Friday, November 13, 2009

Did the NRA really have a rally in Denver right after the Columbine Massacre?

Do they really oppose legislation to keep suspected terrorists from buying weapons?

Did the NRA really have a rally in Denver right after the Columbine Massacre?


Apparently, in the name of fair play and freedom the NRA would like to better arm the terrorists we are fighting

Sit down...pick up a weighted object, baseball bat, tire iron....hit yourself in the head 40 to 50 times...swing as hard as you possibly can

Now you are ready to think like a Republican

....see now how the NRA seems like a perfectly normal organization for freedom loving, warm fuzzy patriotic Americans....

now that your brain has suffered severe damage

See, that's the secret to being a good Republican

...nice of the fellow posting below to provide such a wonderful example...Thank you but you really didn't have to
Reply:they did have their convention in Denver and 8000 people protested......
Reply:Yes, they oppose legislation to keep suspected terrorists from buying weapons. John Ashcroft said that doing so violates their right to privacy.
Reply:The rally was already scheduled.

No, they don't oppose legislation to keep suspected "terrorists" from buying weapons. They are just all Americans should be...that if these laws are passed it will restrict law abiding Americans, which have the RIGHT to own guns, from getting them

If you don't like the fact that we have the right to own guns in this country, as granted by our Bill of Rights and CANNOT be really should move to a country that does not allow private citizens to own firearms.

See, if you disagree with the bill of aren't being an American who's speaking his are literally an enemy to all the free people in this country. You cannot negotiate, change or alter those rights.

That was the sole purpose of the Bill of keep our government..and the wimps that beg the government to protect them...from taking away our freedom. If the fact that the right to bears arms was the SECOND most important right our founding fathers wanted the people of this country to have doesn't tell you something....i really cannot help you.

Now I'm not some dimwit idiot who tells everyone that thinks something is wrong with this country to leave. But if you really don't like our bill of honestly should leave...and a find a country that suits you. Because you cannot take that right from us...and wouldn't want to try.
Reply:The NRA had their annual national convention in Denver, yes. Not a "rally".

No, they do NOT oppose legislation to keep suspected terrorists from buying weapons, as long as it doesn't also infringe upon the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.
Reply:The constitution made it clear that the founding fathers thought that anyone should be free to keep and bear arms-- not just those whom you or some selfrighteous fraud deem worthy or safe enough to handle a weapon.. It is still America and all her citizens have rights.
Reply:Get informed.

A middle school principal ended a killing spree by a pair of kids in Missouri a few years ago. He retrieved his legal and registered pistol from his car and disarmed the two punks who killed a teacher and a couple of classmates.

If trained and armed adults had been at Columbine or Virginia Tech, the whack-jobs who preyed on unarmed people could have been stopped like the two in Missouri.

The NRA has the best firearm safety program outside the military, and they have trained millions. They are advocates for LEGAL and RESPONSIBLE gun ownership.

Wait for the cops, and you'll likely be waiting for the coroner. The government and its minions aren't mommy or daddy, and they can't kiss it and make it better. This country was built by self-reliant people.
Reply:Did they really had security guards?
Reply:Yes they did, and they would sell weapons to Bin Ladin even if he was draped in the Saudi flag, singing death to America, strapped with suiside bombs.
Reply:They went ahead with a previously scheduled conference, yes. It wasn't a rally.

As for the security guards, I would like to see the evidence that supports your claim. I hadn't heard that before.
Reply:YES - but that's their right.......
Reply:Probably... they do love their guns. I think every time some crazy goes on a rampage and kills a bunch of people.. some NRA people should be picked up and thrown in jail too.. after all it is because of them that there are guns on the street.

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