Monday, May 11, 2009

Hey, I am doing a big project about the Columbine High School Shooting in 1999?

Hey, I am doing a big project about the Columbine High School Shooting in 1999. I would really appreciate it if you could fill out my survey below :] THANKS!!!

What do you think is the reason for school shootings?

Do you feel safe in school?

If your school has any of these:

medal detectors/video cameras/security guards/on site police officers

Does that make you feel any safer at school?

Do you believe that we as Americans should have the right to bare arms?

Do you think that 1400 kids being in a one building is safe- in other words, do you think that schools are too big to safely handle a school shoot out?

Do you think that school shootings will increase or decrease?


Hey, I am doing a big project about the Columbine High School Shooting in 1999?
it happended becuase they were being picked on for so long for being "different" you can only be picked on for so long before you lose control. when your peers pick on u constantly about the same thing, you start to let it eat away at you(know the feeling was picked on through school and after columbine because i felt for the boys who did it i had to speak with the school counselor cuz the kids in my class where afraid i was gonna do something like that and that i had connections to them 2 boys)

i always felt safe when i was in school, graduated in 2001

my school did have camera's and the doors into the school were all locked, but thats becuase someone tried to kidnap a kid. but now i believe there are more cameras, my sister goes to that same school and they have had a cpl bomb threat notes left.

to bare arms...hmmm....with extensive background checks sure.

you cant control the size of the schools most places dont have the funding to have more then one school or the kids would have to travel to far. but with security and cameras and kids who are observant then they should be able to control the situation.

school shootings will increase, they give them so much media attention and go as far as showing how to hide guns in your clothes! and you can find out how to make a bomb any where online.

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