Sunday, May 16, 2010

I Have a Question About The Columbine Massacre.?

i jus finished watching the zero hour.

the question is 1)why didn't the police go in the school?

2)what took the police so long to get there?

3)where's the swat team?

4)how did these teens get a hold of automatic weapons?

5) where's the on campus security guards?

if the murderers didn't kill themself more people may have been injured or killed because the cops just hid behind the cars shooting with their 9mm or 45. yeah thats gonna do it. u have a 9mm and the ohter guy have an assault rifle.

I Have a Question About The Columbine Massacre.?
1. Police rarely charge into dangerous situations. Look at most hostage situations, they wait for people especially trained for such situations most of the time.

2. Don't know.

3. Not all towns have SWAT

4. They got them from one of their guardians, I think a grandfather.

5. Not all schools have security guards.
Reply:it wasn't a populated city, they aren't prepared for situations like that. not all schools have security guards, and even if there were, what are they going to do, threaten to tell their parents? you have to remember, they were kids! there's a whole chain of command to follow before storming in and killing kids wielding weapons, it doesn't happen very often.

and people will get weapons one way or another, just because its against the law doesn't mean you can't get it.
Reply:they did not enter 1-hostages, 2 unsure how many suspects and where they were

and are trained not to

2-they were spread out all over town

3. no swat in that area, had to come from different area a next city over, but they showed up soon after

4, some weapons where their parents or stolen

5. they where there but they do not carry weapons because nothing like this had happened before and were assumed as not needed
Reply:Good questions but let's be fair... hindsight in the media is 20/20. The authorities didn't handle it as best as they should have but remember that this sort of thing had never happened before so there was much confusion and chaos as they were dealing with it in real time.
Reply:that day was chaos!!! I remember seeing the live news footage. I suppose one would have to believe they didn't know immediately how many shooters were in the school. The 911 calls with the gunfire in the background had to be disturbing, where were they...(the shooters, in the school) I imagine with all the screaming and the amount of students, they couldn't just rush the school...If you recall, when seeing news footage, when the students were led outside they had their hands on top of their heads, to distinguish them from the shooters. You have parents in a frenzy, sirens, and ambulances, and on lookers, and a kid lying dead in plain site, utter chaos that day to me, so I don't think the police did anything wrong. I do however, think the parents of the two shooters are irresponsible people. How could they not know what their kids had, what they were planning, what was going on in their life....Having automatic weapons alone is disturbing. The whole event is disturbing....How they got them I don't recall.....says a lot about our society when two 17yr olds have access to automatic weapons.......
Reply:Nobody wants to be a hero like in the movies. If someone ran in the building they would be risking their life along with others. Maybe they think that if the killer panics he may shoot someone.
Reply:1)why didn't the police go in the school? They were train not to enter a situation they knew nothing about. That has been revised.

2)what took the police so long to get there? Again a situation that hadn't happen in that town before they operated under the standing operating procedures they had at the time.

3)where's the swat team? Standing by for orders and waiting to get an better understanding of the situation they are dealing with at that time there was so much confusion and conflicting stories their approach is understand what is going on and control it rather than the situation control them.

4)how did these teens get a hold of automatic weapons? You have to ask the parents on that one. They were building bombs in their bedrooms. Their parents should have taught their kids discpline rather than worry about their feelings.

5) where's the on campus security guards? Campus security guards at that time was trying to control a forset fire with a squirt gun.

hind sight is always 20/20. You have to consider what was going on at that time. Police and SWAT don't operate like do in the movies and on TV.
Reply:is the Zero Hour a movie, sorry for the question....................yes, the question is Why?

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