Sunday, May 16, 2010

Does anyone no any information on the columbine high school shooting .?

My summer college class has asked that we write a report . I know nothing of the shooting . before i begin looking up the websites i would like to ask anyone who was there . please don't get offensive . I'm just doing this report so i can get the credit . One question that is bothering me what happen to the shooters . and how can anyone shoot someone for believing in god ? And if you can give me some websites .. thanks

Does anyone no any information on the columbine high school shooting .?
Well, I wasn't present during the Columbine tragedy, but there's so much information out there that it's almost impossible to avoid! (I may exaggerate.)

Be aware that it's probably easier to find bad information on Columbine than accurate information. Consequently, it's a good idea to recognize that not everything you read--in fact, perhaps not much you read--is true. Many many many myths have arisen around the Columbine rampage beginning on April 20, 1999.

As for contacting people who were there directly, that's a pretty hard task because most of them just don't want to talk to anyone, much less strangers, about their experience. At least not anymore. There are a few books around written by survivors that will give you an idea of what they experienced. There are survivors who travel around giving formal presentations and talks about their experience, perhaps primarily to Christian groups. There are interviews with survivors that can give you insight into their feelings and thoughts. There are message boards and survivor memorials and lots of official documents with survivor interviews available online and off.

I sometimes find a message board or blog where a survivor chimes in. You do need to be skeptical about those messages, however, because many people simply lie about having been there, having known the shooters, and/or even being someone who figured prominently in the incident.

To answer your direct questions, the shooters killed themselves approximately 49 minutes after they began the assault. Or so it is believed by the authorities. The only thing for sure is that they died from gunshot wounds to the head before about 3 pm when the police finally got into the library.

The idea that anyone was shot for believing in God is one of the biggest Columbine myths. An immediate myth sprung up around one victim being killed for answering "yes" to the question of whether or not she believed in God. In fact, that young woman, Cassie Bernall, likely never spoke to either of the shooters during the incident. Another young woman, Valeen Schnurr, who WAS asked if she believed in God, had already been shot when the question was posed; I do not believe she was shot again after she answered it.

The boys who did the shooting professed to hate Christians, jocks, people of color, and basically everyone else in the world. Those they killed and wounded were by most serious researchers thought not to have been selected for any reason other than that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

An exception may be a young black man who was reportedly referred to by one of the shooters by the "n" word. On the other hand, he may have been shot because he was a school athlete. Hard to say because the shooters were ridiculing and taunting everyone using whatever they thought would make the person feel like crap.

I will refer you to some reliable websites and other resources below. Since there is so much information and so many cultural issues associated with this event, you should try to identify just one SMALL issue or topic to write about. Otherwise, you'll have a report that's totally out of control.

Good luck. Although there are many with Columbine obsessions that border on the creepy (and you can find them on websites all over the place), it is without a doubt a research topic that can become obsessive for what it says about our nation, culture, and people.

safety boots

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