; and learning to deal with people ridiculing you is a part of life. Some people do get more of their share than others, and I am not saying that teasing or bullying someone is right. I am just saying that being teased does not give one a right to kill. They were not alone - they obviously had each other - and they chose to focus on the negative things in life. Clearly that became the focus of their time together. In any case, their focus was not to kill a specific tormentor, but to massacre the entire school, if possible. Had their propane bombs gone off, it is likely the body count would have been over 500.

3. There were no metal detectors. It was an otherwise quiet school in an upper middle class community. Contrary to popular speculation, it appears that they were not members of the Trench Coat Mafia, merely acquaintanced with some of the members.

The pair had been watching traffic patterns so that they could use the weapons they had at hand to best effect. The two propane bombs (set for 11:17am) were brought in in duffle bags and the rifles and guns were hidden beneath trench coats bought for this event. Setting the duffle bags in the crowded cafeteria they went out to watch the explosion. It never came. The timers had either been defective or poorly rigged. However, two pipe bombs planted in a nearby field (to distract police) did go off at 11:19am, as planned. The pair went in and began stalking through the school.

4. Well, as your third question indicates many schools have installed metal detectors, security cameras, on-site police and/or private security patrols. There is also a lower tolerance for hate-speech in schools, and in the years following April 20, 1999 there were many students sent home, suspended, even some parents sued for their children’s websites, t-shirts, and artwork. What was, during my high school days, thought of as Goth fashion became reason to send a child to counseling. Mania no doubt also led to a great deal of the sort of bullying and teasing the killers complained of. Kids that were dark, hate-filled, or just considered antisocial were no longer merely weird, they were automatically suspected of being ‘potential-Columbines’. Many schools barred wearing trench coats. Searching the students bags became common. When I was in school, the only searches we underwent was routine drug-dog sniffing.

It can be rightly argued that school policies that prevent students from wearing slogans that might be considered hateful to certain people or groups is a violation of the first amendment. However, it is, I believe, a well-intentioned (admittedly unconstitutional) attempt to keep those kids safe. Just like American airline passengers are less likely to sit in their seats like good little hostages after 9/11/01, teenagers (and parents) are much less likely to tolerate those (adults or children) who go out of their way to seem threatening toward their children.

5. Of course it could have been prevented. Harris was, by virtue of his own writings, a sociopath. His parents could have read his journal. Any number of people knew about his website. Klebold could have had an attack of conscience. Had the killers’ activities (real life and online, as they spent a great deal of time researching explosives) and possessions been monitored by their parents, no doubt they would have discovered enough evidence to know that their sons needed help, even if they wished to believe that they wouldn’t go through with it.

Nice discussion question, by the way. Our kids are home-schooled, and I think I’ll assign this as current issues paper. Thanks for the brilliant idea!
Reply:1. Huge debates over their motive

2.Tormened in school lived a life of hate AND NO DOOM IS NOT A REASON video games did not help provoke it nor did it give them any intention to,I highly doubt Teacher William Sanders was hurling fireballs at the two Report It

Reply:I was living very close when this happened, in Englewood. The day before my birthday, I won't ever forget it.

1. I remember coming in at lunch with the TV on and my teacher crying, helicopter shots of the school and scenes of students escaping

2. Eric Harris was a psycopath, Klebold was just a follower

3. No metal dectors, they had bombs and guns

4. Bullying happens at my school all the time, but bullying WAS NOT the reason Columbined occured

5. If Harris was checked in some facility. You can't stop or counsel a person like Harris.

This event has haunted me since it happened, you wouldn't forget it if you were 8 years old and couldn't be happy on your birthday
Reply:1. I saw kids students and teachers fleeing from the school

2. Anger and resentment were most definitely motives for the shooters

3. No metal detectors - most schools in suburban areas didn't have a need for metal detectors. They most likely carried them in their gym bags or backpacks.

4. Many schools have heightened security, including metal detectors

5. The issue of bullying and teasing among students needs to be addressed, continually, There are many incidents such as this that could be prevented if staff and parents pay more attention to this type of problem.
Reply:I just remember thinking, "Oh God, where is your light?"
Reply:1) I remember seeing SWAT teams surrounding the school, and watching as the high schoolers ran from the building with their arms above their heads.

2) One of the main motives was the alienation; it permeated the shooters' lives to the point that people outside the school (parents) suspected a change in behavior. Personally, I blame the school for not taking earlier intervention. There were many signs of problematic behaviors that stem from bullying and alienation.

3) They brought them to school, as I recall, either in backpacks or their trenchcoats. There were not metal detectors at the schools. During that time period, school security was not heightened. Usually, you only experienced metal detectors at inner city schools; Columbine was in a nice suburb.

4) School security was hightened around the country. One of the most visible changes was the implementation of metal detectors. Initially, a lot of proactive measures were taken, but over time, many of them have relaxed and schools are back to almost pre-Columbine conditions. Bullying is still a problem. It has evolved from the obvious taunting to less-noticible pscyhological bullying and cyber-bullying.

