Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do You Think Bullies In High School Breed People Like the Columbine Killers & The VA Tech Killer?

Seems like all schools have bullies of some kind. They seem to get enjoyment by picking on the different or less popular kids. I was just wondering if middle/high school bullies have something to do with the people who go crazy and just shoot everybody?

Do You Think Bullies In High School Breed People Like the Columbine Killers %26amp; The VA Tech Killer?
Well they certainly dont help the situation, but a bully cant turn a perfectly stable human being into a killer. People like those killers obviously already have mental issues, and the bullying is just the thing that sets them over the edge. I think those people are ticking time bombs. If bullying alone was enough to drive a person to that extreme, 90% of the population would be murderers.

Sorry.....but why should the subject be dropped? Its only been a few days, since 32 people were innocently slaughtered, and because you're tired of hearing about it, everyone should just drop it? Tell that to the families who've only had a few days to grieve. Tell them that it's not "hot" news anymore so you've lost interest. Maybe you'd care a bit more if one of your family members had been one of the 32 people.
Reply:Oh, HELL yes! Sorry. It is actually an established, proven, demonstrable fact. Bullies beget bullies -or worse. Abused persons become abusers -very often! (that one I can't understand-why perpetuate that which you despised? Pass it on; get a"little of your own" back?) Fortunately, just as many abused persons evolve into the people who prevent/halt abuse. Thank God. You can see it on any childrens' playground: today one child is picked on, and is upset very much by this. Tommorow it is a different child's turn to bear the brunt of the picking-on, and yesterday's victim is right there, just like yesterday had not happened to him/her. (?) IF adults and (more mature) children do not stop it, ( and it IS the responsibility of every adult who comes into contact with the behavior to STOP it in it's tracks! Everyone "gets" that children, by definition, are little savages. (This is not a "shot"; they are untutored.) They are more and more civilized as they mature, God willing, because they are taught better. The proper adults are available to the child; ones who can teach by example. It doesn't matter very much what we SAY to a child; they learn by example, and will do what they see, not what they are told. So, (too late; I know) short answer? Youbetcha!
Reply:I don't think it's the bullying that creates the violence, but rather the fact that it is over looked, and often times dismissed that creates a feeling of isolation and desperation. It doesn't help when a bully is allowed to continue for superficial benefits to the people who should be protecting the bullied. Example: a high school quarterback bullies another student. Will the administration step in to aid the bullied student? no, because that would mean the QB will miss a game. situations like that breed violent reactions. the bullied student cant fight back or it gets worse (and he will potentially get in trouble), so it continues, and the feeling of desperation grows.

i blame the parents of bullies who often encourage the behaviour. it is not video games or marilyn mansons fault that a student is picked on. it is the bullies, the administration, and the parents (of both the bullies and the bullied) who are reponsible for the suicides, school shootings, and all other problems in society%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt; (that refers to the parents who dont raise their own children)
Reply:drop iiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttt!!!!... drop the subject!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go out there and help the families if you are really that touched!!! but for gods sake, stop talking about htat guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and yes school bullies might be responsible for low self esteem, but school bullies have been around since middle ages, and i dont remember anybody shooting anybody during that time..wht?they didnt have guns?..well i dont remember anybody shooting anybody at my high school! the worst that would happen would be a good *** whipping but thats it... crazy society...
Reply:Yes, I think so to some degree. Psychological abuse can result in low self esteem and rage, but Cho chose to do what he did. Many people have thoughts like his but most don't act on them.
Reply:To a certain extent, yes. It might be a way to let out a little steam and frustration for kids from unstable homes, but when you look at the degree to which it might backfire, it can't be justified. You wouldn't know how the kid on the receiving end might take it... he might take it in stride, or he might turn into a mentally oppressed and sick individual...
Reply:I think it is the fault of the bullies at home that create the bullies in school.

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