Sunday, May 16, 2010

Should parents of columbine victims sue?

Sue who? For what? Forgetting that the statute of limitations has probably passed, what's the goal of suing? The shooters are dead, so obviously it's not about them. Sue the taxpayers, i.e, the school district or the police for not doing something that is apparent only with 20/20 hindsight? Are you and your taxpaying neighbors really responsible for the actions of a couple screwed up kids? Sue the parents of the shooters? For what purpose? Don't you think their lives already are a living nightmare as they wonder every day of their lives if there was something they could have done or should have known?

As a lawyer, I know that the legal system is no panacea. It can't bring back loved ones, it can't undo life-altering injuries, and it doesn't help anyone feel better about any of the awful things that humans come up with to destroy each other. It doesn't exact revenge and it rarely confers justice. It may be the best we have in a civilized society, but the relief it can confer is so very limited.

A sad state of affairs, to be sure.

Should parents of columbine victims sue?
Who would they sue and what would they be suing for?

Reel, you can't sue for that, and it's a state mandate, possibly federal, that guns can't be carried on a school campus. Civil suits would do nothing for that.
Reply:Yes they should sue to allow the teachers to carry weapons!
Reply:Sure, it's the American way. Sue who?


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