5) I personally think the this incident could have been prevented. The events unfolded over a long period of time. Unfortunately, it takes a major incident to bring spotlight to problems in our society.

Great questions; I enjoyed analyzing several aspects of the event.
Reply:causes: the decline of american society and violent video games...

oh and the fact that an average teenager can get his hands on weapons might have something to do with this.

I dont see why Americans act so surprised when crap like this happens and yet do nothing to prevent the proliferation of gun in their own country.

Are you celebrating the Columbine Anniversary today?

At your local school or church?

Are you celebrating the Columbine Anniversary today?
Are you sure that 'celebrate' is the right word?
Reply:That tragedy certainly is nothing to celebrate,why don't you march up and down your street with a Nazi uniform on and celebrate Hitlers birthday weirdo!
Reply:No, there's nothing to "celebrate."
Reply:A celebration would be inappropriate.
Reply:Celebrating? No....Remembering/observing yes, but with some of my thoughts on Virginia Tech.
Reply:I will never "celebrate" such a day as this. It was as easy to cry this morning when the news told of the anniversary of that day as it was on that horrible day.
Reply:celebrate??? maybe hopefully you mean REMEMBER!!!
Reply:I don't think the word usage would be correct in this situation, as there certainly isnt anything to celebrate unless your a f'ing nazi. But nonetheless, i have thought about the incident, and my highschool had a moment of silence for the VATech and the Columbine victims.

Matter of fact, i am listening to a flyleaf song called "Cassie" right now, %26amp; its about the Columbine High School Massacre. Its a great song.. you all should listen to it. The book "She Said Yes" was good too.
Reply:"Celebrating"? That is a rather poor choice of wording. Remembering, Honoring the victims, Reflecting or something like that would be much more appropriate. Why on earth would you celebrate it?

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What are the long term effects of columbine shootings on society?

A lack of trust between those who should have trust (e.g. teachers and students). On the other hand, increased responsiveness by counselors and administrators to the socially disenfranchised and to threats to school communities.

What are the long term effects of columbine shootings on society?
Honestly, in our violent society, which was that way prior to the shooting, this had no effect other than shock value and media frenzy right after the incident.

I need to answer some questions for the movie Bowling for Columbine?

Other than gun violence, what other forms of vilence does moore point out and examples. when young people commit crimes who is to blame, Moore says U.S media is not reliably reporting what happens in the world, agree or disagree, what other factors lead to violence in society? Media provokes fear into audience agree or disagree.

I need to answer some questions for the movie Bowling for Columbine?
From what I remember gun violence was the main one he covered, maybe game violence too.

When young people commit crimes, he addressed that it was a number of factors, but the main thing was just their poor economic background and lack of moral help form those around them. Also, the simplisity of walking into somewhere like K-mart and buying a gun, and societies pressure and glorification of guns (NRA, video games, media, etc...) All help attribute to youth commiting gun violence (among others...) It seems to me with youth violence, they see guns as an easy way out or solution. Like 'Oh well if I put a gun to his head, he won't tease me any more' or 'If i have a gun, they will respect me' or 'If I kill myself, all my problems will go away', etc....This can be a cause of guns glorification, in the media (not saying its all their fault) that makes kids want to use guns to assess the feeling of power and control in their turbulent lives. All of us, at one point or another , had tough social times growing up, it's life. Hell, kids and teens can be some of the meanest SOBs on the planet, but it's up to adults and teachers to teach kids that THESE TIMES WILL PASS. Grade school is not forever, high school is not forever, you will not be the geeky nobody forever, and more then likely everyone else won't be the beautiful, popular jock or cheerleader forever, you will grow up and get out into the real world and realize none of that matters. So it's up to adults tell kids to just be strong and these times will pass. It's also up to the kid and teen to know the difference between right and wrong.....

Agree. The media is controlled by few, mostly conglomerates, therefore 90% of the time it's filtered or altered to fit a particular agenda or bias to protect those who are in control of that media outlet. Also, information fed to the news is bias or not the whole truth and that's for everybody, liberal and conservative. For example, how do we know all the information told to us about the war, good or bad, is the whole truth? Isn't most of that told through White House press correspondents, whose jobs depend on how the war is spun? If it's good, how do we know they are telling the truth? If it's bad, how bad is it really are they doing damage control? and so on and so forth.......

What I liked about Bowling for Columbine is that it briefly looked at other cultures and their gun violence and their reasons for gun violence. All societies have guns, violent games, movies, music, violent histories, poverty... But America still has the highest gun violence death rate in the whole world (over 11,000 deaths/year) Moore blamed that on the media and advertising way of using fear and propaganda to scare us in a way to control our everyday lives. This fear, whether we know it or not, envokes us to use violence (guns or whatever) against others, for sometimes nothing at all. All because we see them as an easy way out of a problem (poverty, confrontation, etc....). The NRA uses the 2nd amendment (written some 100 years ago) to legitimize guns for all as protection, but in this day and age, guns kill more lives then they do saving them. And they are just as problematic when kids get a hold of them and kill other kids. He's more so saying that with all the media glorifying guns and using fear to control you, you have to take it upon your self to weight the necessity of having guns. If you don't need them, then don't have them. And if you do need them for whatever reason (maybe your a cop), make sure your kids know not to go near it or touch it. Teach them that violence is not the answer to solving their problems, it just compounds them. Great way to do that is to lead by example and get rid of the guns...........

