Saturday, November 14, 2009

Does anybody think that the Virginia Tech shooting is a whacked-out repeat of Columbine?

Beyond whacked-out.

There appear to be similarities.


K-12 had their wake-up with Columbine. This will change life on college campuses across the country.

Does anybody think that the Virginia Tech shooting is a whacked-out repeat of Columbine?
Its a democratic party conspiracy to get gun contol on the table. Lets see how long it takes the democrats to get on thier little soap-box about this one.
Reply:not as whacked out as some people attempting to use the shooting as a political hot point. (see above). don't you ever just think there are things everyone can unite over?
Reply:yes, don't you find it curious that the anniversary of Columbine is April 20th and this happened in the same week? This is the week with the most school shootings. Kids are always trying to outdue Columbine. Just check a list of major school shootings and see when they happened . Mostly in April. Also the 19th is Hitler's birthday. Think about it.
Reply:If it's political I see it as another republician diversion tactic. Every time some important political issue comes up as in the current AG testimony there is some sort of diversion. It fits the attitude of the party from day one.

sandals church

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