This guy was on anti depressants. The Columbine kids were on anti depressants. When are you people going to realize what drug companies are doing to your kids? America is a drug nation. Politicans pander to drug companies cause drug companies are the ones who have the $$$.
Keep drugging your kids America and watch more of these incidents happen. Who cares if scientists arent completely sure how these drugs work on the body. At least it appeases the massess.
Why do Americans allow themselves to be peddled by these drug companies 24/7
The Vtech shooter was on antidepressants, so were the Columbine shooters. Does this tell u anything ?
Drugs are bad... m'kay
Reply:It tells me his Islamic belief were giving him serious bad in fact, he had the Islamic phrase "Ismail's Ax" tattooed on his arm for all eternity
Reply:Maybe, um, they were depressed? Could that be why they were on anti-depressants?
Correlation does not mean causation - by your logic, ice cream causes murder.
Reply:as far as i'm concerned,that is just an exuse not to find the real problem.thousands of ppl in this country,including myself,are on antidepressants.they need to stop using ppl on meds as an excuse.
Reply:What does it tell you? Um, that people who go on mass shootings tend to be depressed? Correlation != causation.
Reply:pragmatic likes to post the wild ramblings of his sordid imagination, just ignore him.
Reply:everyone seems to have the excuse that this happened because they were depressed. This is exactly the problem these days, things that people do are almost excused when they can cry something like depression, or some other psyche disorder.
Stuff like this plain didnt happen 50 years ago, why is that ? because people had responsibility for their actions and if life dealt them lemons they toughened up, picked their chin up and dealt with it... they didnt cop out and cry insane, depressed, drugs,or in general not my fault.
Reply:Umm...its not the drugs that are causing the people to kill, its the depression, the drugs are supposed to help get rid of it...
Reply:He threw little bottles at people? Drugs don't kill. Guns do.
Reply:Well, I think that they were put on the anti-depressants to prevent depression and other symptoms caused by an underling problem. However, I guess either they stopped taking them, or they didn't work. I don't believe that most anti-depressants cause violent behavior. I believe that it could indirectly slightly change behavior to a more undesirable state, also vice versa, changing bad behavior to good behavior.
Reply:I agree. The meds didn't help my depression and I felt better when I went off of them. I took some leftovers later and they messed me up. I have worked in the counseling field and have had many young people tell me that they know the meds make them feel crazy. God is a better pill to swallow. Getting away from the many violent electronics (tv, internet, games, etc) help. The psychs do get kickbacks for prescribing them and will experment with many of them.
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