If al-Qaida is so keen on terrorizing the West why don't they do a Columbine style shooting Rampage?

Are they afraid they wouldnt stand a chance against post 9/11 concealed weapons liscensed carrying trigger happy americans?

If al-Qaida is so keen on terrorizing the West why don't they do a Columbine style shooting Rampage?
It would only work in blue states. The red states are better armed than they are. Besides we dip our bullets in pigs blood so they wouldn't get their virgins.
Reply:The pig is unclean in the Torah (the Jewish law) and is unclean in muslim tradition. They wouldn't be able to enter paradise Report It

Reply:that is to western not enough drama, they want it quick and fast they dont do to many shootings just bomings that really gets them no were. i dont think they give a sh-- about the post 9/11 concealed weapons act the police want let you carry a gun anyway they would kill you owe no are they on the other side
Reply:Because that really isn't all that "impressionistic" in the USA. It happens all the time.
Reply:pretty much yes. and our security is steped up.
Reply:Please recall that terrorist did attack a school several years ago. I believe the school was in a country that was formerly part of the Soviet Union.
Reply:Don't you know that the hold terrorist threat was and is a smokescreen to cover up all the illegal price hikes of gas , illegal invasions and other abuses of governmental power?
Reply:Crazy people such as terrorists do not have rational answers to give you!

But I doubt they care much for killing school children.

1. When killing kids the impact to the economy would be slight.

2. They might be able to recruit kids for thier dirty work.

3. They might shoot a muslim kid by mistake. (not that usually matters)

What have we learned since Columbine?

With the recent shootings in West Virginia sharing similarities to the Columbine incident, one has to wonder what if anything has changed in the way we treat each other at school or at work.

What have we learned since Columbine?
Sadly, nothing has changed but I can say if we talk to our children and make them aware of their surrounds and teach them to not only pay attention to other people but care about them... it is possible to see signs in others.

If you noticed, no one really got to know this boy... no one could say anything about him, what kind of society do we live in that we live with someone but don't know a thing about them?
Reply:Zero. Nothing has changed. Maybe now something will change is that too much to hope for? Hope not.
Reply:Not much. They will always be people with mental illnesses. BTW, it's Virginia, not West Virginia.
Reply:In my opinion, the main problem was in his personality. That is not his fault; that who he was. His realtives and any other close people made a big mistake just by not talking to him. Maniaks are not born...The bigest problems happen because of miscommunication. He had a problem, and noone tried to help him. That is scary, because in this country we have thousands and thousands people like him....
Reply:The loons that caused those tragedies were defective humans. We need to stop this cop-out attitude...oh they did it because they were bullied. Well boo hoo...millions of people get bullied and they didn't go bezerk. These people were missing a few brick upstairs is the true reason. And there is not much you can do to prevent mental defectives from wigging out.
Reply:i think sadly nothing has changed.
Reply:Here's some facts: Kids have been picked on in school for hundreds of years. Guns have been around and easily accessible for hundreds of years. Only now has mass murder in school become an option in some kids minds. Now that its happened a few times, its like the genies out of the bottle.

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Am i the only one who is still feeling depression about the columbine massacre?


Am i the only one who is still feeling depression about the columbine massacre?
If you are still feeling depression this many years later, you need to seek professional help. It is not natural for you to continue to be depressed over the incident.
Reply:Yes you are...get over it .Were you there that day? No? SHUT UP!
Reply:Seek professional therapy.
Reply:If that is still depressing you, there is something about it that is personal to you.

I was of course saddened by the Columbine massacre, but not depressed. I did become depressed about the Virginia Tech massacre, because I recognized the perpetrator as a paranoid schizophrenic, and I like paranoid schizophrenics. I know they suffer a lot, but I never met one I didn't like. So, I was depressed because a paranoid schizophrenic committed such a crime, I was sad for his family because I knew they were not at fault but would suffer a lot of grief as well as blame, and sad for the perpetrator himself because he thought the whole world was against him, and for the victims and their families because they didn't deserve this... It became personal to me. My depression didn't last very long because I really didn't know anybody involved, though I could relate to their feelings.

So, examine why you still feel so strongly about the Columbine massacre. There is probably some kind of good reason. And look into ways of resolving your feelings.
Reply:It is not the worst thing to happen in the world, you know-a NATO Jihad of aggression was going on exactly at that time.
Reply:Did you have family or friends there? If so, then it's completely normal. Everybody where I live, has sort of forgotten about it. We don't live anywhere near there.

Did Columbine and the other shootings have the flags at half mast during that time?

Yes they were, they always do half mast whenever a tragedy has occurred. I remember after Columbine anywhere i went flags were at half mast

Did Columbine and the other shootings have the flags at half mast during that time?
I think at least locally flags where put at half mast
Reply:I don't recall the flags at half mast for Columbine. I may be mistaken, but I don't think they were.
Reply:i think that they did?
Reply:I'm sure they did.
Reply:ya they had reported that there were signs of the person who did the columbine shooting put no actions.

