Monday, November 16, 2009

What have we learned since Columbine?

With the recent shootings in West Virginia sharing similarities to the Columbine incident, one has to wonder what if anything has changed in the way we treat each other at school or at work.

What have we learned since Columbine?
Sadly, nothing has changed but I can say if we talk to our children and make them aware of their surrounds and teach them to not only pay attention to other people but care about them... it is possible to see signs in others.

If you noticed, no one really got to know this boy... no one could say anything about him, what kind of society do we live in that we live with someone but don't know a thing about them?
Reply:Zero. Nothing has changed. Maybe now something will change is that too much to hope for? Hope not.
Reply:Not much. They will always be people with mental illnesses. BTW, it's Virginia, not West Virginia.
Reply:In my opinion, the main problem was in his personality. That is not his fault; that who he was. His realtives and any other close people made a big mistake just by not talking to him. Maniaks are not born...The bigest problems happen because of miscommunication. He had a problem, and noone tried to help him. That is scary, because in this country we have thousands and thousands people like him....
Reply:The loons that caused those tragedies were defective humans. We need to stop this cop-out attitude...oh they did it because they were bullied. Well boo hoo...millions of people get bullied and they didn't go bezerk. These people were missing a few brick upstairs is the true reason. And there is not much you can do to prevent mental defectives from wigging out.
Reply:i think sadly nothing has changed.
Reply:Here's some facts: Kids have been picked on in school for hundreds of years. Guns have been around and easily accessible for hundreds of years. Only now has mass murder in school become an option in some kids minds. Now that its happened a few times, its like the genies out of the bottle.

Dance Shoes

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