Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Vtech and Columbine shooters were on antidepressants. Does this tell you anything about anti depressants?

This guy was on anti depressants. The Columbine kids were on anti depressants. Pittman(on zoloft at 12 years old) killed his grandparents. When are you people going to realize what drug companies are doing to your kids? America is a drug nation. Politicans pander to drug companies cause drug companies are the ones who have the $$$.

Keep drugging your kids America and watch more of these incidents happen. Who cares if scientists arent completely sure how these drugs work on the body. At least it appeases the massess.

Why do Americans allow themselves to be peddled by these drug companies 24/7

The Vtech and Columbine shooters were on antidepressants. Does this tell you anything about anti depressants?
Plenty of people who should be on anti-depressants are not.

Our society is creating a need for anti-depressants. Our bodies were not made to do what we are making them do.

Prior to electricity, people went to bed at sundown and awoke at sunup. Our technology is killing us.

People do not generally put their children on drugs for no reason, incidentally.
Reply:I think the real issue is why they are on anti-depressants. Its because they have serious mental issues..... and that was why they did what they did.
Reply:We should ban anti-depressants because a few nut jobs decide to kill people. Great idea. Who cares about all the other people it helps. Can we please place blame on where it belongs??? The killers.

They are NOT the answer to POOR PARENTING!

Too many parents today refuse to parent or can't parent the way that they need to because of the PC crowd. So what's the alternative?? Drugging children at an alarming rate!
Reply:It is absolutely not coincidental that all the people who went on shooting sprees in the last ten years were on SSRIS.

I agree with you are 100% but really the majority of americans prefer quick fix methods [fast food mentality]

They would rather take a pill than endure any of the suffering required for emotional growth,strength and wisdom.

There is no biological test for depression,so people just assume they have some sort of imbalance even though none of the "chemical imbalance" theories of depression have been ever been verified.

The underlying issue causing the depression and drop in serotonin is never addressed only the symptom.The pill takes away the pain but the injury is still there and will be there once they come off the pills.

If the girl above me did any research she would realise the enormous negative effects these drugs have had on society especially in the US were they are marketed much more heavily.The drug companies create problems in order to sell solutions - they are marketing depression not just the drugs.

In an analysis of efficacy data submitted to the FDA between 1987 and 1999 for six of the most popular selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, 75 to 80% of the response to medication was duplicated in placebo groups.[Placebo is a fake sugar pill]

What does that tell you???

SSRIs are not a cure, or even a particularly effective treatment for depression. Serotonin is only one of several neurotransmitters that affect mood, and if a person has a serotonin deficiency, forcing what little they have to not be re-uptaken into the synapses does not fix the problem. The fact that all cause adverse side-effects proves that this artificial chemical balancing act is not what the body wants.

Find alternatives or there are going to be more incidents like Va Tech.
Reply:We also heard , this guy drank water, could this tell us anything. no to your question.
Reply:I have been taking Zoloft for 12 years. It works for me. I tried three other drugs, before, that did not work nearly as well as does sertraline. I have not felt depressed for many years. If you have ever been depressed and were sucessfully treated with meds, you would be singing a different tune. I don't own a gun, I have not thought about killing anyone. You are just plain wrong in your beliefs.
Reply:Many anti-depressants work very very well. There's one key factor however, you have to TAKE THEM. If you don't, they can't do anything for you. If you are inconsistent about taking them, they won't work. If you take them regularly, they can be quite good.
Reply:They allow it because of the 10 billion other people who are on them that DON'T go around killing people.

Did you ever stop to think it was the mental disorder that was being treated with the anti-depressants that CAUSED them to go on a killing spree. And maybe they weren't on their meds at the time??? Or maybe the drug didn't work for them personally, this also happens....

You are generalizing BIG TIME. Just like saying because this guy wrote scary, gory stories that we shoud have seen the signs. Does this make every horror writer on the planet a homicidal maniac? I don't think so. Anti-depressants help millions everyday. All drugs have side effects and many people react differently to different drugs. If a doctor prescribes a drug and the patient doesn't feel any better or doesn't inform the doctor that they've had an ill effect on them, how is it the doctors fault? They research these drugs extensively before putting them on the market. They put them out there because they do more good then harm.

Stop trying to make scapegoats out of innocent people. The only people to blame for these tragedies are the people themselves, and possibly the loose wire in thier brain that made them carry out the acts!!!!
Reply:from all the literature I have read and my experience in this field I would have to wait until autopsy before venturing to find any conclusion related to finding the reason. Did you know or are you aware that a high percentage of spree shooters suffer from brain abnormalities, usually growths. Regardless the shootings that have occurred in recent years are all wrong.
Reply:I think the wrong drugs are illegal...
Reply:It has long been known that all forms of drugs (including medicinal) have side effects, which is why they place the white label on the packet / bottle each time you have a prescription filled at the chemist. But trying to put the blame on prescription medication is a little ignorant of you when you only know the side of the story that you have heard on the news.

If you had known any of the victims or the culprit, or even the full situation leading up to the events, then I could be a little more inclined to pay more serious thought to what you are saying.
Reply:yes, we need to STOP drugging our kids (how ironic on the war on drugs) and start giving them attention and love
Reply:Show me a link or your source that he was on antidepressants........and if he was ????... Show me that they make people kill....... WHere do you get you info?.... A Crack Jack box?. ..Bubble gum wrapper?? ... Though I agree that parents are sometimes quick to put there children on unneeded medication....Putting the blame on drug companies and scientists seems rather stupid to me

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