Has anyone seen Bowling for Columbine?

Would you say the issue behind the massacre was gun control, or bullying? Is there any reference to bullying in the movie?

Has anyone seen Bowling for Columbine?
gun control. i got teased all thoughout school and i didnt kill anyone. and i dont think the movie said anything about the boys being teased, they wanted to focus on how easy it is to get a gun, like when you sign up for an account at a bank in michigan. gotta love it here!!!!!!!!
Reply:I've never seen the movie. No way in hell is Michael Moore getting any of my hard earned money. What an idiot!!

Why hasn't the POWERS THAT BE ever told us what medication those COLUMBINE school shooters were on??

All the violent school incidents are from 'medicated' freaks who are off their school imposed medication.

Privacy laws prevent them from announcing this, and the establishment has an agenda for us for the future.

Why hasn't the POWERS THAT BE ever told us what medication those COLUMBINE school shooters were on??
Eric was on Luvox, Dylan wasn't on anything. Eric had previously been on zoloft for 6 weeks but reported homicidal and suicidal thoughts. Report It

Reply:Because maybe the medication were a spark to their actions, and they don't want people to have a "spark" like they did.
Reply:ny powers that be do you mean like the great gods that granted wizardry into the mortal world and ultimately help slow down entropy or the death of the universe?

because if you do then i am pretty damn sure that they have much better things to do
Reply:Why is it the responsability of The Powers That Be?
Reply:Why are you assuming they were on medication?
Reply:the problem of criminal politic, alwas is of congres of republic, that the problem, alwas in USA, the most, is the production of war material. in canada no, this is the problem, the criminal politic, and the money of the industry of war
Reply:It is in the best interest to release to the public that individuals are depressed or bi-polar and receiving treatment, it is not a good idea for the powers to be to release information about the medication they were taking because it could cause people to think twice about psychological drugs. I know from personal experience that psychological drugs are very dangerous, they can cause you to hallucinate, and intensify your moods to the point that you are in a constant feeling of irritation and rage, but when did any major corporation want to release that the drugs they were prescribing could have caused these people or person to go over the edge. Nobody ever even stops to think about that, they just say oh it was another crazy guy. The media only tells you what they want you to hear, and they can't go spouting off at the mouth about major drug companies and their drugs unless they can 100% prove what they say is true because they will get slapped with a slander lawsuit quicker than sh!t. If the people would have been on crack, heroine or some other form of illegal drug, you would have heard about it. ;-)

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Who has seen Bowling for Columbine?

Should we send a copy to everyone in Congress? What will it take to get the laws changed to protect people *and* preserve our Constitional rights. (I don't think we have to make a choice between doing one or the other.) I think what happened at Virginia Tech shows we have to do something different. What does it take to get that message through and acted on?

Who has seen Bowling for Columbine?
this is more important -
Reply:PLEASE educate yourself! MIchael Moore does not produce "documentaries"! Bowling for Columbine has more holes than swiss cheese.

Scenes in the movie that are seen in sequence actually happened a year apart (parts of the "NRA rally", particularly where Mr Heston uses the phrase "from my cold dead fingers" happened 1 year later, in North Carolina!). Other scenes, reported to be "business as usual" were actually staged, and would not ever, have happened but for the movie (Michael Moore walking out of the bank with a rifle, etc)

Watch Mickey's movies for entertainment, watch them to laugh at the fat Canadian, but PLEASE donot watch them for their factual content!

Go to this site and learn how bad you have been had!
Reply:Pretty vile piece of propaganda wasn't it?
Reply:i've seen that movie and it was devastating. i would never wish anything horrible like that to happen to any one not even my worst enemy.

and i truly hate what happened at virginia tech, why would any body in their right mind want to do something so crazy like that any way, well i pray they don't have any more horrible events like that ever again, but these are the last and evil days. ( had to get religious there for a minute.)

What do you think of the movie Bowling for Columbine?

I really liked it, and what do you think the reason for all gun violence in America is?

Is the NRA really responsible?

Or do you think it was REALLY Marilyn Manson?

What do you think of the movie Bowling for Columbine?
i think it was a good movie but there are various reasons as to the gun violence in america, mostly being the breakdown in morals that parents should instill in children but are too busy with trying to keep up financially in this greedy society, also the media (news, video games, movies, music) influences people more than they think, and also laziness- school officials need to do something when they see people being picked on, its part of their job to help ensure the well being of their students and the lazy people who dont keep up with their guns or fails to properly secure them enough to be able to have a underaged person easily take a weapon from them.
Reply:i think that Mike Moore really has chutzpah ( jewish for the term ballz) to put out stuff that makes us think and use our heads! He has no compunction when it comes to making a point. he has courage to defy society, defy conventionalism, and outright lies, to make us think and to show us that " the truth is really out there." We will have guns no matter what. What he did for BFC, was make us see what damage guns can do. Try to go to King Richard's myspace, if u can find it, and see what he has written on gun violence. Every day, as he leaves his bed, he must transfer to his wheelchair and remember about Columbine. I think,too, that that day should be a reminder of what can happen when ppl are mean to those that society considers, to be " outside the norm."
Reply:I didn't get to see that, but I liked Roger and Me and Sicko, so I would probably find it very thought provoking.

