Monday, November 16, 2009

Does anyone else like the Super Columbine Massacre RPG game?

Okay, I know somebody's gonna rip me a new one for this question, but I seriously want to know if anyone else think it's as fun as I do.

Does anyone else like the Super Columbine Massacre RPG game?
I didn't even know a game like that existed. I've heard of the Columbine killers making a Doom/Quake map of their school...but that was a shooter game (and of course got taken down off the net). An RPG?
Reply:Yea the game is pretty cool. I play it about twice a day and I haven't been able to beat it yet. Its fun though,but gets boreing from the low effects in the schooting screne. Report It

Reply:Well, This Ted thinks it is a disgrace, abhorant and despicable if indeed such a game exists. I am ashamed as a human being that anyone in the U.S. would create such a supposed "money grabber" off of such a terrible tragedy. This again shows the overall sickness of American society to even consider less promote such an abomination. The parents of the children lost on that tragic day must Wonder as well.
Reply:Call it morbid curiousity, but I'd actually like to know more about this game since I've never heard of it.

I'd think that creating that game would be like painting a "Sue me PLEASE" sign 10 feet high and illuminating it with neon lights.

People never cease to amaze me. Never.
Reply:You've been RIPPED!!! How in the world did this game ever make it on the shelves in the first place?? AND how can you think that something mocking something so tragic is FUN???? I hope that you never have to live through something so horrible.


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