Monday, November 16, 2009

According to the movie bowling for columbine what are the causes of violence in America?

add examples from the movie

According to the movie bowling for columbine what are the causes of violence in America?
According to the movie's thesis, fear is the primary underlying force of American society that creates violence, the two secondary causes of violence (according to Moore) are conservatism and white culture.

Some examples from Moore's movie:

-fear of minorities

-fear of poor people

-fear of basically anything that is "not american"

-fear of government

-capitalism and conservatism craete laws that keep minorities in underprivileged situations, the black mom who had to work two jobs at the fudge shop in the mall, her son shot a 7 year old girl ... according to Moore, evil white conservative legislation cause the son to shoot the girl

-the cartoon over-simplifies history adn instead claims that white people are naturally afraid of anything non-white. Everythign from slavery to nuclear war can be traced to white culture of fear.

I'm not going to add anymore. Moore's movies are part fantasy, part out-right lie, with just a touch of actual fact.

You have to keep in mind that Moore's films are not documentaries. They are agenda-driven, political propaganda. Moore has a liberal, anti-capitalist, anti-conservative agenda to push and his movies are vehicles to move that agenda forward.
Reply:Based on that movie one would not have a clue since the creator tends to live in a fantasy world in his own mind. If you don't agree with his imagination of how things "should" work, then you must be evil. Why don't we look to other cities for the example like say New York or L.A. where most of the movies and music are made and sent to the rest of the world....then let's look right back at home where each of us live and see what we are doing to encourage such behavior....rather than looking to a movie for some sort of "answer"
Reply:Stupid parents and spoiled kids.

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