I don't think the NRA or Marilyn Manson is responsible for what individuals choose to do with guns.
Reply:i am actually sick and tired of these people who have gone and shot classmates and then themselves, and then the parents saying " oh well they were listening to Marilyn Manson before they did it"

then they all say its his music that the problem...he should be stopped ...blah blah blah.....

i listen to Marilyn Manson, i dont get the feeling that i want to go on a murderous rampage (dont mean to be disrespectful to anyone who was killed in these incidents) but you cant blame his music....

they went to kill because they werent right in the head! and it was probably personal things happening like....home life or severe bullying ...that pushed them to kill...

they just blame Manson because he is an easy target!

Reply:It's really Mayilyn Manson.......

The gun violence has more to do than just a singer or an association.

It's the media, a child's interaction with other people, other individual events in the person's life. Social strain is a *****.
Reply:i think it was stupid.

michael moore stretched truths and made certain things look way worse than theyh were. michael moore is just a moron.

i hold the parents and the child responsible. no one else.

not video games, not music, not tv, not orginizations (NRA).
Reply:Michael Moore is an idiot...but I was really shocked about what Marilyn Manson said...They really should have just listened?...but it was an Alright movie....All the gun violence in one single person is at fault...not even the NRA...Everyone with a gun needs to be responsible..Period!!!
Reply:I haven't been sick enough to make myself watch it. I avoid it altogether. Evil is responsible, children are born with evil in their hearts according to the Christian Bible.
Reply:Its the medias over attention to violence. You cant watch any news broadcast without hearing about somebody somewere getting shot or killed.
Reply:I thought it was very good, though I don't think either the NRA or Manson is responsible...

Good use of the Joey Ramone version of "Wonderful World", though.
Reply:What does this have to do with religion or spirituality?
Reply:Michael Moore is a government agent, and that was government made anti gun propaganda.
Reply:its this world getting worse not Marilyn Manson its Satan's fault

Is it any coincidence that the VT shooting was exactly 8 years to the day of the Columbine shooting?

the Columbine shooting was on the 3rd monday in April as was the VT shooting. Possible correlation?

Is it any coincidence that the VT shooting was exactly 8 years to the day of the Columbine shooting?
Columbine was on April 20th.
Reply:No, people go crazy all the time. They don't plan out when there going to go crazy. I doubt this guy was a copy cat, considering he was from South Korea, here on a student visa, he didn't even live here when Columbine happened. If you look up shootings there is just about one every couple months somewhere in the world, just not all of them are big enough for the rest of the world to cover it.

Maybe it's just a case of the Monday's
Reply:Probably not but unless this guy left a note or said something to someone, we'll never know.
Reply:maybe maybe not
Reply:Columbine happened on the 20th.
Reply:Put on that tinfoil hat!
Reply:Columbine happened on April 20th not April 16th

What would you say to the shooters of columbine if they were somehow revived back to life now?

Why'd ya do it?

What would you say to the shooters of columbine if they were somehow revived back to life now?
Quite frankly, I'd just prefer they stayed dead. There's nothing I'd really want to say to 'em....
Reply:I would ask them "How did you manage to come back to life?"

I would do this because knowing how would come in handy someday.

I am hoping they would come back looking like live guys and not att rotting and creepy zombie-like. Yechh!
Reply:watch bowling for columbine and listen to marylin manson's answer to that question.
Reply:I'd slap them upside their head and ask them "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Quit being such a baby...high school isn't the end of the world".
Reply:Great question! I'd probably ask how they were going to educate others in how to prevent it from happening again and again...
Reply:Ever been to a protest march?
Reply:I would say, thank God you are dead before you kill someone else.
Reply:"Hey kids, got a job for you - there's this nice little war going on over in Iraq. You can go over there and kill to your heart's content." That would be an ideal place for them - they probably wouldn't last a day.
Reply:I would say, "Michael Moore, you fat SOB!, how ya doin?"?????
Reply:I Would Say That I Am Sorry That Those Basterds Teased You To Death Cause I Was And I Think That You Did A World A Favor Killing Those Teasing Dogs Because The School Districts Will Never LEarn.
Reply:It's not worth it...there is life after high school, so don't let the jocks and whoever picked on you get you down.

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Has Marilyn Mansons cd sales gone down since his contorversial link with the Columbine school massacre?

They probably fluctuated for a while, but it's no different to the thing in the 80's about rock music, hidden messages and all that cr*p about the devil! Manson is just a gimmick, he has a style and he has optimized it to full potential. He vindicates himself quite well on Bowling for Columbine and shows that it's ignorant idiots that blame his music for the columbine shootings. History repeats and people point the finger at things they don't understand or agree with rather than looking at the social, economic and relative history of the people responsible for the crime.

