Monday, November 16, 2009

Why hasn't the POWERS THAT BE ever told us what medication those COLUMBINE school shooters were on??

All the violent school incidents are from 'medicated' freaks who are off their school imposed medication.

Privacy laws prevent them from announcing this, and the establishment has an agenda for us for the future.

Why hasn't the POWERS THAT BE ever told us what medication those COLUMBINE school shooters were on??
Eric was on Luvox, Dylan wasn't on anything. Eric had previously been on zoloft for 6 weeks but reported homicidal and suicidal thoughts. Report It

Reply:Because maybe the medication were a spark to their actions, and they don't want people to have a "spark" like they did.
Reply:ny powers that be do you mean like the great gods that granted wizardry into the mortal world and ultimately help slow down entropy or the death of the universe?

because if you do then i am pretty damn sure that they have much better things to do
Reply:Why is it the responsability of The Powers That Be?
Reply:Why are you assuming they were on medication?
Reply:the problem of criminal politic, alwas is of congres of republic, that the problem, alwas in USA, the most, is the production of war material. in canada no, this is the problem, the criminal politic, and the money of the industry of war
Reply:It is in the best interest to release to the public that individuals are depressed or bi-polar and receiving treatment, it is not a good idea for the powers to be to release information about the medication they were taking because it could cause people to think twice about psychological drugs. I know from personal experience that psychological drugs are very dangerous, they can cause you to hallucinate, and intensify your moods to the point that you are in a constant feeling of irritation and rage, but when did any major corporation want to release that the drugs they were prescribing could have caused these people or person to go over the edge. Nobody ever even stops to think about that, they just say oh it was another crazy guy. The media only tells you what they want you to hear, and they can't go spouting off at the mouth about major drug companies and their drugs unless they can 100% prove what they say is true because they will get slapped with a slander lawsuit quicker than sh!t. If the people would have been on crack, heroine or some other form of illegal drug, you would have heard about it. ;-)

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