Why is it wrong to make First Person Shooter games based off of the Columbine Shooting, but ok to make it off of World War 1 or 2?
isn't that just as bad?
Why is it wrong to make a game based off of the Columbine Shooting, but it's ok to make games based off of....
I figure it's mostly based on the logic that things you were alive for are worse than things that happened when you were too young to remember/before you were born.
Which is incredibly stupid logic, but deep down, I think that's the rationale.
Reply:There is nothing wrong with playing the Killer so long as yu understand what reality is and that it still is just a game the fact that the media blamed doom is bull...those kids had planned it for months and months and they're constant torment from peers was their buffer Report It
Reply:i highly doubt that doom and music they listened to was their reason everyone forgot the main reason yet againkeyword.Psychotic.yeah that sounds about right..i listen to metal and Acid rap and i love playing shooter games..would i pick up a gun and kill people no.never in this life or the next Report It
Reply:Because that is something that affected the country emotionally and physically. It affected our youth. Why would anyone want to make a game about a murderous, crazed teenager(s)? That would just be wrong and indecent of the person morally to use people's grief in that way. WW 1 and 2 are about freedom and the bravery of the people who gave their lives to this country, not murdering innocent people.
Reply:Because video game designers have to put there games a moral standerds. Besides they don't exactly teach about the Columbine shooting in history books in the schools today.
Reply:I think its a timing thing.... there are people out there right now who are still grieving for lost loved ones from the Columbine shootings.... I think everyone is pretty much over World War II by now. Also there is a moral difference between glorifying acts of war as opposed to glorifying senseless acts of criminal violence.
Reply:Because making a game based on the Columbine shooting would appear to glorify the actions of the two killers there. It would be kind of like making a flight simulator where the goal was to crash into the world trade center. Glorifying a real world crime by using it as the basis for a video game is sickening.
WW1 and WW2, by comparison were wars that our country fought to preserve freedom in Europe. Glorifying the brave men and women who fought and died in those wars is not in bad taste.
Reply:I personally think they're both wrong.
Reply:I agree, either way innocent people were being killed.
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