Has Marilyn Mansons cd sales gone down since his contorversial link with the Columbine school massacre?
who knows?...................his music is good tho.....
Reply:I believe they actually went up after then then dropped rapidly when people realised he was a talentless one trick pony that deserves to be working at the London Dungeon instead of clogging up the charts with limp-goth twaddle. IMHO of course!
Reply:Yeah, i've also noticed that some kids that wear his T-shirts have no self esteem at all.For those kids his music just feeds there hate then the kid one day snaps and there you have it! another school shooting.

Why did Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold stage the 1999 Columbine High School massacre?

They were either drug addicts or nobody liked them and made fun of them all the time. I'm thinking Drugs polited there minds.

Why did Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold stage the 1999 Columbine High School massacre?
Because they were depressed and had mental illnesses/disorders. They might have been drugs, but i don't think that was as much of a cause of it as was they weren't accepted, were influenced by violent media, and had mental issues. Report It

Reply:They did it on Hitler's birthday. A celebration of hate. :(

On the documentry Bowling for columbine, what was MIchael Moore's attitude?

That he's God, and he knows people don't understand manipulative editing techniques.

On the documentry Bowling for columbine, what was MIchael Moore's attitude?
i thought it was disgust and disbelief. Disgust and disbelief at a society that refuses to wake up and take action against its government that is watching us kill each other and does nothing toward gun control because it is in the pocket of the NRA and gun manufacturers.and we as citizens don't do a damn thing to make changes in picking our representatives
Reply:America is a bad place to be in with too much exposure to violence.
Reply:People told me that they thought that movie was slanted towards gun control. I think that was the approach he took. What that movie said to me was that the media can easily manipulate people's beliefs.
Reply:Like the first answerer, it was disgust and disbelief at how easy it is to get a gun both legally and illegally in America. The lack of control in relation to gun laws from the government, the people's attitudes to guns.

Were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold(Columbine Shooters) terrorists?

Would they be considered terrorists even though they were just teenagers when they commited that awful crime?

Were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold(Columbine Shooters) terrorists?
No. Terrorism is not just violence... it is violence with the intent to promote a social or political cause.

I think one reason for the school shootings is that the Democratic Party has marginalized and abandoned poor and working class whites. There is no political or social cause these kids can belong to. They are caught between the liberal academic left and the racism of black "civil rights" politics.
Reply:I wasn't aware that terrorism was age-defined.

I wouldn't call them terrorists whatever age they were. They weren't trying to get a message across as far as I can recall. They were just killing people. Their precise motives are obscure.
Reply:that's a tough one. i usually think terrorists make ultimatums i.e. "you better meet our demands or else we will unleash violence/pain on you" ... did those teens make demands?? i cant remember i think it was a decade or so ago

by contrast i think the middle east terrorists we see on tv and in newsweek magazine do have demands like "america, stop giving money to israel" blah blah but i dont know how they expect some of their demands to be met e.g. "israel, stop existing" it's absurd and tragic
Reply:They were that day, murdering heartless terrorists who deserved their fate.
Reply:clearly they were terrorists. or...

here is the only issue: terrorism is usually defined as having some sort of purpose (i.e., the freeing of prisoners, the capitulation of a country in a war). did they have a purpose? or was it just a massacre?

i think one could at least loosely define them as terrorists

this is just my opinion

aw, c'mon, a plague! i'm no democrat certainly, but to blame them? it would be like blaming the republicans. don't you remember being builied in school? maybe you weren't. but if it happens relentlessly, one feels disenfranchised - and if one is just a teenager, he/she won't understand those feelings.

BUT, of course, there are other reasons, many of them. but politics?well.....i don't know, maybe.
Reply:Yes, they were. They used extremely violent tactics to scare people and try to get their message across. That's how terrorists operate.

sandals church

Question about a "mutant" columbine?

A friend has a perennial flower growing in his yard that appears to be a columbine in every way...foilage, flower stem, bloom time...but the flowers are spiky little mauve-colored balls! They look nothing like a traditional columbine but instead are more aster-like but without the center. Can anyone help us identify this plant? Any help will be greatly appreciated, as we have searched extensively and still can't identify it! Thank you!

Question about a "mutant" columbine?
maybe a nora barlow columbine.... heres a picture of them....
Reply:Thanks to all who took the time to answer, even though the plant was none of the of life's great mysteries, I guess! :) Report It

Reply:this is a stretch.. but maybe a thistle??

can you post a picture somewhere?
Reply:maybe its astrantia.

Why did Michael Moore make the documentary "Bowling for Columbine". 10 points?

I was curious why he made this movie? Can i please have a proper answer?

Why did Michael Moore make the documentary "Bowling for Columbine". 10 points?
He made Bowling for Columbine to show how America portrays guns as a way of life and trivializes the extreme violence in which they are capable. Now everyone wants to shoot each other in America.
Reply:He wanted the cool shoes you get for bowling. God knows he needs some fashion sense. It is too many calories equals Michael Moore. Maybe he should make a movie, Monopoly for McDonald's and see where he is the lunatic. Sorry, that could be any subject.
Reply:I felt it highlight's the NRA strength in american gun policy, the 2nd ammendment and how dangerous and tragic americans obsession with guns is to their well being. But M.M. says this and who am I to argue? after all he is a card carrying member of the NRA and may come over and blow my head off with a uzi!

