Monday, November 16, 2009

What would you say to the shooters of columbine if they were somehow revived back to life now?

Why'd ya do it?

What would you say to the shooters of columbine if they were somehow revived back to life now?
Quite frankly, I'd just prefer they stayed dead. There's nothing I'd really want to say to 'em....
Reply:I would ask them "How did you manage to come back to life?"

I would do this because knowing how would come in handy someday.

I am hoping they would come back looking like live guys and not att rotting and creepy zombie-like. Yechh!
Reply:watch bowling for columbine and listen to marylin manson's answer to that question.
Reply:I'd slap them upside their head and ask them "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Quit being such a baby...high school isn't the end of the world".
Reply:Great question! I'd probably ask how they were going to educate others in how to prevent it from happening again and again...
Reply:Ever been to a protest march?
Reply:I would say, thank God you are dead before you kill someone else.
Reply:"Hey kids, got a job for you - there's this nice little war going on over in Iraq. You can go over there and kill to your heart's content." That would be an ideal place for them - they probably wouldn't last a day.
Reply:I would say, "Michael Moore, you fat SOB!, how ya doin?"?????
Reply:I Would Say That I Am Sorry That Those Basterds Teased You To Death Cause I Was And I Think That You Did A World A Favor Killing Those Teasing Dogs Because The School Districts Will Never LEarn.
Reply:It's not worth it...there is life after high school, so don't let the jocks and whoever picked on you get you down.

How to keep curls in

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