Friday, May 21, 2010

Essay writing - Bowling for Columbine - urgent?

Hi everybody !

I've to write an essay about this movie ; "you're a journalist writing about Michael Moore' documentary. Write a movie review giving your opinion about the way he presents the Amercian society and say if in your opinion it can be an efficient means to fight against school violence."

Could you give me some help please ?! Thanks very much !


Essay writing - Bowling for Columbine - urgent?
Bowling for Columbine was an indictment against the love affair that America has always had with guns. He challenges the idea that citizens must enjoy full access to fire-arms (specifically handguns) in order to be 'free'. He demonstrates that Canadians have a much different level of trust for each other than Americans do. To put this to the test, he literally walks into an unlocked house, camera in hand, and begins interviewing a couple about why they don't feel the need to lock thier door.

For all of Moore's antics, there is a very serious message behind the film. The rights that our Constitution assures us were put in place in a very different era. It was a time when guns were an absolute MUST for Americans. The gun was a tool, used to hunt and protect the home. It was common for a militia to be used in times of need, and every man needed to bring his own arms. This carried into the 19th century, as the West was explored and border towns with very little in the way of law enforcement forced citizens to protect themselves and each other with firearms.

Moore illustrates clearly that all of these needs are now gone. Every good reason for non-law enforcement citizenry to own a gun is vastly outweighed by the deluge of tradgedy that they cause in modern society.

It's hard to deny that he presents a very good case for stricter gun laws in the U.S. The British aren't likely to invade, the cowboy and Indian days are behind us, and our children are dying. School violence is just one of a great many problems that would be eased by the banning of handguns and tighter restrictions on other firearms.

Thanks, and good night.
Reply:My advice is, expand your knowledge pool. Writing is only hard and the mental blocks tough to get over if your knowledge pool is limited. Get to know your subject like your favorite hobby; check videos, reference works, and get to know who it is you are writing about. If done properly, this will give you more than enough content to fill the paper.

Then draw your own conclusions on whether or not you agree or disagree with Moore. Just put some meat on the bone, and it shouldn't be too difficult!

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