"Bowling for Columbine" is an alternately humourous and horrifying film about the United States. It is a film about the state of the Union, about the violent soul of America. Why do 11,000 people die in America each year at the hands of gun violence? The talking heads yelling from every TV camera blame everything from Satan to video games. But are we that much different from many other countries? What sets us apart? How have we become both the master and victim of such enormous amounts of violence? This is not a film about gun control. It is a film about the fearful heart and soul of the United States, and the 280 million Americans lucky enough to have the right to a constitutionally protected Uzi.
Reply:To make a point about how stupid America's gun laws are.
Reply:Because he is a gun grabbing leftist who wants to take my gun away from me but is surrounded by armed guards himself.
Reply:I am sorry, when it comes to Michael Moore, I can't give you a proper anything.

Maybe his web-site can tell you. I don't know. I don't care to search it to find out, sorry.
Reply:I'd guess because he opposes the free availability of guns in the US...

What do you think should happen to the columbine killers if they lived?

Life in prison without the possibility of parole. I think being sentenced to death is only an easy way out.

What do you think should happen to the columbine killers if they lived?
give 'em top level Government jobs, I guess. Isn't that what we do with our best killers?
Reply:For someone else to shoot them!!!
Reply:Ahhh it is a Sid!!!

hmmm....They should have been tried as adults and taken from there for murders of the students and teacher
Reply:Two wrongs don't make a right, so killing them wouldn't be the right answer in my opinion, but I am very against the death penalty.

Psychological hospitalization!

Is it normal to worship the Columbine shooters?


Is it normal to worship the Columbine shooters?
Good luck with that. I hope you go up in a blaze of glory... I hear that to top them though you have to blow off you genitals stick them in you mouth then cut off your head. Ya.... that would be the way to go
Reply:No, Get some help if you do.
Reply:it's a bad idea.
Reply:OMG, the mere fact of asking this question isn't normal...
Reply:Only if you have severe mental problems. If you feel this way please seek help with a professional. These feelings can be treated and diagnosed.
Reply:u are crazy???????
Reply:i wouldn't say its NORMAL

but they are very easy to romanticize

because they did what every one whos picked on wants to do

i just hope somebody makes a better movie about them than elephant was

gus van zant really dropped the ball on that one
Reply:see a shrink laaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaloooozer!
Reply:whats that?
Reply:actually a little disturbing
Reply:I guess it would really depend on what about them you intend to worship. They both went to school, got good grades, and were normal teenagers, but both of them really didn't like life much. The shootings weren't all about the bullies that roamed the hallways at some big suburban highschool. Bullies bothered Eric at first, but after a while, he just didnt care anymore. Dylan had friends. Eric really just hated dumb people who always lied about stupid stuff and posed to try to fit into these groups at school. If anything the shooting was more about saying 'Hey, there is something wrong here in this world, this society. This is what I want to do with my life. I wanna show you how f*cked up this world can be. DONT LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN.' Their mission was to open up people's eyes and yet people still walk around blind. If you worship them, then listen to what they had to say. They can't hurt anybody anymore. Don't fear their words. The wounds of this tragic war have healed. It's now time for understanding. No one has to agree with the way they did it, it's not our choice, It's already done. It's life, live with it, learn from it. I for one worship the revolution they sparked. It is up to us to continue it. If people were just good people and appreciated these two guys this incident would have never occured. Nothing would be wrong in the first place and we would aquire peace. Unfortunately in this world, peace does not sell, war does. Should we be so shocked with what happened on 4-20-99? Or should we expect something like this to happen again? All I hear is ridicule on these two boys. This was done on good intent. Society wants you to be mad, society wants you to wage war. Keep that in mind.
Reply:It is perfectly normal... if you're an idiot that is?
Reply:no, try micky and mallory knocks, that is better. children killing children isn't a good thing. go play grand theft auto and get some of that pent up aggression out.
Reply:No it is not. You should go talk to a professional.

What those kids at Columbine did was ruin the lives of most people in that community. People everywhere were very disturbed by these events. You should really talk to someone if you think behavior like that is cool.

Those kids were seriously disturbed and caused pain to thousands if not millions of people.

Wouldn't it be better to cause pleasure or happiness for others rather than pain.

Get help. You obviously need it. Make an impact on the world with good not bad.
Reply:It is only normal if you are suffering from a mental illness. The good news is that there is a lot of help in the world, but it is up to you to take steps to jelp yourself before you add yourself to the ever growing list of people who are detested for making ill use of free will.

