Saturday, November 14, 2009

5th grade teacher making students watch Bowling fo Columbine?

Who would disagree? As a parent, I do not want my child being indoctrinated with the dangerous liberal messages. The teacher said it was to show what violence in the classroom causes and to show that there is a flipside to our right to bear arms that is we need to take responsibility. I think it is a way to teach children not to protect themselves and brain wash them into not using there god given rights of gun ownership, supervised, of course.

5th grade teacher making students watch Bowling fo Columbine?
No, I don't think school is the appropriate place for this film no matter what the grade. The teacher shouldn't have played that film.


Dangerous liberal messages? Like "think for yourself", "there is more than one side that has morals", and "come to your own conclusion"?

And God-Given rights of gun ownership? Where is that passage in your bible? I have KJV and NIV, and I don't recall seeing that!
Reply:they can teach this and all the other crap they teach nowadays but don't say "god bless you" or someone may get offended.
Reply:It's probably not the best thing to show 5th graders, at least it wouldn't fly here in small town Oklahoma. However, I was shown that movie in high school and again in college by the 2 greatest and most influential educators I had the privilege of learning from. There are other ways to teach kids about school violence, it's an important subject that needs to be taught from grade school on.
Reply:I used it in a high school classroom. If you don't want liberal educators, there is a shortage. Go out and teach!
Reply:I think 5th grade is a little young for that topic...maybe more appropriate for 8th grade at the youngest.

I think the more important lesson here is choosing your own beliefs whether they be liberal or should be exposed to education on the pros and cons of both.

I think both you AND the teacher are right, though, about the right to bear arms.

Yes, we do have that right but guns are a very dangerous thing if you don't know how to use them properly and for the right reasons and kids need to understand that.

Not all kids are brought up with guns in the home and know basic gun safety so the classroom is can be a good place to try to get this message across.

I think the bottom line is that you are the parent--If you don't want your kid to see the movie find a way to keep the from seeing it. You could keep them home from school that day or find out what time the movie will be shown and just pick them up from school during that time and bring them back when it is over or just communicate with the teacher that you do not want your child to see the movie and ask him'her to find some other place for your child to go (another classroom, library, etc) while the rest of the class watches the movie.
Reply:I think there are two issues here-- one is should 5th graders watch the movie? In my opinion, I think its a little early for such topics. High school or junior high would probably be more appropriate.

2nd issue is the subject matter. I have no issue with presenting such a movie. You may not like Moore but it is a good thing to see a variety of perpectives on any given topic. Certainly a right-wing equivalent wouldn't be an issue either in my book. We're supposed to teach our kids to reason, think for themselves and form their own opinions. They won't do so w/out getting multiple perspectives and opinions-- Do you really want your kid simply taking a stance on one side of an issue-- I don't. In a teaching scenario, the teacher ought not to say which is right/wrong. Now, it seems like you're advocating the same thing your criticizing-- you want to jam your opinion into your kids head.

Got news for you. It is not a GOD given right to own a weapon. It is a right granted by the constitution. I seriously doubt God wants us to own weapons if we are to believe in a New Testament view of God.

Did you even watch the movie? Sure there are staged scenes but he also points out how gun ownership in Canada different from the US (actually though, I think there are more restrictions there than he leads one to believe).
Reply:We don't need MORE teachers, we need BETTER teachers... *sigh*
Reply:God given rights to gun ownership??? This right is from God??

Anyway, i think you are misunderstanding the point that the teacher is trying to make.
Reply:While I don't think any teacher should be pushing his or her political views on children, "dangerous liberal messages" is such a stupid thing to say.

God given rights of gun ownership?

You're off your rocker. You're a few McNuggets short of a Happy Meal. Catch my drift?

This loon is the exact reason why everyone shouldn't be carrying a gun.

What militia to you belong to? And how did you get internet access inside your compound?

Please start taking your medication again before you're Baker Act'ed.
Reply:God given rights of gun ownership? I think that statement pretty much sums up where you're coming from, and it's a pretty scary place.
Reply:Like I say for all tax-paid social workers, "Leave your politics at home."


Let me rephrase that "non-elected tax-paid social workers"
Reply:I would be against only because those kids are too young. Also anything Moore does is so biased it has no place in any place as an educational tool. Almsot as bad as Gore's movie. Thats the problem today the liberal zealots and the right zealots don't engage in debate they just attack anyone who doesn't agree. About time we bring back public execution the gene pool is getting stagnant.
Reply:In my opinion, I think any "controversial" subject in schools..gun violence, sex, drugs, alcohol, should be on a "not from home" basis......the school cannot "force" my child to watch anything if I don't give them permission, unless they re going to a private school.
Reply:I don't see anything wrong with it!! I think it's great.

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