At the very LEAST, call a suicide prevention center and tell them how you feel.
Reply:OH MY GOD ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS? Why dont you consider seeking attention for that. or better yet why don't you speak to someone who lost their child sibling friend or spouse on that day and put yourself in their shoes before you jump to conculusions before making 2 teenage murderers your hero
Reply:im going against everyone else and saying , yes it is ok.
Reply:I get tempted the more ppl push me around. Next motherf%@%r may not be so lucky
Reply:If you are Marilyn Manson, yes.
Reply:hehehe it's a free country
Reply:worshiping sick, perverted murderers nah, its very normal....for a twisted, disturbed person who preys on innocent ppl because they feel impotent....if you're not joking then get help you owe it to your loved ones and those that did nothing to hurt you.
Reply:Heck no! What's wrong with you? They were Satanic fools! They were lucky they commited suicide.
Reply:If youre a complete whackjob. That was a heinous act of violence. Call your local police and let them know. They will point you in the appropriate direction.
Reply:Not normal..

Not funny

Not good

Not tolerable

Not a good idea..

If you think Life Sucks..just remember that there are people that can help you and everybody's lives are valuable.
Reply:That's a good question to ask your doctor or your psychiatrist.

(Or course it's not normal.)

Those two people chose poorly to resolve thier problems, and did harm to many people that day. Not just the students, but families as well.

If you want to worship somebody, try Mother Teresa
Reply:Not really, but it's normal to hate that school's administration for not trying to do something about the bullying beforehand. And every other school admin. who won't lift a finger to help out depressed/angry students.
Reply:I just want to ask everyone how they define normality....What is "normal". I don't personally think that a majority of people worship the columbine shooters. I believe it is wrong to worship anything besides God Almighty. I am a Christian. But I do have say that I don't think it's anyones place to call you a loser for what you think. So don't listen to these people who tell you that you aren't normal. You are a person too, and God loves you just like he loves every one else.

I think God loves the columbine shooters too, but I think that they deserve to be punished for what they did.

I don't think it would be un-normal for any one to worship the columbine shooters, but I think it would be wrong.
Reply:No. They were horrible people who killed so many of their classmates. I hope they go to Hell. You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking of such an idea.

rain roots

What do you think of the Columbine...That two boys who entered the school shooting...On April 20, 1999?

What happened at the head of those boys ... get them to take that attitude???e ainda tem gente que defende !!

What do you think of the Columbine...That two boys who entered the school shooting...On April 20, 1999?
The two boys, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, both had separate reasons.

Dylan Klebold was depressed. He was dragged along by Eric. He wasn't accepted by the majority of the school. Despite that Dylan thought he was "Godlike", in his journal he wrote of self-loathing and suicidal intentions. He was bullied but not as much as Eric due to his height. Many believe that if Dylan didn't commit the massacre he would had fallen out of depression and then led a normal life.

Eric Harris was completely different. Unlike most school shooters he wasn't struggling in school, he had in 97 average. But Eric was a true sociopath. He believed in social Darwinism (the logo on his shirt on the day of the massacre read "Natural section"). Like all true sociopaths there was something chemically wrong. As horrible as it sounds, many are glad columbine happened because if it hadn't Eric would have done something much worse.
Reply:Well,I know they were teased but so are many people that endure the frustrations of life without going off the deep end.Being teased at school is only the beginning ,my friend,of your endurance test. Many of these people that go 'postal' know that if they just go into an alley and shoot themselves,it won't even make the papers.But if they manage to kill some people on their way out,it somehow magnifies whatever problem they have into a platform from which they can proclaim Man's inhumanity to the meerkat.or whatever.The Hippies used to protest peacefully with signs and placards and were thrown in jail.Now,if you kill some people and then yourself,well,you got your point across.To me it seems to be a step towards anarchy but maybe that is a little drastic.Still,I lived through the 'leave it to beaver'years and,I must say,we've lost a lot in this country.The 'little guy' continues to take it on the chin.............BK
Reply:those boys were made fun relentlessly %26amp; had enough. i'm by no means saying the actions they took are justified, but being a person who was bullied %26amp; made fun of in Jr. High/High School I know it's hard to just take it. People say words don't hurt, but they do. What they did was (is) horrible. I remember that day so clearly. I felt bad for the people who were killed as well as the boys who did the killing. It all was needless. If only someone had listened or interviened before it got to that level of hate %26amp; revenge.
Reply:Hello Ana!Gostaria muito de responder á tua pergunta,mas como já viu sei falar meras palavras como"hello",desculpe,traduz pra mim!!!!bjo!
Reply:They were fed up kids.

Not trying to justify what they did, but it seems to be a disturbing trend. Kids who're fed up with life, school, responsibility, society and pressure.

It's the same case with every other shooting.

Some kid hates school, is pissed, lost his girlfriend etc and is angry at the world.

Instead of simply committing suicide, they take others with them.

I think these situations can always be avoided once these kids have someone to talk to so they can get their feelings off their chest, instead of bottling it up and letting it eventually boil over and explode.
Reply:Well when I was going through high school about 30 years back you didn't hear about this nonsense of school shootings

Where is a better source/s to find stuff about columbine besides wikipedia?

Where is a better source/s to find stuff about columbine besides wikipedia?
Below are three web sites for a more reporter-like format. These are on the first page of a Google search but there are many, many others as well as other enclopediae and there are books that can be read or referenced as well.